Razzart Visual razzart
Razzart Visual razzart
7 June, 2018
Fenrir 23 Feb @ 8:15pm 
I'm willing to wait and see what happens. If Razz is done with games, then maybe they'll hand off their projects to someone else who can finish them. Either way, I will maintain hope that someday we will see the games and patches that we were promised. I love Wolf Tails and I was really excited to see the harem update they promised, so we'll see what they do next.
Роберт Капман 23 Feb @ 1:18pm 
Another year, another trying not to make any games promised.
Роберт Капман 30 Dec, 2024 @ 1:07am 
They say that for 2 years. Or they lie, or just don't even know, but pretending to protect thefriend of them.
For my perspective, they equaly doing bulls$ht.
Elleandra 20 Dec, 2024 @ 3:25pm 
The last thing I heard about Razz was a tweet by @AikasaColle on September 22, 2022. They wrote: Aikasa Collective ~ 相傘収集(あいがさこれ) 🦋
I saw her 2 weeks ago. She's doing okay. Something very serious happened recently so she's trying hard to manage that. She is determined to eventually work on her games. I'll actually be helping with one of them. I just need to finish one more thing and I'll switch to her work.
Stardust 23 Nov, 2024 @ 3:31pm 
I bought Love Ribbon and I cannot get the 18+ patch to work. At all.

I tried on both my PC and my Steam Deck and the game always tells me to 'check the website'... but it also says the DLC is installed.

Wolf Tails sees it's patch just fine.
Roll Fizzlebeef 15 Nov, 2024 @ 7:31am 
Yeah, I'm thinking Razz just absconded with everyone's money and had no intention of giving us those games or the 'harem' DLC for Wolf Tails. It's even worse knowing that they're alive and actively choosing to do this, rather than something happening and forcing them to. If the latter were true, you'd think they'd make a post somewhere telling us that.

So yeah, I'm thinking they're just being ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and taking off with everyone's money. Don't buy their games, people! Don't support this behavior!
Fenrir 5 Nov, 2024 @ 4:22pm 
I saw that on Patreon before the page was yanked. If Razz wants to pull the plug, that's their prerogative, but I would like to believe that we might at least get that game.
King Of Strangeness 5 Nov, 2024 @ 2:43pm 
i wish, from the looks of it it looked like it was about 90% finished before the vanishing
Fenrir 5 Nov, 2024 @ 12:42pm 
I'm still maintaining hope for "Let's seduce the heroine"
King Of Strangeness 5 Nov, 2024 @ 5:33am 
doubt she died, so most likely just bailed
Роберт Капман 5 Nov, 2024 @ 5:18am 
She is either dead or just vanished from internet for some reason.
I don't like make guess, but NO post, NO update promise was given and that's it?
I am disappointed.
King Of Strangeness 19 Jun, 2024 @ 3:31pm 
could it be an automatic thing? or was it manually done?
Роберт Капман 19 Jun, 2024 @ 3:11pm 
Still don't know what was changed.
Роберт Капман 19 Jun, 2024 @ 3:09pm 
Their last updates were about 2 mouth ago.
King Of Strangeness 14 Jun, 2024 @ 4:20pm 
@Roll Fizzlebeef. yeah, i dont understand most of itch inner workings, but it seems to be a manual thing as their older titles have much older dates to them
King Of Strangeness 14 Jun, 2024 @ 4:18pm 
yeah i get that (dont get starlight vega cuz its peak") and i get your frustrations, basically the entire fanbase has similar opinions from the niche posts ive been able to find questioning the sudden ghosting
Roll Fizzlebeef 14 Jun, 2024 @ 4:17pm 
@King Of Strangeness

Really? Well, at least there's an update on something. So they're still alive, at least. I'll have to go by that site and check, but I wish they'd update their Steam page too. Still, thanks for letting me know!
Roll Fizzlebeef 14 Jun, 2024 @ 4:15pm 
@King Of Strangeness

I've never been a patron of theirs, so I didn't know that, but I'll reword my earlier statement. They ran off with their patrons' money back when it was still up. And paying for the 3 games they 'completed' is up to the consumer. I say 'completed' because there was supposed to be DLC coming for those that we never got (like the 'group' ending for Wolf Tails), but at least the base games are complete. To each their own, and the base games are sort've okay (Starlight Vega has a serious problem, but I won't go into that here unless I'm asked), but all-in-all they're passable.

I'd just like it if they would let us know SOMETHING about what's going on. Or, if they are dead, then I'd appreciate it if someone told us that. What I'm mainly pissed off about are the ♥♥♥♥ they said was 'coming soon', getting us all hyped for upcoming content (Let's Seduce The Heroine, the aforementioned DLC for Wolf Tails, etc.), just to ghost on us.
King Of Strangeness 14 Jun, 2024 @ 4:08pm 
i checked razzes itch. io site and saw that "lets seduce the heroine" was atleast last updated May 21, 2023, i think thats the most recent activity ever ive been able to find
King Of Strangeness 14 Jun, 2024 @ 4:01pm 
i dont think its been up for some years now, but true, id rather say ran off with patreon money than people paying for whats out and finished though
Roll Fizzlebeef 14 Jun, 2024 @ 3:36pm 
@King Of Strangeness

Because of their Patreon. I don't know if it's still up, but I know people were pledging throughout all of this. We've even gotten comments here (or on various pages about their games) about people complaining about that. That's what I meant about running off with money. Even with their completed games, they've been promising DLC that never happened so people kept supporting them. The DLC never appeared and they never completed any of the games they said were 'coming soon'. So yeah, they ran off with people's money.
King Of Strangeness 14 Jun, 2024 @ 5:51am 
how would they run off with money... from complete games?
Roll Fizzlebeef 14 Jun, 2024 @ 12:30am 
@King Of Strangeness

The only way I can think of is by people buying their (extremely limited) games here, without knowing any better. Sure, the games they did put here are good and all, but after the ♥♥♥♥ they pulled after that? I'm seriously advocating nobody buy their games. If I knew all this before, I never would've bought them. It's too late in my case, but hopefully if they lose enough money they'll post some kind of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ update, at least post something letting us know they didn't just run off with our money while flipping us the middle finger.
King Of Strangeness 1 Jun, 2024 @ 5:00am 
how would they squeeze more money out of people though? isnt their patreon down?
Roll Fizzlebeef 31 May, 2024 @ 3:06pm 
@Grizzy It's been over a decade, as far as I know. And not only have they not posted any updates on the games, they haven't posted ANYTHING . Hell, just something saying they're alive would be nice. But I honestly believe they just took everyone's money and ghosted. The only reason their ♥♥♥♥ is still here is because they're hoping to squeeze more money out of the people that don't know any better.
Grizzy 4 May, 2024 @ 2:51am 
I legit came here to see if the creator was even alive. It's seems like they are but just haven't shared any updates on the games. My first thought was that they were dead because it's been 4 years without an update. Bloom has been sitting on my wish list for awhile now. Hopefully they can finish these projects and call it a day or make a statement that there alive and just can't finish them due to life events.
Roll Fizzlebeef 9 Feb, 2024 @ 4:30pm 
@Elleandra Yeah. Despite some people saying "They're definitely alive, just trust me on that", we've heard *NOTHING* from them in literal years. Not even so much as a response to all the posts saying that they're dead. They just took everyone's money and left. I'd highly recommend that people never buy any of their games on here, they don't deserve our support after pulling this ♥♥♥♥. Unfortunately, I had already bought their 3 existing games before I found out how big of a scammer they were, so I can't boycott them 'entirely', but I *can* recommend that no one buy any of the ones on here.

The games are nice enough, sure, but after what Razzart pulled they don't deserve the money or the attention. I understand making games is a long process, but they said that most of the ♥♥♥♥ they were working on was going to come out a decade ago, and have said absolutely *NOTHING* since then. No updates, no posts, nothing.
Elleandra 9 Feb, 2024 @ 2:30pm 
So are we officially giving up at this point? This is just my usual, annual check-in on this. Where the heck is Bloom :P
King Of Strangeness 29 Dec, 2023 @ 12:05pm 
i mean thatd be sily to the point of comedy
Fenrir 29 Dec, 2023 @ 11:31am 
Sometimes I wonder if all of our speculative and impatient comments are the reason they haven't come back.
King Of Strangeness 29 Dec, 2023 @ 11:26am 
as far as i know, which isnt far. but their friends on twitter said so when i asked
Urban Cipollino 29 Dec, 2023 @ 9:06am 
Is he alive?
King Of Strangeness 26 Dec, 2023 @ 7:03am 
i know they are almost def alive since i met associates on twitter who confirmed as much. anything more? not really, last i heard they were back to work on it, but after looking for that tweet again it seems to have been deleted
addp 26 Dec, 2023 @ 5:17am 
I really want to know if everything is going smoothly. I have been looking forward to those unfinished games for many years
Roll Fizzlebeef 15 Dec, 2023 @ 11:43pm 
@Kayla Yeah, I think it's safe to assume they're either dead, or they just ran off with people's money. Either way, I think everything's dead. Shame, too, as I was really looking forward to the 'threesome' ending they had planned for Wolf Tails.
Kayla 5 Dec, 2023 @ 1:19pm 
wolf tails and love ribbon was wonderful :touchthefluffytail::mirarismile:
Sadly suppose there is no point asking when, why, are you ok any more
Fenrir 17 Jun, 2023 @ 7:07am 
@Roll Fizzlebeef, thanks, yours is good too. Yeah, I know what you mean and I completely agree, it is frustrating. As I said before, I was a patron, so I do feel like I was left hanging. I just don't want to be one of *those* fans, if you know what I mean. I do agree though, if they're done, an announcement would bring closure to the whole situation
Roll Fizzlebeef 17 Jun, 2023 @ 2:13am 
@Fenrir (nice name, btw) It's not that I'm expecting art on command, or that I think making a game is easy. I understand that it's a very labor-intensive process, and that it takes time to create something like that. *My* problem is, they've completely ghosted everybody. Even the people that've been supporting them through Patreon. Not giving us an update on *anything*. Hell, they didn't even make a post saying they were still alive.

So it's not the lack of progress that's upsetting people, it's the lack of *updates*. If they'd just make a post telling us that they've had to put all game-related progress on hold because of such-n-such reason, we'd be perfectly fine with that because at least it'd be an explanation. Instead, it feels like they've just been taking people's money. And as soon as they got enough/got found out, they disappeared and left us holding the bag. :/
Fenrir 13 Jun, 2023 @ 7:28pm 
I'll hold onto my hope, but I'm not holding my breath either. If it happens, fantastic; if it doesn't, that's their choice. Art doesn't happen on command and if it was so easy to make a game, then any one of us would have done it already. I'll at least take solace in the fact that they're alright. That's some good news amidst years of uneasy silence.
King Of Strangeness 13 Jun, 2023 @ 9:52am 
yeah i totally get you guys frustrations. totally valid tbh. i found a twitter account who was friends with razz and was talking about razz making small progress, whatever that means. and getting back to finishing the games, but sadly they seem to have deleted the tweets after i asked if it was still going, so i wouldnt really recommend having any hope. if it comes it comes, if it doesnt, it wont. its a shame the project at 95% never got released as is as some form of beta or what not. or atleast some form, any form of communication that the games are just stopping, i saw multiple patreons on twitter asking for response as any form of patreon activity was dead for atleast 5 months, the patreon itself seems to be totally gone now so i cant really investigate there, but yeah subscribing for 5 months without any sort of communication is iffy. i cant really defend razzes behavior personally anymore, as i lack any information that would actually make that valid.
Roll Fizzlebeef 10 Jun, 2023 @ 10:02am 
@King of Strangeness well that's even worse than them being dead, I feel. I mean, I'm glad they're alive, but at least if they were dead there'd be a *reason* they never finished any of their games. Them being alive, and having all those Patrons and supporters, and actively *choosing* not to finish the games? That just feels like a slap in the face to everybody that supported them. I'm sure they have their reasons (at least, I hope they do), but to just disappear entirely without any explanation whatsoever? And LSTH was 95% done according to them, they couldn't even finish that? Or at the very least give us a playable game? Hell, the threeway add-on for Wolf Tails was just a minor DLC, and they couldn't even give us *that*.
Fenrir 7 Jun, 2023 @ 6:54pm 
@King of Strangeness. I was a Patreon, so I know the feeling. Their last post was to say that LSTH was 95% done, so I was disappointed by the silence, but we can't decide what they do with their life.
King Of Strangeness 7 Jun, 2023 @ 1:34pm 
true, just sad that they left people in the dark, especially when money and patreons are involved, i feel atleast those that paid money atleast could have gotten some answers. there doesnt need to be an apology, or drama, or anything. but any form of closure would be better than just abandoning all ones projects with monetary supporters, is how i feel about it atleast. personally feel thats only fair. but yeah subjective as always
Fenrir 6 Jun, 2023 @ 7:03pm 
@King of Strangeness: good man. It's their life, gotta let them live it
King Of Strangeness 5 Jun, 2023 @ 12:08am 
i know they are in fact alive, i managed to track down someone who knew them on twitter. i tried not to push for any personal infomation, but just asked if razz was alive and healthy, to which the answer i got was yes. i didnt push any further than that though
Roll Fizzlebeef 31 May, 2023 @ 1:54am 
@IndustrialSmores Seems like it, yeah. Which sucks, because the only game that we *did* get from them, Wolf Tails, was a good game. Hopefully someone else comes along and finishes their stuff to release it, as Lets Seduce The Heroine sounded like a good game with an interesting premise.
Mirage's Grool 30 May, 2023 @ 9:08pm 
yeah i think they're dead:wtq:
Fenrir 8 Jan, 2023 @ 3:07pm 
Same here. Nothing more we can do now but wait and pray. Impatience would only make them want to dissolve the page entirely
King Of Strangeness 7 Jan, 2023 @ 1:36pm 
dang, ive tried looking into it and looking it up on the net, found a reddit post with some info. but it all led to dead ends
Fenrir 7 Jan, 2023 @ 7:08am 
Nobody knows; and we're all worried