Nascar Players International NTG:PI
Nascar Players International NTG:PI
20 вересня 2013 р.
 Ця тема закріплена, тому вона, мабуть, важлива
How to Behave on Track
I'm going to pin this here so everyone will see.

Few notes about correct behaviour on the track:

1 - Keep your spacing

We all know that in real NASCAR everyone is racing bumper on bumper but because of latency differences and wrong NET code in MP sessions keep your spacing to aviod wrecking another driver.

2 - Wrecking

This is what happens on the race track. It's always adviced that you run as hard as possible but as SAFE as possible in same time.
Wrecking other players on purpose will result in removing player from the group.

Wrecking yourself on purpose ( ex.: I fall too far from pack of racers and i decide to trigger a yellow flag to reset cars at restart ) will result in removing player from the group.

3 - Blocking & Smashing

There is huge difference betwwe these two things.

Blocking is allowed ONLY at final lap of the race.
That means you can block driver wich is behind you by putting yourself in his race line.

Smashing is NOT allowed anytime. By smashing we mean blocking and hitting other player who's already making a pass and he IS on one of your car's side.

Smashing on prupose will result in removing player from the group.

4 - Hold your line

Players which can hold their line during the race will be marked as '' I can drive'' players. These players will be placed in front of other players in future league system. If you have problems with holding your line go ahead for some testing and learn it. It's one of the MOST important things in online racing.

5 - Group chat

After you will be invited to a race and you will find yourself in a race lobby accept invitation for a group chat created by lobby's host. It puts every driver in session to one group chat room so we can communicate more easy.