RL Swaps & Trades RLS&T
RL Swaps & Trades RLS&T
29. oktober 2017
Alle diskusjoner > Giveaways > Emnedetaljer
Dette emnet er blitt låst
GOATOfAllTime 3. mars 2018 kl. 7.59
Vote for Week #12 Winner
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STORY #1: NutsNBolts
Growing up on a farm, I have had a lot of responsibilities not too common amongst teenagers. I fed the chickens, painted fences, milked big cows and took care of little cows. One of the little cows took affection to me, a calf named Zoe. Zoe imprinted on me like a baby duckling, and we did everything together. She would ride with me in the farm truck when we went to town for groceries. She usually sat in the truck with her head out of the window in the supermarket parking lot when I went in to buy the week's groceries. It seemed to me that she would stare at the gothic church across the street from the truck. This church always seemed out of place, and by nature of Zoe's fascination with the building, I'm sure she thought the same. At the very precipice, a gargoyle whose bright red eyes seemed to follow the truck in and out of the parking lot. Despite it being unnerving, I only had passing thoughts of its appearance. One day, I walked out the supermarket with the week's groceries to find Zoe yelping 10 feet in the air, held in the stony arms of the very gargoyle. It was alive! And it had my Zoe! Out of options, I pelted the stone demon with frozen waffles, which was surprisingly effective. It dropped Zoe to escape, and luckily, I caught her just in time. I owe my friend's rescue to the famous breakfast item!

STORY #2: mo_6744
Breathing heavily, I sprinted in the direction of what I thought was safety. Not daring to look behind me to see how much ground I had gained over what was chasing me, I took refuge behind a large oak tree; hoping, praying that they hadn't spotted me. A little cow seemed to have the same idea as I had since she was crouched behind the tree too. In an instant, a stampede of gargoles flew past me.
But it wasn't over. I knew these gargoles were a danger to society. They had taken away too many lives and I knew I had the opportunity to end this now. I gritted my teeth and reached inside my backpack. I had prepared myself for this apocalypse with three items. A pistol, some ninja stars and a small catapult. I had to act fast, so I grabbed the weapon I believed to be best suited for this situation and accompanied it with some waffles I had pocketed to compensate for my incomplete breakfast. The fate of the town was in my hands but luckily I was known as the 'fastest gun slinger in the west'.
Instantly, I screeched to gain the herd's attention and loaded my weapon while simultaneously mounting the cow to charge. The gargoyles were met with a shower off ammunition. But as they dropped, I was running out of ammo so I decieded to do what any solider would do in my position: drop the catapult and use the pistol.
That day changed my life. A statue of me and the cow were put up in my honour. The world's first cowboy.

Alle diskusjoner > Giveaways > Emnedetaljer