PoniPoniPoni Admins poni³-A
PoniPoniPoni Admins poni³-A
23 марта 2012 г.
Комментариев: 93
xsr 4 авг. 2012 г. в 3:43 
Server crashed and didnt restart for a while. I dont know if the new sapper was the cause of this but I think it did because server crashed shortly after the scrub spy started sapping with the new sapper. It was on the mlpdjpon3 map.
Friagram 1 авг. 2012 г. в 3:43 
No update to zf in like a year. Disabled team preference and wise perk to fix team stack and zatoichi ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with infinite crit and heal, since there's no other way to fix the soldier/demoman invincibility that can happen with 1-2 of them on a team. The only other way to fix it would be to get a mod to disable the weapon entierly, which might carry over to other maps.
Princess Luna 30 июл. 2012 г. в 12:22 
hey guys i know i havent been on the server alot recently. my internet is very bad i am getting like 1500 ping so i cannot really play. im always here though if REALLY needed. or for general help
DaChoco 30 июл. 2012 г. в 12:01 
Fluttershy Guy, I've seen you a total of 4 to 5 times in the almost 7 months of my admining. :v Highly active
DaChoco 30 июл. 2012 г. в 12:00 
Fluttershy Guy, I have yet to see you on the server in months :v
Friagram 29 июл. 2012 г. в 17:15 
06-08-12 16:25 StarTheory Permanent
Мя.Вяощп [FIN] 27 июл. 2012 г. в 16:51 
i got a lot of messages from StartTheory and he asked that if the admins could vote for unbanning him. he has being so sure that he doesn't know why he got banned or by who. what should we do?
Bob 27 июл. 2012 г. в 9:55 
I'm not quitting replay. Besides, I've already got... vacations?
Friagram 27 июл. 2012 г. в 3:10 
most of us are active
ouppy 26 июл. 2012 г. в 15:36 
We need more announcements. No, for serious. It gets people back in the game when the group seems avtive and lively.
Princess Luna 22 июл. 2012 г. в 10:51 
as proud comment holder of 102 and 105. will state that i will never let the server down!....IF my bloody internet let me play properly >:£
xsr 22 июл. 2012 г. в 4:03 
*experiencing *weight *I'm *Note: *I'm

Why are you all going on vacation. :|
I'm predicting Bob going next
Clamz 22 июл. 2012 г. в 3:42 
I am writing this in comments to tell you all, im not going to be an admin anymore. I have been experiancing a lot of stress, and would rather not have to carry the wieght of being one, an admin I mean. This is not too say this is just a thing im doing at random, I have been planning to do so for a long time.

Note; Im not quiting the server, just do not want to be an admin any longer.
I claim comment 103.
Princess Luna 19 июл. 2012 г. в 17:19 
OMG LOLOLOL I GOT COMMENT 102!!!!!!111!!!!!!11! :P

server is stagnating a little....no new stuff in awhile
im going to be looking out for new models and stuff we can use from now on
♥ ❤GreenGal41❤ ♥ 13 июл. 2012 г. в 18:25 
and i claim comment number 101 :3
Clamz 12 июл. 2012 г. в 18:34 
Well, its pointless, but I claim comment number 100
Friagram 5 июл. 2012 г. в 19:38 
{ССЫЛКА УДАЛЕНА} here are the 3 player models, I think I fixed most of the bugs. Cadance, Molestia (purple hair), and white celestia - that can be used for bosses/admin skins or something. Would be good if you guys look them over to try to find any errors.
Undead Flareon(Pokemon '95 PC Po 26 июн. 2012 г. в 15:22 
Friagram, if you're gonna suggest ZF_Dustbowl, atleast do something about the hidden screamers in the map. If I recall, there are 2 or 3 of them on the map, one specifically in Spawn.
Friagram 26 июн. 2012 г. в 1:36 
Don't know if we want to try adding KOTH maps, like harvest, lakeside, and nucleus to go along with degroot in "other." Might be interesting.

ZF is super broken. Surivors always set team preference and straight out rape the zombies. The soldier class with zatoichi and certain perks is also very overpowered, 2 soldiers and a medic can stand against 15 or so zombies for a very long time if they know what they are doing. Might be good to either disable ability to set team preference (because autoshuffle doesn't even work, it uses preference settings), or rebalance the mod - which I don't know if it is even possible. Nerfing the soldier, buffing the spy might balance ZF, but autoshuffle and removing preference may balance the game more so that survivors don't destroy zombies always. Also there are some other maps that might be fun, like dustbowl, where survivors have to advance/capture points against zombies rather than defend.
Friagram 26 июн. 2012 г. в 1:34 
The wacky races/baloon races maps are a bit too long (30 mins) mabye it should be bumped down to 15. Also, spawn protection should not be enabled on those maps (or greatly shortened), it lets players just drive the cart/blimp with immunity, or storm capture points/enemy vehicles without taking damage.

Billiards is liked by some players, but votes show a good half or so don't like it. Might want to think about rate limiting it's frequency. Most players just want to go skybox, or don't try when it comes up.
Friagram 26 июн. 2012 г. в 1:29 
986 "[EA] Killer !!!" STEAM_0:0:52499021 00:32 136 0 active
Guy was aimbotting, had to find the status command to get the id to kick him because he was nameswitching/aimbot/autocrit as heavy
Friagram 23 июн. 2012 г. в 18:01 
You could just backstab them/shoot them anyway, because it won't matter if they are !poni and kill them if they are spies. I haven't seen people use !poni to block doorways or people. And not much greifing, atleast when I'm on.

There's another exploit that I found yesterday on ff2. If you switch to spy at the start and disquise quick you can be a red hale for the whole map. People can heal you, and you don't lose it so, sentries and stuff won't attack you either. Attacking doesn't break the disquise. Pretty sure anyone can do it.
Friagram 20 июн. 2012 г. в 12:30 
@woodsman, mabye you're right, but it's also a bug that everyone can do just by visiting a resupply cabinet. When you use a locker it resets your model, same thing happens if you got slendershy.

There's another thing people can do, because sv_pure 0 there's no checks for file laterations. You can change the tf\materials\models\player\medic\gangplank\pirate1.vmt+vtf and tf\materials\freak_fortress_2\demopan\trade_xx.vmt+vtf to remove the spams. Doubt there's many people who would do this, but sv_pure 1 would fix this by whitelisting the exploitable files, which would still let people use custom skins and such. People could still use spiked models and replace world textures with transparent ones to see through walls, but that's not a big deal/hard to prevent anyway.

Not sure if sv_pure 1 can be used to require people to download custom content (like poni models) but i think if they disable download they'll just see errors.
Friagram 18 июн. 2012 г. в 23:58 
Ok so the molestia eye psycho textures are missing. The newer models fix a lot of the issues witht he models supposedly, but you should still turn on the selfillum on the hair/tail for luna/celestia so they look cooler. Dunno why it was commented out =S, it's the luna_hair_blue/red and celestia_hair_red/blue

"$selfillum" "1"
"$selfIllumFresnel" "1"
"$selfIllumFresnelMinMaxExp" "[0 3 6]"
Friagram 18 июн. 2012 г. в 20:54 
{ССЫЛКА УДАЛЕНА} had to fix the gilda models, so i repackaged all of that stuff. Accidentally had them with both open+closed wingsets. Also that thing has an enormouse wingspan when open, so i made one model with the wings slimmed down and pulled back, dunno if that might work better.
Friagram 18 июн. 2012 г. в 18:52 
Right I almost forgot the most important serverside models {ССЫЛКА УДАЛЕНА}

Now, although it was fun spawning and trying to swim in a sea of rarity like scrooge mcduck, that many models was lagging people with toaster PCs. This may be a better solution. May also work to block the mic on marokart.

Or you know, I could make something else. But rarity is bestpony. And it takes me like 2 seconds to scale any of these cheap models to any size =S
Friagram 18 июн. 2012 г. в 18:28 
Gmod looks like they only added spike and gilda. The spike model had bones, but is really low poly, can't do much with it except move the arms, it was neutral pose so i moved the arms down a bit. The gilda model was a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ horrible mess. Cleaned it up a lot, made slimmer profile version so the wingspan doesn't rape as much. Also added changling model. Fixed applejack model ears and added nohat version. Dunno why this wasn't there already. Also added cloaking/fire proxies to the materials, not sure if it will work, have to test first, make sure that fire burns the models, arrows stick in them, and the uv maps arn't ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up:

Renamed/recompiled all files so there won't be conflicts.

Friagram 18 июн. 2012 г. в 8:55 
There are new pony player models released yesterday (Celestia, molestia, luna, zecora): http://kassgrein.deviantart.com/#/d53xgia It would be a good idea to also make the hair selfillum in the VMTs if you want them to glow. He fixed the gibs and also the eyes.

I tried editing the model to make a cadence version by changing the colors and resculpting the crown/necklace and stuff, but when I rebuild it the tail/wings/hair animations won't all autoplay so there's something missing from the QC file and I don't know what it is.
Friagram 17 июн. 2012 г. в 9:48 
Was 2 more people asking how they could donate thismorning, I pointed them towards the lyra icon told them to type !motd. Anyways, should clean up the MOTD page. I really hate servers that spam asking for donations constantly, and I know a lot of people do, but mabye it would be good to have a spam every 15-30 minutes that says type /helpmenu for help about music, models, etc. And in that menu there can be options that list stuff like - !poni, !mm, !stopall, list of online admins, donator perks/how to donate (!pinkiepie, !birds, etc), donate option that pops up motd.

Wargames can have instant respawn, !poni, and rtd now, and all that stuff. Waiting on snazzy to finish some stuff so we can make a new version. I started working on a throne room but dunno how long that would take to finish.

Also, homing projectiles are a little broken on competitive maps like degroot/foundary. If a soldier/hunsman sniper gets them when capping a point you can kill everyone because auto crit = strong.
Friagram 16 июн. 2012 г. в 15:28 
Not a huge deal but !poni players can destroy enemy sticky bombs with bottle melee. Also some players have asked where the donate option is or where to "join" the community. Not sure if they are looking for forums or what, but the MOTD ont he server isn't very clear.
Friagram 14 июн. 2012 г. в 19:32 
materials/models/player/sniper/molestia/eye... does not download via fastodwnload for many people (incl. me since i reformatted)
Bob 14 июн. 2012 г. в 9:02 
It's not even 1 damage anymore, since poni users were abusing there high health to annoy people.
Friagram 14 июн. 2012 г. в 1:18 
I got scared when greenman was chasing after me with 3300 hp and an axe. Then I realized he was a reskinned poni doing 1 damage =S
Bob 12 июн. 2012 г. в 18:26 
It was me, I'm taking the poni model off and I run around :s And since I'm admin I'm not killable. Should I keep a skin to prevent confusion?
DaChoco 12 июн. 2012 г. в 4:27 
Well, admins have a stronger form of poni which is why you were unkillable. Anything short of a half team powered by mini/full crits won't kill you.
PotatoWhiskey 6 июн. 2012 г. в 7:44 
no it doesn't, rex removed it to see if it would lessen the lag
W 5 июн. 2012 г. в 16:53 
Does Rubberband medic still work? i had alot of trouble getting my fatass off the ground.
PotatoWhiskey 31 мая. 2012 г. в 17:28 
Ritsukashy 31 мая. 2012 г. в 14:45 
As Some Of You Might Know and Some Might Not. Ive Decided To Leave Poni. I Just Want To Get Back To The Basics So Farewell Everypony It Was Great :3
xsr 13 мая. 2012 г. в 5:19 
Regor's account just got hacked. It think its best to remove admin status on it till Regor gets it back. Here is his alt. account http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/regor11 THIS is why you dont click randoom linx Wegor.
[poni] Derpysaurus Rex 9 мая. 2012 г. в 16:11 
Twillimas is now permabanned.
Princess Luna 9 мая. 2012 г. в 9:22 
user Twillimas has been spraying porn sprays too much and on pourpose to irrate admins and other players, he got a 24h ban, came back the next day and did it again. i gave him a week ban, the longest ban i can do. he was warned many many times by other admins before i had to get involved.
can we get the user chaged to a perma-ban?
BFMV LOVER 6 мая. 2012 г. в 4:11 
reload admin command?
also, does anyone know what is teleport command in console?
Princess Luna 1 мая. 2012 г. в 6:46 
try the reload admin command. that useally works (or not) anyway guys i am going to not be on much as ive been in quite a bad car accident, il be back on when i can sorry guys
PotatoWhiskey 28 апр. 2012 г. в 7:59 
if the button was pressed already on the map and you start a new round on the map you can't delete things, if you start out on the map and cannot delete things not sure then
xsr 28 апр. 2012 г. в 6:02 
Why can't Regor and I delete the stalemate button or anything on the Scarlet Mansion map. It always says "Insufficient Permissions" when we try to press our delete bind.
BFMV LOVER 27 апр. 2012 г. в 1:39 
yay, more admins.
I can rest a bit...
PotatoWhiskey 25 апр. 2012 г. в 15:22 
!poni is still enabled in foundry and wacky races and there is still the problem with the cap rate
Princess Luna 25 апр. 2012 г. в 15:07 
oh, since the season finale, there has been some great music out. we should have another vote on the music list, as ive seen alot of good pony music added to the music suggestion board! :D
Princess Luna 25 апр. 2012 г. в 15:05 
its kind of cute <3 but as an admin you seem to get medics follow you about no matter where you are, and only you. its both sweet and disturbing in a way lol! i always feel bad when im sitting there just watching stuff happen, getting buffed health as a burning player keeps calling for the medic, im like: "you can heal everyponyyknow?" nothing happens except the burning player dies x.x