Omni Sync OS(OmniSync)
Omni Sync OS(OmniSync)
Thành lập
24 Tháng 02, 2014
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Tiếng Anh
Địa điểm
United States 
Tất cả thảo luận > Ban Appeals > Chi tiết chủ đề
 Chủ đề này đã được ghim, thế nên nó có thể quan trọng
DONH 25 Thg02, 2014 @ 12:34am
Ban Appeals Format
Before posting a ban appeal, read this and follow the correct format to get your ban appeal viewed.

Your Steam Name:

Your Steam ID:

Admin who banned you:

Why you were banned:

Why you should be unbanned:
Lần sửa cuối bởi DONH; 25 Thg02, 2014 @ 12:34am

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Error Reference: Community_9585749_
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Đang hiển thị 1-4 trong 4 bình luận
Chickennipple 15 Thg03, 2014 @ 6:06pm 
I dont know who
I dont know becuase i was afk
I was eating supper and when i got back i was banned for no reason that i was aware of.
+ i really enjoy this server
jojo 16 Thg03, 2014 @ 4:22am 
Chickennipple, apply for an appeal on omnisync.org.
Jerald 5 Thg04, 2014 @ 9:34am 
Your Steam Name:[§]. Jezza

Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:45073533

Admin who banned you:i don't know

Why you were banned:i don't know

Why you should be unbanned:because i didn't do any thing wrong and me and my friends play on this server for a long time now.(i just went on the server today with my friend and it says i am baned from the server)
Brian Baumgartner 17 Thg08, 2014 @ 10:49pm 

don't know


i got banned cuz i rdmed and leaved

i should be unbanned becuase i by accidently left when i wanted to be slain on my rounds and i dropped something on my power button and it turned off my computer and i want to be unbannee cuz i love your server and i was banned becuase i dropped something on my computer when i wanted to be un slain
Đang hiển thị 1-4 trong 4 bình luận
Mỗi trang: 1530 50

Tất cả thảo luận > Ban Appeals > Chi tiết chủ đề