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29 October, 2017
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Write a story out of 3 Rocket League items BELOW for a chance to win 10 keys!

Alien, Satelite, Worried Watermelon


To enter, leave a comment with your story about the 3 items above ^^. Entries closes on Friday. The best 2 entries will go head-to-head and the very best story will be decided via a vote from our group members. The winner will be announced on Monday along with next week's 3 new items. Good luck!

  • No Plagiarism (Automatic disqualification)
  • No longer than ~250 words, entries must be of a reasonable length
  • No profanity or controversial topics
  • Only ONE submission per week
Originally posted by Rusel:
I remember it like it was yesterday. That day that changed everything...How can I forget it?

It was Tuesday, 25 June 2049. We were just getting ready to launch our last food satellite into space. It was so wonderful. Imagine a satellite driving to the depths of the unknown releasing food hoping that someone or something will find it and bring it back to us like it happened last time. When the Grobigies from the Delta 0XZ system found our strawberry and brought it back to us thinking we were sending peace messages. Those aliens were looking like monsters from hell but when they came to Earth with the strawberry, we knew they came in peace and so did they. Well if you don’t mind that they landed on the pentagon building twice because they thought that’s the landing place.

The thing is that last time, after they brought back the strawberry, something strange had happened to it. It was alive and not only a normal one but a sad one. We were afraid that a virus from the Grobigies had implanted into it so we burned it with toxic fire. But little did we know that a seed fell of it and form it, it grew, The Worried Watermelon came alive, devouring people and poor animals. We had some years trying to defeat it and finally after 5 years we did defeat it. By biting it. Weird huh ? Hopefully this time nothing like that will happen and that our satellite will bring us even nicer aliens and no alive Worried Watermelon.
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Showing 1-15 of 23 comments
Fuze 8 Jan, 2018 @ 8:05am 
I was eating my Watermelone but i don't know why the Watermelone was worried and 2 min after a Alien came and Shot to a Sattelite and the Sattelite destroyed my house lol.
Ivy 8 Jan, 2018 @ 8:10am 
I and my friend was in home my friend my and he go to get a Worried WaterMelon in the kitchen
he look out the window and he saw a Satelite he run in leaving room and tell me we run out site the home and we saw a Alien Ship.

Alien Ship land and open the door's and we Saw the alien that was diffrend Ailen he wasn't green or grey he was a friend and I were surprised and the alien put the renke in a backstrap, we thought it was some kind of space gun or worse.

And they really pull out a tiny white bear. And he asked, "Is there a boy named Matt here" and I answered with a fear "Yes" please, your bear gave it to me and flew off
Skinnylama 8 Jan, 2018 @ 8:22am 
It was summer, 2011. The Nevada space headquarters was preparing to launch the Octane 76 space shuttle. The skies were clear, and engine were running... but something wasn't right. The satellites detected something on their radar. Their was another shuttle in the sky, almost 5 times as big as the Octane 76. The headquarters administrators were worried. Soon they saw the object in the sky. It was huge, and had lights, and weird symbols all over it. The satellites were down in the sky. The cities were rioting. The shuttle was so big it covered all of the satellites in the area, so their was no power. Soon the shuttle landed, just 5 miles away from the headquarters. The headquarters sent troops to inspect the shuttle. All of the troops arrived at the shuttle. They stood outside of it, guns at the ready. A large door slowly opened at the front of the shuttle. Three aliens walked out of the shuttle, one of them looking of high importance. The alien clicked a button on his uniform, and began to speak. "We come in peace. Our planet was destroyed due to a nuclear war on the planet. Their is a certain food that our people need just as much as you humans need oxygen, and water. That food is watermelon. We come here to take your planets supply of watermelon, and leave in peace." The government agreed to give the aliens their supply of watermelons, in exchange for examples of their high- tech devices, to analyze. All of the watermelons were loaded onto the shuttle and they took off, only being on earth for 3 months. The government used the technology too create new devices, and that is how earth lost their watermelons, and met aliens.
The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question.
Rusel 8 Jan, 2018 @ 8:24am 
I remember it like it was yesterday. That day that changed everything...How can I forget it?

It was Tuesday, 25 June 2049. We were just getting ready to launch our last food satellite into space. It was so wonderful. Imagine a satellite driving to the depths of the unknown releasing food hoping that someone or something will find it and bring it back to us like it happened last time. When the Grobigies from the Delta 0XZ system found our strawberry and brought it back to us thinking we were sending peace messages. Those aliens were looking like monsters from hell but when they came to Earth with the strawberry, we knew they came in peace and so did they. Well if you don’t mind that they landed on the pentagon building twice because they thought that’s the landing place.

The thing is that last time, after they brought back the strawberry, something strange had happened to it. It was alive and not only a normal one but a sad one. We were afraid that a virus from the Grobigies had implanted into it so we burned it with toxic fire. But little did we know that a seed fell of it and form it, it grew, The Worried Watermelon came alive, devouring people and poor animals. We had some years trying to defeat it and finally after 5 years we did defeat it. By biting it. Weird huh ? Hopefully this time nothing like that will happen and that our satellite will bring us even nicer aliens and no alive Worried Watermelon.
PoM_Papa 8 Jan, 2018 @ 9:03am 
Im not good at writing stories..
There was a happy watermellon, but one day the watermelon got worried cus it couldt find its satelite. so it was really sad and then a alien come to its house and sucked it up like a cow, and then the Mr. Worried Waternelon was sad all his days. A Story written by Jonas Hansen , im 14 yrs old and i live in denmark. Have a nice day :D
red 8 Jan, 2018 @ 9:20am 
One day a long time ago I saw a '99 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 I instantly said "Wow nice car". That next morning I woke up looking at the Ceiling and I wonderd how the day would go I guess you could call it Wonderment. That after noon I started to play some CS:GO I thouht to myself "Im going to go Lone wolf.
craglin 8 Jan, 2018 @ 12:33pm 
So there was the watermelon, and he was always worried about everything. One day, he heard about an opportunity to go into space. He applied instantly, and ended up being chosen. At first he was worried, shocking huh, but after talking with his friends, he decided that he would be alright with going. So after all the preparation, take off, and travel, he had arrived at Planet X. He met the creatures of the planet, and soon realized that even though they were aliens to him, he was actually the alien. They were the natives, he was the outsider. After his 2 day period of staying on Planet X, he began his journey home. On the way, he had to stop and fix 4 different satellites, one for each direction on the compass. When he arrived back home he was viewed as a hero, but he learned something more important than the fame. He learned that being know as the Worried Watermelon was not as fun as he remembered. He is now confident in everything he does, and doesn’t worry about anything.
Observe- 8 Jan, 2018 @ 1:45pm 
The native aliens from planet Worried the Watermelon people was living life normally trading there rocket league items, then one day the poor Worried went into the most dangerous place of them all. The Lowballers, he went there thinking that he would have a chance of getting some cheap items but boy was he wrong. Instead he was greeted with scammer trying to give hime items such as Satelites for his 10 keys but he did know better. But, in the end of the day he had wasted all of his time and hadn't even had a key's profit to show for it. Until then suddenly... Sam came threw the open window in his bedroom and gave him the best offer he has had all day, and from there on out the little poor Worried from Watermelon became the riches man on Bubbles. This was all thanks to the man the myth the legend SAM.

ReapZxReaper 8 Jan, 2018 @ 2:13pm 
I was chilling in the sitting room with my imaginary girlfriend, netflix and chill, Rick and Morty because we're above the average IQ, suddenly...
the signal went out, I rush outside the door to check because I lose brain cells as my Rick and Morty show is interrupted, I see an Alien trying to use my satellite as his antennas,
as his UFO was behind him, through the windows, I could see a depressed worried watermelon locked in a cage with barbed wires, I went to the closet, grabbed my AR, shot those mofos down, saved the worried watermelon and invited him over to watch rick and morty with me.
We're now best friends and we do illegal activities together.
spartakos1405 9 Jan, 2018 @ 8:15am 
I was relaxing at the beach, drinking some beer and eating an worried watermelon with my friends.Then the worried watermelon started talking an told us that Alien will come from Sattelite to kill us all. We believed him and started running. Then my friend called us and told it was a prank.
FOX 9 Jan, 2018 @ 8:20am 
i dont know english
AndreWar 9 Jan, 2018 @ 8:44am 
Psyonix had a new idea. A lot of people were not playing the game anymore. They gotta come up with something fresh or ... Rocket League will die. There is still hope tho. They came up with an idea to do a space map.Satelites were flying all over the map and benneth the border as well. It was a new gamemode, where you were an alien flying in a spaceship, making new maneuvres and trying to hit the ball into a big circle But...suddenly the update broke. They were worried as a worried watermelon, making sad faces. Like from anotehr world an alien appeared. The workers were thinking they know him from somewhere. '' Oh yeah'' ''That is the alien from our game'' said one worker. The alien spoke to them through telekinesis and said: '' The satelites on our map are broken'' The workers listened to him and immediately started fixing it. They fixed it in 4 weeks. The satelite was hacked. But the gamemode was working fine now. Everyone got back to the game and played this gamemode. The hacker was found 2 months later. It was the '' Worried Watermelon''....
Zen 9 Jan, 2018 @ 9:22am 
soo one day i was worried about aliens in space coming to earth, about satelites falling from the sky and etc. Then i asked myself "do you really believe in that?". so i went and ate a watermelon and my lil sister said that i looked worried. I joked and told her that it was melons fault. Now we call it worried melon
Exmed 9 Jan, 2018 @ 9:46am 
It was a rainy day and I was sitting in my warm house and drinking a warm, tasty mug of chokolate. The TV was shouting about some satelite that had chrached right into a naighberhood and that about 14 persons now had no home, and 5 is missing. I were tired and didn't really think of what the TV said until...
- We just got news of a new satelite is comig. Right into the little naighborhood Sengton.
I spilled all my hot chokolate over myself and wasen't ready for the shock I got of that it were so hot.
Then I thinked, Is it coming into my naightborhood... but why... what is happening. Saddenly the TV turned of. I panicked. Whats happening. The lights turned of. I screemed. The next thing were taking everything down. The satelite. I fell. My house broke and got totally destroyed. And the sound like broked my ears. For a second I even tought that my watermelon I would have to lunch also were worried. I looked up when I got up fron the floor and saw something that I had thought were inpossible... until now. It came across me. I closed my eyes. This can't be real, this can't be happening. I heard the footsteps from the ailien coming closer and closer...

I heard a noise, I opened my eyes. Everyting was dark. Saddenly a light came from the mystcal room I were in. It was big and smelled bad. It looked like a prision room. Then I saw the worried watermelon, yeah, It actually were worried. It sat in the corner of the room.In the front of him at the floor it was wrote 'U better get awey' with watermelon. Then I relized that the melon was dead. I ran. The bars stoped me. The light died. I heard the bars open and blind I tryed to ran. I fell to the wet ground and could hear someone walk in front of me. Then everyting got even darker... and quiet... I couldn't move. It was a fast stab and I didn't even feel that it hurt...
Last edited by Exmed; 10 Jan, 2018 @ 9:13am
dannel 10 Jan, 2018 @ 5:06am 
iam a aluien and i love watermelons and satelights too so iam worried about it that i liked that so much xD
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