New Payday: The Heist DLC or Riot pdthdlc
New Payday: The Heist DLC or Riot pdthdlc
2014 年 12 月 14 日
关于 New Payday: The Heist DLC or Riot

It's quite a while back when OVERKILL Software stopped their support for Payday: The heist, however, we believe that the game still has potential and could be greatly reanimated by introducing some new maps. Especially now, after Payday: The Heist was free on steam, the player base has grown significantly and surely is as interested into new content as some of the old Payday: The Heist veterans are.

If you agree and want new content for Payday: The Heist too, join this group!

***Please sign official petition here***

---------------------------------------PAYDAY the HEIST----------------------------------
После того как Overkill выпустили последнее DLC прошло немало времени и мы те кто очень ценим и любим эту игру простые игроки любители и ветераны Payday the heist
решили создать группу в помощь развитии этой игры.Однако мы полагаем что игра все еще имеет потенциал и могла быть значительно возвращена к жизни введя некоторые новые карты.
Если Вы одобряете и хотите помочь в развитии игры Payday the heist.

Присоединяйтесь к этой группе!

***Пожалуйста, войдите официальное прошение здесь***
Make the group Bigger !
38 条留言
THEUPCOMING 2022 年 9 月 30 日 下午 8:31 
Greenlove 2015 年 3 月 22 日 上午 8:58 
✠intel™® -Schütze- 2015 年 2 月 27 日 下午 4:25 
GoodLuck all guys and big thx forgame all my freinds and special thx Felb ,Meshalkinilya,♥♥♥,Crankus ,Marksman :B1:
Markasz 2015 年 2 月 7 日 上午 6:28 
MeatBain, you're wrong, completely. Overkill/Starbreeze has all the rights to PAYDAY: The Heist.

"after Overkill was bought by Starbreeze, they pretty much sealed the "New Payday: The Heist DLC" coffin shut, as they no longer have legal rights to support Payday: The Heist."

On June 21, 2012 Starbreeze Studios announced that the acquisition of Overkill Software was finalized.

July 26, 2012

New Heist: The Mercy Hospital heist is available to everyone who owns PAYDAY on the PC.

August 7, 2012

Release of the Wolf Pack DLC.
Champion of Fortnite 2015 年 2 月 1 日 下午 12:03 
(See the last comment) or you're asking for Starbreeze to sell Overkill back to Sony Online Entertainment, a developer which, let's face it, we just do not want, right? I personally would prefer Payday 2 to keep getting free updates than to get one more paid DLC to Payday the Heist and never hear of Overkill until their The Walking Dead game. Starbreeze-owned Overkill is way different from the Overkill we had in 2011 with the launch of Payday the Heist.
It's legal facts, gentlemen.
If you didn't understand something, feel free to ask me and I will explain why it is the way it is.
Champion of Fortnite 2015 年 2 月 1 日 下午 12:02 
You guys, you do realise that for legal reasons, Overkill can't even update Payday the Heist anymore, as they would need the publisher, Sony Online Entertainment, to actually publish said update, or to update it without Sony's approval, which is impossible due to Sony's ownership of the title, and for contractual reasons, after Overkill was bought by Starbreeze, they pretty much sealed the "New Payday: The Heist DLC" coffin shut, as they no longer have legal rights to support Payday: The Heist. So what you're asking is for Overkill to either break the law by updating a game that isn't even owned by them without the approval of the actual owner, (See the next comment)
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2014 年 12 月 14 日