Rust Communities Archive RCA-
Rust Communities Archive RCA-
15 March, 2023
Hudson633 24 Aug, 2023 @ 8:13am
Government raids
Despite the safety against being raided, threats from an opposing group (or the anticipation of an attack from one) against the village have been a casus belli for the Government to strike first, either launching the raid on the spot, or planning the action in advance to gather more members. The Government has a PvP culture, often launching raids against local bases.

An ambition of the Government is to wipe out all players from a server - they achieved this atleast once, which brought "peace" to the server. A general said in Nov 2023 that a traingle tc should be placed outside of raided bases so that "no one can move in". This ambition is not shared by all the members, as some prefer the server they play on to remain populated.

Aggressive strategies are often used, as groups of friends within the Government go raiding for profit, sometimes building a raid base, or (rarely) an anchor point. Sometimes they seal the breach (which generally seems to be the case during online raids or when fighting counter-raiders). The prolific raiding results in some mistaken raids, which are simply patched up, with new door codes being sent to the sleepers.

Friendly fire
Uniforms are rarely used, as the team system is realied on heavily, which can result in friendly fire when invites aren't managed (such as when the team is full). Crouch-checks are sometimes used, but they largely fell out of use after the clan table was introduced, which resulted in friendly fire because (like the team system) it wasn't large enough for the group.

Their Discord server is used for communication. The decentralized culture offers little coordination when there are no leaders to ensure overlapping communication. Through American individualism, members are more or less expected to know what they should be doing, so experience is essential. There can be mishaps, and the classical Government raid involves some of the raiding force moving into a sealed target base, with no cues given to the remaining (stranded) members.

Loot division
Loot Goblins are not appreciated. The loot is often divided up equally when back at the village after a raid - with the first pick going to the suppliers of the boom, although there have been cases of bounty theft, which is harsh for new members that were treated as little more than cannon-fodder to begin with.

See also

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Last edited by Hudson633; 1 Dec, 2024 @ 9:44am
Date Posted: 24 Aug, 2023 @ 8:13am
Posts: 0