Make Trading Safe MaTrSa
Make Trading Safe MaTrSa
2015 年 6 月 29 日
关于 Make Trading Safe

Make Trading Safe, For all Games.

Welcome in this Group.
As you all know scamming of Profiles, Items and things on steam, is really bad, and can hurt your soul, even if the Items are not that much worth to you.

It can hurt your feeling of trusting, because you trusted maybe a friend or someone else you thought he would be safe.

You might get the feeling that your actions to get this items made you proud, completeley destroyed.

It even can be just the Item itself.

And thats what i want to make that happen more rare. This Group is for posting new scam/phishing etc. attack methods, and warning against them pls keep it on English but you can write at any Games trading methods. I reccomend you to write new scam methods, and warn people to not getting scammed.

I would really appreciate it if you would invite other friends to this group.

Thank you for your Attention


Scammer, showed himself on Youtube.
4 条留言
C 2015 年 9 月 21 日 上午 6:17 
I also got scammed, I lost 4 keys on that trade at first it was really painful but I saw that as a challenge that scammers can scam me once but never again, so I was determined to get my lost and finally I doubled that lost and still going up, If you are reading this and got scammed don't worry you haven't failed, you'll only fail if you give up because of just a scam and also one helpful advice, Always research about something that you don't know or even 99% sure that 1% can take away everything that you have, it maybe common sense but it is very useful, anyway goodluck to you all!
Jod 2015 年 9 月 21 日 上午 5:53 
okay guys dont worry i joined this group cuz i got scammed and it really hurt me since my parents arent rich or anything so i had to work hard for those things thats why i support managment all the way cuz scamming just overall suck and i would like you to send this group to as many people as you can (not forcing you) so he can give u advise how NOT to get scammed.

PS. also you cannot send money trough steam :D
managMent 2015 年 6 月 30 日 上午 11:49 
+Fear of F2Ps ||| Im not one of these, and i already know ALOT of scamming and Phishing Methods, with which i could gain much Loot. And im going to write them down because if i know them, different know them maybe too, and if the wrong person knows that and the right person dont, then the right is ♥♥♥♥♥♥. There is no stop that people will find out scam methods, but its better that the "NonScammers" now these as well, so that nobody can be tricked anymore.
This is paltry to scam other people for their Work of getting this item. I hate all scammers. And i dont care what happen to me, how poor i am, or how i need that item, I'll never scam.

Its good that you told me that. This could really happen. I dont force you to go into this group. But i assure you, from my side, this will never happen.
Dani 2015 年 6 月 30 日 上午 6:59 
Not to be a prick/hater/anything like that, but this part where you say "I reccomend you to write new scam methods" seems really fishy.... Like if you were using this group as something like "Hey, tell me new ways to scamm, and trust me you'll be safe... Buut at the same time, y'know your scamming idea worked, i know because... Because... "
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2015 年 6 月 29 日