OMNI LevelUP Service omnilvlup
OMNI LevelUP Service omnilvlup
게임 중
2017년 8월 16일
OMNI LevelUP Service 정보

⭐ LevelUP Your Steam Profile Fast! 🔑💎⇄ 🎴

PSA: We've moved! You can find our new account here:


• !help - Simplified list of commands.
• !commands - Complete list of commands.
• !invite - Get an invite to our Steam Group.
• !keylist - List of accepted keys.
• !stats - See our inventory statistics.
• !rate - See our exchange rates.

• !level X - Calculate how much it'll cost to reach X level.
• !check - Check how many sets the bot has available for you.
• !checkme - Check your inventory for currencies to buy sets with.
• !check X - Check how many sets you can get for X amount of CSGO Keys.
• !checktf X - Check how many sets you can get for X amount of TF2 Keys.
• !checkpubg X - Check how many sets you can get for X amount of PUBG Keys.
• !checkgems X - Check how many sets you can get for X amount of Gems.

• !sets4sets X - Exchange your dupe sets for X sets you haven't crafted.

Buy Card Sets:
• !buy X - Buy sets with X amount of CSGO Keys.
• !buytf X - Buy sets with X amount of TF2 Keys.
• !buypubg X - Buy sets with X amount of PUBG Keys.
• !buygems X - Buy X amount of sets with Gems.

For level 1 badge collectors, buy one set for each game:
• !buyone X - Buy sets with X amount of CSGO Keys.
• !buyonetf X - Buy sets with X amount of TF2 Keys.
• !buyonepubg X - Buy sets with X amount of PUBG Keys.
• !buyonegems X - Buy X amount of sets with Gems.

Buy sets without checking your badges, you will probably get dupes:
• !buyany X - Buy sets with X amount of CSGO Keys.
• !buyanytf X - Buy sets with X amount of TF2 Keys.
• !buyanypubg X - Buy sets with X amount of PUBG Keys.
• !buyanygems X - Buy X amount of sets with Gems.
(do not use the buyany commands unless you know what you are doing)

Sell Your Card Sets:
• !sellcheck - Check how many sets we can buy from you and our offer.
• !sell X - Sell your sets for X amount of our CSGO Keys.
• !selltf X - Sell your sets for X amount of our TF2 Keys.
• !sellpubg X - Sell your sets for X amount of our PUBG Keys.
• !sellgems X - Sell X amount of your sets for our Gems.

Before buying sets make sure you craft everything you can first, the bot only checks your badge progress to determine what sets to give you, not your inventory.
Failure to craft what you have before buying sets will likely result in getting duplicate sets

If you've accidentally bought duplicate sets don't worry!
Read this announcement here to get it sorted out.

* usage of sets4sets is only available to people who've bought sets
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Buying and Selling Winter Cards!
High Level Users:
If you are a high level (300+) you may have noticed it becomes harder and harder to find sets to level up your profile, this is where our new bot becomes extremely useful - sale sets can be crafted an infinite number of times and you can buy tons from us!

To buy winter sets:
Add our Winter Sale Bot

!checkme (this command will check your inventory to see how many you can afford)
!buy X
!buytf X
!buypubg X
!buygems Y
(x = amount of keys, y = amount of sets)

Craft and enjoy!

Not looking for a super high level? The bot is still useful to you!
We can buy your random Winter Sale Cards for KEYS!

Everytime you craft a badge during the sale you will receive 1 winter sale card, so if you use our normal card bot you can essentially get cash back!

You can also get 4 FREE winter sale cards each day!

Get 1 card by voting:

Get 3 cards by exploring your Discovery Queue:

To sell us your random winter cards:
Add our Winter Sale Bot


The bot will reply with an offer for your random cards!

:thumbalift: :10_level: :20_level: :30_level: :40_level: :50_level: :60_level: :70_level: :80_level: :90_level: :100_level: :thumbalift:

Regarding Duplicate Sets..
Mistakes happen and we have a simple solution!
If you have duplicate sets go ahead and craft what you can, then use this command:
!sets4sets [amount of sets]
This command can be used to exchange your sets for sets you haven't crafted yet!

Happy Leveling! :thumbalift:


Edit: due to non-customers abusing the sets4sets command causing annoyances for actual paying customers who are trying to use the bot, as well making our stock less diverse and stale with less rarer sets available we've decided to add a slight restriction to it, the command will now only be available to people who've bought sets from us and they will be able to exchange up to 5x the total amount of sets they've bought from us.

ex: If you've bought 100 sets over time you'll be able to use sets4sets on up to 500 sets.

This change shouldn't affect our customers, we feel this is is a good workaround to the issue we had at hand and still keep the command available, not many bots have this type of command and we can see why now.

댓글 8
¡OMNI LEVELUP 2018년 8월 7일 오후 10시 12분 
PSA: We've moved! You can find our new account here:
「TABACA」 2018년 7월 3일 오전 10시 37분 
bot off ??
endritzzz. 2018년 5월 12일 오전 5시 40분 
Bot off ???
c4LIX 2018년 4월 10일 오후 5시 28분 
bot off?

Sanches-HeavenGaming 2018년 4월 8일 오전 7시 04분 
76561198822598298 2018년 3월 17일 오후 1시 51분 
!level 30
그룹 멤버
게임 중
10 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2017년 8월 16일