Omni Sync OS(OmniSync)
Omni Sync OS(OmniSync)
24 Februari 2014
Bhs. Inggris
United States 
Semua Diskusi > General > Rincian Topik
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Staff Member app
Steam Name: Sai

Irl Name: Secret :D

Age: 17

Time Zone: Pacific

Description about yourself:
I'm a guy, I go to college, I know alot of the staff members, and I'm a virgin

Time played(Please have more than 10 Hours):
about 10 or 11 days ( dont really remeber since my rank got reset)

Have you been staff before on other servers:

Why should we hire YOU, Why are YOu different from the next guy?
Cuz I'm always on, Im pretty much dedicated to this server and If I had a choice to choose between being a staff on this server or my older one I would choose this one

Why do you want to be staff?
Cuz i was staff and mainly cuz not alot of staff members are on at the right time ( there is a certain time set when most of them are on)

How often can you be on:
at least 5 hours a day and at most 11 hours a day

What knowlege do you have about commands and staff abilites and responsibilities
!tp ( name) !goto (name) !send(name) !ban (name) !banid (name) !slay (name) !Slaynr(name) !rslaynr (name) !ignite(name) !god (name) !whip (name) !slap(name) !jail(name) that is all i remeber off the top of my head
and for staff abilites there is a rank system that starts from ( also reponsiblities)
Trial Moderator : These guys are the newbies so they dont have much power but they are good enough to get rid of a few Trolls
Moderator: an accepted member of the staff that finally has the Ban command usually gets rid of Rdmers and shut the trollers up
Trial Admin: Staff memeber that are close and possible good people to the staff members
Admin: Very good staff members, Liked very much by the head admin , staff manager, Coumminity Director, and the founder.
Head Admin: Very close friends with the Founders
Staff Manager: Very close friends with the Founders and are the people that appoint the staff members
Coumminity Director: AK :D
Founder: usually the people that have the right to Mod the Server however they like ( they just own the server)
Steam id:

Who recomended you?
NO ONE :D ( prob AK if i asked him)

other information: Im an X Staff and i was fired prob cuz I tped like gawd know what in pre rounds
< >
Menampilkan 1-15 dari 30 komentar
jojo 20 Agu 2014 @ 1:30pm 
seems legit +1. promise no tp :facepunch::melon::gmod:
idk assuming you DID abuse quite a bit, although I do like you I may have to -1
Diposting pertama kali oleh THE_BONERIFIC_TORCHIC:
idk assuming you DID abuse quite a bit, although I do like you I may have to -1
you dont need to worry about me abuseing anymore since I lost interest in those stuff and I don't plan to anymore
Terakhir diedit oleh 「E-Sekai✔」; 20 Agu 2014 @ 7:23pm
I honestly have to agree with torchic aswell.
Kingminer 20 Agu 2014 @ 8:27pm 
I have to disagree sai is pretty good at being active on both servers and i think he should get a second chance +1
LeVintage 20 Agu 2014 @ 8:41pm 
-1 seriously just no.
FadedZaZa 20 Agu 2014 @ 8:50pm 
+1 make him staff again so i can take his virginity away ;)
jojo 20 Agu 2014 @ 11:48pm 
looks pretty evenly split. im gonna review it. :gmod:
We should find a tiebreaker
Diposting pertama kali oleh THE_BONERIFIC_TORCHIC:
We should find a tiebreaker
you know beside worrying about my app maybe it will be a good idea to get on and take care of the server
I'm sorry i like sai but i have to say -1 I don't think he should get staff back that quickly i think he should show other staff and people on the server that he can be responsible.
Terakhir diedit oleh LMAOAHAHAHALMAO; 21 Agu 2014 @ 12:15pm
Elp 21 Agu 2014 @ 12:15pm 
+1 This Your Last chance bb no fuck ups
Terakhir diedit oleh Elp; 21 Agu 2014 @ 5:20pm
Sai I remind everyone time and time again I am unable to get on the computer until 5 my time and it's currently 3 30. I'll worry about the server when I can, but I have access to anything else steam related.
Diposting pertama kali oleh THE_BONERIFIC_TORCHIC:
Sai I remind everyone time and time again I am unable to get on the computer until 5 my time and it's currently 3 30. I'll worry about the server when I can, but I have access to anything else steam related.
Much apologies since Im in the pacific tiem zone so i tend to forget that ( also I seem to have missed that repeated memo)
Hi_ImJet 21 Agu 2014 @ 1:31pm 
i prefer not to mess with the former staff apps due to the fact that they are now former for a reason (dont call me out on anything) i will put a 0 :sasha:
Terakhir diedit oleh Hi_ImJet; 21 Agu 2014 @ 1:35pm
< >
Menampilkan 1-15 dari 30 komentar
Per halaman: 1530 50

Semua Diskusi > General > Rincian Topik
Tanggal Diposting: 20 Agu 2014 @ 1:19pm
Postingan: 30