Moms Against Marijuana ConcernedMom
Moms Against Marijuana ConcernedMom
2015 年 9 月 27 日
United States 
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yassin 1 月 1 日 上午 4:08
Caught my husband of 29 years smoking that pack with our 6 year old daughter. AITA?
For context, my husband, 46M is a stay-at-home father. I, 44F, work at a local hooters from 9 to 5 everyday to make sure our kids get a good education at a high tier school and so I usually only need him to cook and clean for our 6 year old daughter, Laquisha. Well, the other day I got home from a rough shift (had to REALLY earn my tips that day) and I walked in on him smoking zaza with Laquisha. I instantly flew into a rage and told him that this was unacceptable and that we had to divorce. I also said that I didn't want custody of our weed infested daughter. He said I was overreacting, despite him knowing my absolute hatred of marijuana. Am I The ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for making him and Laquisha bite the curb? Was there a better way of approaching the situation?
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h0wels 2 月 25 日 下午 1:00 
You did in fact not overreact like your ex-husband was trying to tell you. You definitely did the right thing. ALL WEED USERS WILL BE SENT TO HELL WHEN THEIR JUDGEMENT DAY COMES.
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