Rocket League Marketplace RL.MP
Rocket League Marketplace RL.MP
18 September, 2016
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Megasi 2 Oct, 2016 @ 11:23am
"Trading" forum Rules and Instructions
This discussion page is where all trading is done. Post a thread following the rules below:

>>>>> RULES <<<<<

1. The title must follow this tag format, exacly as it is:
"[H] XXX [W] YYY"
-> Good title: "[H] Dominus GT [W] Offers".
-> Bad titles: "want crates, add me" ; "ATTENTION, I HAVE THIS [H] Dominus GT [W] Offers"

2. The description is open to specifications of the trade, such as details on what can or can't be offered, time available to negociate with the trader, etc.

3. The following actions are NOT ALLOWED and may result in a kick from the group:
  • Transactions including real money, game DLC's or items from other games like CS:GO (goes against Rocket League's EULA and ToS) (PLEASE ONLY TRADE THESE ON THEIR RESPECTIVE FORUMS)
  • Creating multiple posts containing the same content
  • Posting trades to the specific forums they are posted in
  • Begging for free items
  • Scamming
  • Rude or offensive comments and behaviour

4. After a trade is completed, please delete the thread created for that trade, do not change its title or leave a comment saying it's closed.

If you have questions about item prices, please don't post them here. Use the Price Listing subforum to ask the rest of the community for help!

These rules are subject to change at any moment.
Last edited by Megasi; 5 Nov, 2016 @ 8:51am