TF2RPG realtf2rpg
TF2RPG realtf2rpg
30 July, 2017
Yimura 11 Aug, 2017 @ 3:34pm
Quest ideas
Here you post your ideas on quest
The theme of the RPG is medieval keep this in mind when designing your quests!

A few things that you need to fill in:
  • Name of the quest: ...
  • Sort of quest: Collect, Rescue, Boss, Grind, ...
  • Explain your idea: ...
  • Skill level of the quest: Beginner/Easy/Medium/Hard/Very hard/Insane
  • Twists: secret boss attack, ...
  • Optitional: Already have an idea for a model or surrounding tell us!
  • Extra: Any extra ideas to add to it.

Keep in mind guys this is still a game engine from 10 years old also this is still TF2 a FPS be realistic so you aren't dissapointed with the end product because balancing was needed.
Last edited by Yimura; 12 Aug, 2017 @ 3:24am
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Yimura 11 Aug, 2017 @ 3:42pm 
  • Name: The Rogue Mage of the State
  • Quest type: Boss
  • Explaination: After a rogue mage ravaged the city you get the quest to take him down before he brings more destruction!
  • Skill lvl: medium/hard
  • Twist: after half of his hp has been depleted he gets a damage buff
  • Model: Uses the Merasmus Model
  • Extra: none
Last edited by Scog; 12 Aug, 2017 @ 1:12am
CAT 12 Aug, 2017 @ 12:35am 
Not sure how easy boss quests are to make. Sure if they were a group thing, like a merasmus fight but solo-bosses would be significantly harder to make.
Yimura 12 Aug, 2017 @ 1:31am 
You'd have to make an AI for it but but but you could use the AI from the skeleton king
FishTigress 12 Aug, 2017 @ 3:06am 
  • Name: Give Us Back Our Snack!
  • Quest type: Collect/Rescue
  • Explanation: A monster crawled to your team's base and stole your precious sandviches! Fetch them before the beasts get their share!
  • Skill level: Beginner
  • Twists: Not really a twist but the player would have to fight a few, 3-6 enemies before reaching the flag (bag of sandviches) and bring it back to their base or to a set goal.
  • Models: CTF flag/bag, sandviches-on-plates in the ending (flag would turn into sandviches when reaching goal). Monsters could be tiny/regular-sized skeletons.
  • Extra: Players win a low-level item/weapon to help them out or/and a little bit of XP to get them going. Could be a team quest but also could be done solo.
Last edited by FishTigress; 12 Aug, 2017 @ 3:07am
CAT 12 Aug, 2017 @ 4:53am 
Try to keep the quests as simple as possible, and for now don't come with boss/npc related quests such as Fish suggested above.

More appropriate quests would be things like "kill 10 enemies" or "earn 100 credits".
silver 12 Aug, 2017 @ 5:13am 
  • Name of the quest: Attack on Gnomes
  • Sort of quest: Grind
  • Explanation/Description: Please, adventurer. Help out a person in need.

    Everything is gone! Everything! How dare they steal from me? How dare they! Filthy miscreants. Hero, please retrieve my goods from those outlaws. They won't give them up without a fight, which is fine by me. Kill those cruel gnomes. I wish I could join you, but alas I cannot. Know that I've put all my faith in you, you will succeed. I know it.
    I'm sure you're capable to deal with those gnomes. You can kill as many of them as you wish, destroy all of them if you want, curse those lowlives.

    It pains me to say I won't be able to reward you with a lot, but I'll do my best to make it worth your while. Good luck hero, not that you need it, but a little extra won't hurt.

  • Skill level of the quest: Easy
  • Twists: None
  • Optitional: You could use the engineer model + suitable cosmetics
  • Extra: Mission Criteria: Destroy all hostile Gnomes
In addition, quests should be linked to the enviroment. e.g overturned carriage, a dead body.
Last edited by silver; 12 Aug, 2017 @ 5:16am
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