Really Awesome Gaming Experience rage°
Really Awesome Gaming Experience rage°
28 октября 2009 г.
United States 
Комментариев: 199
R° Soulonfire69 25 дек. 2022 г. в 7:17 
Happy Holidays to everyone, hope you are all safe and well!
Xendar 17 окт. 2018 г. в 14:49 
Could anyone tell me how to get rid of that duel count on the loading screen?
Best-Hero-Gaming 12 янв. 2018 г. в 20:46 
i have arisien from the dead
Kobamy 24 дек. 2017 г. в 16:01 
Guys...can we...play on a server for christmas eve?
[R°] Caliban 22 окт. 2017 г. в 13:30 
Hi, CS Go Th... uh... URL guy! We sunset Server #1 in 2016, but we're doing something special for Halloween 2017! Take a look at the announcements on this page, and join our Discord server!
John Lemon 19 окт. 2017 г. в 19:37 
Will you continue hosting the 2fort server now that the Pyro update is out (and hopefully revives tf2 as well as the community)
Rage° Oldman 11 окт. 2017 г. в 12:02 
Ok all. I was asked by the bunny if I could start up my server to host until Holloween boofort.
So I have found my backup of 2015. Updated files and server stuff. Linked maps to my public cLoud account (should download maps pretty fast) and have it set to 12 players.
All old admins still active.
I think the ip should stick. But if not look for Old man server list
See you in game
The Laughing Man 14 июн. 2017 г. в 23:51 
We also have a tf2 server, so maybe we could get some use out of it?
The Laughing Man 14 июн. 2017 г. в 23:50 
Hey boys and girls, remember that tiny little boy CD? Well I'm a big ol boy now! I run a nice little community of friends now, in the same spirit of the place that made me who I am, Rage. That means fun, laughs, and acceptance of all people. The only rule is don't be a big jerk! We do game nights and movie nights and such. I don't want to hijack members, but I've got like a good 30 or so people that I could pull together along with all you guys to bring some life to all this! I miss you guys! Contact me if you'd like and I'll drop you a discord invite!
Commander Queso 22 мая. 2017 г. в 19:27 
So, the group description here uses the past tense... is 2fort_saraya still a thing after all these years? I haven't played TF2 in forever, but summer nights on 2fort and the Raging-Juneary Boss Battle a few years ago was probably some of my all-time favorite moments in my entire life. There was so many fun people, who had amazing skill. I really miss it, whether or not it's gone. I hope we can all get back together one day. It's been too long...
Rage°FuzzyBunny Deathsquad 20 июл. 2016 г. в 16:13 
All you have to do is play and invite friends.... that's all it takes!!!
Corridor 17 июл. 2016 г. в 17:36 
yo. We should make an effort to keep the TF2 server populated. I miss playing with you guys.
Best-Hero-Gaming 24 дек. 2015 г. в 10:09 
and i think i have to reset comp
Best-Hero-Gaming 24 дек. 2015 г. в 10:09 
Hey guys long time no see. this is hero rage's fav punching bag and i havnt been able to fix the prob still tryin tho
[R°] Caliban 11 авг. 2015 г. в 20:32 
Descension, thank you for using our Protest-a-Ban feature. We're reviewing this and will return a decision.
Katavasis 11 авг. 2015 г. в 16:17 
Thanks alot for the Answer
I'm certainly okay,but i joined a friend to play with and found out about my ban
Thanks in advance for the Look
R°pie 11 авг. 2015 г. в 16:15 
hello Descension, i assure you this will/is being looked into, may i redirect you here to file the intended complaint? http://bans.ragecommunity.com/
Katavasis 11 авг. 2015 г. в 15:21 
I was given a Ban for being in a Cheater's Group.
Practically for No reason.
May i have it Removed?
I practically did nothing wrong rather than being in there.
[R°] Caliban 6 июл. 2015 г. в 11:20 
:spycon: Hey, Dermatololgist! We haven't seen you since our first day/night maps back in 2012! You should stop in when you get a chance!
Aquatic Hooligan 3 июл. 2015 г. в 16:44 
One of the oldest memeber here and I'm glad to see this group is still active.
[R°] Caliban 30 июн. 2015 г. в 6:32 
And here you is!
Shadsea 29 июн. 2015 г. в 17:08 
ive been invited to this magical group
UNREASONABLY GRUMPY [HOH] 1 дек. 2014 г. в 8:00 
Titanfall is $5 on Origin today. Get it so us Ragers can curbstomp some randos. https://www.origin.com/en-us/store/buy/titanfall/pc-download/base-game/standard-edition
dima358 12 сен. 2014 г. в 20:02 
YAY I am in Bunny
Boris The Bearded Russian 12 сен. 2014 г. в 19:33 
FuzzyBunny and Soulonfire are hackers, please ban them!

[R°] Caliban 24 апр. 2014 г. в 8:14 
Hey Stech - you can find our maps in the Downloads link in our forums, at http://www.ragecommunity.com
Stechun 22 апр. 2014 г. в 23:45 
I need a bit of help, it says i am missing ctf_2fort_saraya_4 or something like that, anyone have a download link?
[R°] Caliban 2 дек. 2013 г. в 21:53 
:spycon: Cryost, all of the Rage admin & leadership team members see these. What's your question? :Eye_tv:
Ollie The Magic Bum 22 ноя. 2013 г. в 16:48 
Hey ugh anyone intrested in mannin up with me. I really want this australium knife so if anyone is good at mvm message me.
TheDiscoGambit 6 ноя. 2013 г. в 17:20 
i never joined our steam group... derp
[R°] Caliban 31 авг. 2013 г. в 12:02 
:spycon: Four Hundred Members! Thank You All For Being Awesome!
Yokkisman 13 июл. 2013 г. в 21:53 
Yokkisman 28 июн. 2013 г. в 20:12 
It was a randomizer commentary by Star_ the youtube name is niichts
[R°] Caliban 28 июн. 2013 г. в 4:51 
:spycon: Small, but awesome world. What video is Octothorpe in?
Yokkisman 28 июн. 2013 г. в 0:08 
Saw octo in a youtube by Star_ and I kinda spazzed out
Helene 12 мая. 2013 г. в 11:31 
[R°] Caliban 6 мая. 2013 г. в 16:21 
Hullo Spycrab - reserved slots stay in force for a year from when you donated. We've amended the policies a little bit - take a look here [www.ragecommunity.com] to see about getting slots for yourself and anyone you want to sponsor!
g6 23 апр. 2013 г. в 9:46 
Yokkisman 17 апр. 2013 г. в 19:22 
friken old because he had a reserved slot it booted me out :/
[R°] Caliban 25 мар. 2013 г. в 19:19 
Thanks Dash!
Cid_HG 19 мар. 2013 г. в 21:11 
Might want to update the link to the forum. The exclamation point is caught in the hyperlink as well.
G.S.Dash 26 фев. 2013 г. в 16:54 
Always have a awesome time with you guys.You all reek of awesomeness :)
Helene 20 фев. 2013 г. в 14:59 
Great server and a bunch of lovely people! A++++
Kool-Aid Man 15 фев. 2013 г. в 8:59 
Oh boy, Art plays here
[R°] Caliban 26 янв. 2013 г. в 21:33 
Looking forward to getting you back, Crow!
Fofee 21 янв. 2013 г. в 13:32 
I just got my new computer! My return to TF2 is soon!
StarTheory 2 янв. 2013 г. в 19:17 
Narwhal your also on rage?
[R°] Caliban 30 дек. 2012 г. в 3:19 
There goes A_Narwhal!
the senate 28 дек. 2012 г. в 14:04 
Hiya guys!
Badman5150 25 дек. 2012 г. в 19:58 
Hey Cally