Morrowind Multiplayer mwmulti
Morrowind Multiplayer mwmulti
8. heinäkuuta 2016
Kaikki keskustelut > Help > Aiheen tiedot
Connection lost error shortly after logging on to my own server.
[2024-09-02 11:18:38] [INFO]: TES3MP dedicated server 0.8.1 (Windows 64-bit)
Protocol version: 10
Oldest compatible commit hash: 68954091c5

[2024-09-02 11:18:38] [INFO]: [Script]: Called "OnServerInit"
[2024-09-02 11:18:38] [INFO]: [Script]: Reading banlist.json
[2024-09-02 11:18:38] [INFO]: [Script]: Reading requiredDataFiles.json
[Script]: - 1: "Morrowind.esm": [7B6AF5B9, 34282D67, ]
[Script]: - 2: "Tribunal.esm": [F481F334, 211329EF, ]
[Script]: - 3: "Bloodmoon.esm": [43DD2132, 9EB62F26, ]
[2024-09-02 11:18:38] [INFO]: [Script]: Called "OnServerPostInit"
[2024-09-02 11:18:41] [WARN]: A connection is incoming from|55127
[2024-09-02 11:18:42] [INFO]: Received ID_GAME_PREINIT from|55127
- idx: 0 checksum: 7B6AF5B9 file: Morrowind.esm
- idx: 1 checksum: F481F334 file: Tribunal.esm
- idx: 2 checksum: 43DD2132 file: Bloodmoon.esm
- Client was allowed to connect
[2024-09-02 11:18:42] [INFO]: Creating new player with guid 0
- Storing in slot 0
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [INFO]: Received ID_PLAYER_BASEINFO about
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [INFO]: Received ID_PLAYER_BASEINFO about Theron
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [INFO]: [Script]: Called "OnPlayerConnect" for pid 0
[Script]: - New player is named Theron
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [WARN]: Sending info about other players to 0
- Done
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [INFO]: Received ID_PLAYER_CELL_CHANGE from Theron
- Moved to 0, -7
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [INFO]: [Script]: Called "OnPlayerCellChange" for Theron (0)
- Finished processing ID_PLAYER_CELL_CHANGE
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [INFO]: [Script]: Called "OnPlayerEquipment" for Theron (0)
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [INFO]: [Script]: Called "OnPlayerAttribute" for Theron (0)
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [INFO]: [Script]: Called "OnPlayerLevel" for Theron (0)
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [INFO]: Received ID_PLAYER_BASEINFO about Theron
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [WARN]: Unhandled PlayerPacket with identifier 142 has arrived
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [INFO]: Received ID_PLAYER_CELL_CHANGE from Theron
- Moved to 0, -7
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [INFO]: [Script]: Called "OnPlayerCellChange" for Theron (0)
- Finished processing ID_PLAYER_CELL_CHANGE
[2024-09-02 11:18:55] [INFO]: [Script]: Called "OnPlayerEquipment" for Theron (0)
[2024-09-02 11:19:03] [INFO]: [Script]: Called "OnGUIAction" for Theron (0)
[2024-09-02 11:19:03] [INFO]: [Script]: Set difficulty to 0 for Theron (0)
[2024-09-02 11:19:03] [INFO]: [Script]: Set enforced log level to -1 for Theron (0)
[2024-09-02 11:19:03] [INFO]: [Script]: Set physics framerate to 60 for Theron (0)
[2024-09-02 11:19:03] [INFO]: Script is moving Theron from 0, -7 to Pelagiad, Uulernil : Armorer
[2024-09-02 11:19:03] [INFO]: [Script]: Running player-specific startup scripts for Theron (0):
[Script]: - VampireCheck
[Script]: - WereCheckScript
[2024-09-02 11:19:04] [INFO]: Received ID_PLAYER_CELL_STATE from Theron
- Attempt to get Cell at -1, -6 failed!
- Attempt to get Cell at -1, -7 failed!
- Attempt to get Cell at -1, -8 failed!
- Attempt to get Cell at 1, -6 failed!
- Attempt to get Cell at 1, -8 failed!
- Attempt to get Cell at 1, -7 failed!
- Attempt to get Cell at 0, -7 failed!
- Attempt to get Cell at 0, -8 failed!
- Attempt to get Cell at 0, -6 failed!
- Loaded cells: 0
- Adding Pelagiad, Uulernil : Armorer to CellController
- Adding Pelagiad, Uulernil : Armorer to Player Theron
- Adding Theron to Cell Pelagiad, Uulernil : Armorer
[2024-09-02 11:19:04] [INFO]: [Script]: Called "OnCellLoad" for Theron (0) and cell Pelagiad, Uulernil : Armorer
[2024-09-02 11:19:04] [ERR]: [Script]: Could not load cell/Pelagiad, Uulernil ; Armorer.json using Lua CJSON due to improperly formatted JSON! Error:
.\server\lib\lua\jsonInterface.lua:62: Expected value but found invalid token at character 1
cell/Pelagiad, Uulernil ; Armorer.json is being read via the slower dkjson instead.
[2024-09-02 11:19:04] [ERR]: [Script]: cell/Pelagiad, Uulernil ; Armorer.json cannot be read!
[2024-09-02 11:19:04] [ERR]: .\server\scripts\cell\base.lua:2134: attempt to index field 'data' (a nil value)
[2024-09-02 11:19:04] [ERR]: [Script]: Server crash from script error!
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solved. Pelagiad, Uulernil ; Armorer.json in TES3MP/server/data/cell and deleted it. booted server logged on and it let me leave the cell so it appears to have worked.
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