18 July, 2017
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
If you are just finding this group then this is the perfect place to start! Feel free to introduce yourself and share as much, or as little, as you'd like! This is a great way for people to get to know you :D
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
PandaPaws 19 Jul, 2017 @ 8:24pm 
Hiiiii I'm Lane and I'm a gay duder who lusts for death. I have more info on my profile. :D
catsinthevoid 19 Jul, 2017 @ 8:26pm 
It's nice to meet you Lane!! I guess I should put my introduction on here too now lol
catsinthevoid 19 Jul, 2017 @ 8:34pm 
Hi everyone!!! My name's Tori and I'm the admin for this page :). I'm a 23 yr. old pansexual dork from Wisconsin (U.S.A.) and I use they/them or she/her pronouns. I'm really into cartoons, especially Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and Avatar. My favorite steam games rn are probably Night in the Woods, Portal, and Undertale. I'm pretty friendly, so if you want to know anything else or just feel like talking then feel free to message me or add me as a friend <3
Last edited by catsinthevoid; 19 Jul, 2017 @ 10:53pm
☆ Crowfeather ☆ 19 Jul, 2017 @ 10:52pm 
Hey everybody. My name's Cassie. I'm a 25 year old pansexual (masculine leaning) trans girl from Ontario, Canada. I'm into cooking, comics, anime, manga, metal music and horror fiction. My taste in games is pretty varied, but I have a lot of love for action RPGs and Metroidvanias. I'm a pretty chill and laid back person, so if you feel like adding me, please, by all means, go ahead. We can chat about games or just life in general.
Luv N Hugz |UwU| 19 Jul, 2017 @ 11:26pm 
Hi I'm Riley. While I may not fit any of the LGBT+ categories, I support and accept those within it.
catsinthevoid 19 Jul, 2017 @ 11:42pm 
Hi Cassie and Riley! Welcome~
Michael 19 Jul, 2017 @ 11:56pm 
Hello Tori, and thank you for the invite. :-) I assume you found me in the other LGBT group that I admin for? It's nice to meet you.

I'm a dork myself who spends way too much time playing video games and over thinking things. :P Nice to meet you all.
Last edited by Michael; 19 Jul, 2017 @ 11:57pm
catsinthevoid 20 Jul, 2017 @ 12:00am 
Hey Michael! Yep, I thought that since you're an admin for another LGBT group that you might be interested in joining this one as well :D. It's super nice to meet you!
VioletLain 20 Jul, 2017 @ 1:36am 
Hi I'm Violet and I'm a demipansexual panpolyromantic non-binary trans feminine genderfluid mysanthrope who is self aware enough to realize how ridiculously long and complicated that description is.

Also I love the antifa transwoman in Night In The Woods.

So basically i'm the embodiment of everything that is hated the loud minority on the internet who hate and attack what they don't understand/agree with. Just for existing.

Nice to meet you!
Last edited by VioletLain; 20 Jul, 2017 @ 1:45am
Pookie101 20 Jul, 2017 @ 2:14am 
Im pookie.. hi *waves*
Hey I'm dvs, I'm 17 from israel, I listen to all kinds of music and have 7 different piercings all over my body and long dark hair. Feel free to add me
catsinthevoid 20 Jul, 2017 @ 2:28am 
Hey Violet, pookie, and dvs! It's wonderful to meet you all <3
Sylvertongued 20 Jul, 2017 @ 2:41am 
Was invited into this group, so I guess I better introduce myself.

So hey! You can call me Necro, but Aisling/Ash is also fine with me. I'm still pretty confused about who/what I am. I'm 20 years old and from Germany, prefer they/them pronouns and consider myself to be a pretty chill and friendly person.

I love animals (especillay birds and dogs), own a beautiful boxer lady named Dreamy, and plan on perhaps adding a small group of rats to my animal family sometime soon. I enjoy writing/roleplaying, cartoons and anime, hoarding video games and lots and lots of other stuff.

Feel free to add me (I share this account with my dad though, so if I don't respond to messages, it's not me)! :charm:
kuolematar 20 Jul, 2017 @ 5:17am 
Howdy! My name is Suvi-Tuuli but I use Kuolematar as my IGN. You may call me Suvi-Tuuli, Kuolematar, or Kuo for short. I'm just your extraordinary 32-year-old autistic demifluid trans woman (she/her but they/../themself works too) from Finland. Aceflux/adfectusexual and arovague/nebularomantic pan, polyamorous, and been separated from my wife for a year. Mental illnesses like depression and anxiety (and more) have been complicating all my relationships, whether romantic or not. Besides, I'm still trying to figure out who I am (been out in one form or another since 2005 but it's been a strange ride).

A few things I'm into: scifi, Stargate, Steven Universe, anime, music (isn't everybody?), metal, science-y stuff, computer-y stuff, computer science-y stuff, table hockey, games (obviously), Warframe, languages...

Guess I don't mind if someone wants to add me but I don't add people with private profiles. Yes, that picture is of me but is also several years old. I'll change it someday. Maybe.

Citronnelle 20 Jul, 2017 @ 5:25am 
Hey! I have no idea how I ended up here, but WTH. ^_^ I'm 26, from Estonia, pansexual, demiromantic, and possibly a bit genderfluid, pronoun she/her or they/them. My most favourite games are ones from Bioware, but overall I enjoy mostly RPG, strategy and fantasy genres. I work as a software developer and have two rat boys at home.
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