Lambda of Steel CLST
Lambda of Steel CLST
Creat la
13 iulie 2011
DESPRE Lambda of Steel

Clan Lambda of Steel

CLST is inactive nowadays due to a merge. You can find us at KAIN

Planetside Universe[]
KAIN Steamgroup
KAIN Official Website[]
IMPORTANT: Outfit merging into a new, bigger and better outfit!
  • Bigger member-counts means more new active members (snowball-effect)
  • Multiple leaders of the former outfits combined who are all capable of leading and organizing stuff.
  • 24/7 active squads and platoons of our Outfit with capable leaders.
  • The outfit can be divided in different divisions. Like air support, armor and infantry divisions. We can also give these divisions an honorable name regarding our former outfits, like 301st Airborne Division and/or Lambda Division.
  • Well organized as everyone is on Teamspeak.
  • Getting to know new people outside your own outfit, then we'll create a bigger and better community around us automaticaly.
  • We can then organize bigger and more epic events.
  • Multiple members with a variety of skills in our outfit who can manage the forumposts, make promotional videos for the outfit, organize stuff et cetera.
  • And the list goes on and on...

The outfit is called:
Kinetic Armament Industries

The tag is:


NEWS OF THE WEEK: Double xp/sc weekend, Outfit specialization, Training Days...
  • Skyguard (for the lightning)
  • Zepher/Dalton (liberator)
  • Phoenix (camera-guided RPG), or Annihalator (all-round guided), or crow (vehicle guided)
  • Rocket Pods (for the reaver)
  • Walkers or Rangers (for the sunderer)
  • Secondary Burster for Max (mossies and scythes will fall down like flies)
  • AV-Turret (for the engineer)
  • SMG's (all infantry-classes)
  • Also keep an eye out for the big Infantry bundles/vehicle bundles.
I suggest to use you SC for the expensive weapons (700 SC/1.000 certs), also try you weapons in the Training Facility first before buying. Another tip: If you buy the not-empire-specific weapons with Station Cash, you can also use them on your other characters. ES (empire-specific) weapons will be available on all characters of the same faction off course. Buying with certs only makes it available to that character you unlocked it with.

Outfit Specialization
As you might know we are at the moment an all-round outfit when it comes to strategy and tactics. Something that's not really a problem as long as we're having fun. But, as I noticed on the Roadmap[] lately. It seems like we're getting a new progression system for outfits somewhere in june. (For more information see: Outfit Progression[])
If this comes out, we will probably be forced to specialize our outfit in a way. For example: Specializing in a strong armor division with vanguards, skyguards and sundies. On the other side, maby this is not the case and you get some general benefits to choose from for you outfit.

So my question to you, members of the outfit is: Where do you think we should specialize in, or shall we just keep it the way it is now? (for disccusion join this thread)

Training Day
We are also thinking about organizing a training day for all members once in a month. We still have a lot of members not knowing what to do when it comes to the little details off attacking or defending a base. For instance: keeping an eye on enemy engineers close to a friendly sunderer.
As these are things that can be learned to everyone who is willing to and increase the fun in playing this game, I would like to organize a training day in the Training Facility and show some of the tactics that are possible. (for disccussion join this thread)

TeamSpeak 3
One last important thing I want to add, we still have a lot of members who don't use TeamSpeak. We are going to make this mandatory for our outfit, so please download and join us on TS. It is always nice and cozy with friendly people to talk with. Just don't be afraid of talking in English. If you think you suck at it, don't feel ashamed. We are glad to help you getting better at it. (You can find all the information for TS you need on the main page of this group)

Thanks for reading!
~ Terrorbird

18 comentarii
Trader 4 sept. 2013 la 11:01 
i would really like to join i always paly NC im not the best player but im a good combbat medic
Terrorbird 26 apr. 2013 la 9:03 
Ok, thats understandable of course. Cya, and good luck to you!

~ Terrorbird

AtrociousBanana 24 apr. 2013 la 14:17 
I'm in a bit of a spot, I enjoy playing with the clan, but I currently live in the middle of the US, and as much as i do enjoy it, it lags a bit more than I can stand to enjoy myself, so, sadly, i must leave, good bye to all.
Terrorbird 18 mart. 2013 la 9:28 
Hey Athanas, yes you can. I'l send you a friend invite. Then just notify me when your online in-game. (my name is Terrorbird)

And please, feel free to look around on this steampage for guides and upcoming events. Btw TeamSpeak is not a requirement for joining yet, but it makes it much more a fun experience for you (and us) if you did ;-)
Anyways, welcome to the outfit!

Active Server:
- Channel: [CLST] Lambda of Steel
Athanas 17 mart. 2013 la 15:44 
Hey can i join your outfit because playing alone in this game is just sad.
My nick is Zadon.
Halo 10 mart. 2013 la 15:03 
Uninstalled for the moment again and will be back IF they sort the game out. It is all just pointless zerging still and having it installed just means I play it.

The latency/lag is also getting beyond a joke, there is nothing wrong with my connection and it runs smoothly, it is the only thing that explains the unbelieveable things that keep happening.

There is also a noticeable lag between destroying something and getting the points come up and I think it is enough to be a real disadvantage.

Might install update 4 this week to look at it but am giving up until there is a game to play.
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