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Rust Communities Archive RCA-
15 March, 2023
Hudson633 24 Aug, 2023 @ 12:42am
Koof on the Roof
Originally posted by Clout:
In a world of pixels and Rusty terrain,
Where virtual adventures set hearts aflame,
There stood a gamer, a mischievous bloke,
Whose rooftop antics became quite a joke.

"Koof on the Roof," this legend they'd say,
A player of games, with a skill to display.
He perched up high, his sniper in hand,
Aiming for targets, a one-man band.

With pixels as bullets, his sights locked on tight,
He peered through the scope, ready for the fight.
From his lofty domain, he'd take a clear aim,
A sharpshooting legend, known for his fame.

Down below, unaware of their fate,
Unsuspecting players would casually skate.
But little did they know, in the virtual realm,
Koof on the Roof would overwhelm.

His shots were precise, each bullet a dance,
As he'd pick them off, one by one, in a trance.
The chaos erupted, panic filled the air,
As victims respawned, caught in despair.

But amidst the chaos, a flicker of grace,
Koof on the Roof, a smile on his face.
For in this digital realm, he was king,
A master of shooting, the praises would ring.

Yet as the sun set on this Rusty domain,
Koof on the Roof would rest his long-range aim.
For he knew in his heart, beyond all the strife,
It was just a game, a momentary life.

So let us remember, in this virtual abode,
That pixels and games can be quite the load.
But behind the screen, real people reside,
With dreams and hopes, on the other side.

In the realm of Rust, let's foster respect,
For the adventures we share, for what we expect.
For "Koof on the Roof" and gamers alike,
In this digital realm, let's find common delight.

This poem (titled Koof on the Roof) was posted in the Government Discord server's main channel by Clout on 26th June 2023. By Aug 2023, Koof held the rank of general in the Government. A user nicknamed noob notes that the poem was generated by AI.

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Last edited by Hudson633; 2 Nov, 2023 @ 8:43pm
Date Posted: 24 Aug, 2023 @ 12:42am
Posts: 0