Retro Gamers Unite !ALPHYS
Retro Gamers Unite !ALPHYS
14 July, 2013
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How Did You All Become Retro Gamers?

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MaethePumkinQueen 8 Nov, 2014 @ 10:03pm 
I'm 18. I realized I like older games rather than new ones. Originality is a dead art form these days.:conwayshrug:
Amazing Karios 29 Oct, 2014 @ 5:23pm 
I am a 24 year old gamer.
Madcat 29 Oct, 2014 @ 11:46am 
Found this randomly, but all the games listed on the group paged? A good handful of them were my PC childhood. So what the hell, I figure I'd find people to play Descent and other games with.
[4UT15M N4T10N] Azon Bobcat 29 Oct, 2014 @ 6:38am 
My Dad is 53 years old,but he still playing modern and old games,actually,back in my childhood, he was told me a lots of storys about gaming of 90s,nowdays i am 15,and love old games more than most of new,and my dad still respect me for that.(sorry for my English,I am Russian:happycthulhu:)
Sharpy 27 Oct, 2014 @ 8:53pm 
magic land dizzy
777eza 27 Oct, 2014 @ 3:39pm 
That could be as well tho we did use to play a ton of killing floor.
GRD5000 27 Oct, 2014 @ 1:19pm 
Nostalgia. This is my favorite group :duke:
Avangoth 27 Oct, 2014 @ 1:00pm 
In my case? Too much time with NES and Shadow Warrior mate... Waaaaay too much time...
tayto 27 Oct, 2014 @ 12:18pm 
Eza, I thought we met on this group. I could be wrong though.
777eza 27 Oct, 2014 @ 9:20am 
This group was going to take me back to the pass, to play the... good games that rocked... actually I was invited by moorg I think.