STEAM グループ
Mount Olympus .:MO:.
STEAM グループ
Mount Olympus .:MO:.
Mount Olympus について

This Clan is Were GODS Are Born

Olympus was the residence of the divine family, the twelve most important ruling gods and goddesses of ancient Greece, who therefore were called the Olympians. There they all lived together in an enormous palace, high above the clouds. Olympus is generally identified with Mount Olympus in Thessaly, which is the highest mountain in Greece, but very often it is identified also as some mysterious region far above the earth.

It is written that Zeus talks to the gods from "the topmost peak of many-ridged Olympus," and only a little later he says that if he willed he could hang the earth and sea from a pinnacle of Olympus, clearly not a mountain. In either case, Olympus is not the equivalent of heaven. According to the writer Homer, Poseidon says that he rules the sea, Hades the dead, Zeus the heavens, but Olympus is common to all three.

The entrance to Olympus was a great gate of clouds, kept by the Seasons. Within were the gods’ dwellings where they lived and slept and held court. In its great halls they feasted on ambrosia and nectar and were entertained by Apollo’s lyre, the Graces and the Muses.

Nectar was a sweet drink made from fermented honey, and ambrosia was said to be an uncooked mixture of honey, water, fruit, olive oil, cheese and barley, disgusting as that sounds...

Others claim that a specie of speckled mushrooms were the true food of the Olympians, created whenever Zeus' thunderbolts struck the earth, and that this was what kept them immortal. The Olympians were fond of the smell of roast beef and mutton, but didn't like the taste, so mortals would sacrifice sheep and cattle to them, but afterwards would eat the meat themselves.

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2. Respect all Admins

3. Refrain from typing vulgar text, except mild cursing.

4. If you are looking to become an admin, talk to me first, then we will go from there, but it is between me and the admin whether or not you become one

5. Any other questions regarding rules and this group, ask any admin
Percy Jackson And the Olympians the lightning thief
22 件のコメント
Razzyberries 2015年1月5日 8時42分 
I do not know these gods.
IDONOTCARE 2011年6月29日 1時11分 
it is spelled Where not Were, idiots
Marty 2011年6月12日 17時55分 
I'm player of the week. Ujelly?
NrG Explicit 2010年8月11日 12時43分 
I am a Mythology freak I belong here and I should be an admin!
C.C. 2010年6月27日 6時42分 
I am fit to be a god.
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