Konstruktor's Workshop KonWsh
Konstruktor's Workshop KonWsh
14 June, 2014
Con 14 Jun, 2014 @ 3:03am
Idea Thread

This is the place you can post your ideas / concepts.

Get going!
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Showing 1-15 of 63 comments
Ty-Foo 14 Jun, 2014 @ 8:03am 
Some ideas (bad and good) just pop to my mind, and I'm going to leave them here.

Butterfly pyro

-Butterfly antennas (something like this: maybe ball to the top of the antenna instead of curly one)
-Leaf tutu (Like this: but made of cartoony leaves (like this
-Wings (butterfly wings on both sides of gas bottle that pyro has (

Back to school -spy

-Pencil knife (Like this but in tf2 style + some little things such as "Spy" carved to it or blood etc.)
-Nerdy hair (Styled like this but in tf2 style, maybe with glasses)
-Jacket (Something like this
-Pants & shoes (styled like this, should fit with the jacket) (shoes should look like these:

Note: These are just little ideas, not complete plans. I do not own the pictures I have linked there. :alyx:

Edit: added picture of shoes
Last edited by Ty-Foo; 14 Jun, 2014 @ 8:05am
try hotline miami stuff likescout knife or somthing
ParanA 14 Jun, 2014 @ 7:27pm 
Watch_Dogs theme for Spy
Ty-Foo 15 Jun, 2014 @ 1:23am 
Originally posted by =o.W.n=ParanA:
Watch_Dogs theme for Spy
t🌸nde 17 Jun, 2014 @ 5:19pm

Juzt zomething like rezking of zhotgun.
Last edited by t🌸nde; 17 Jun, 2014 @ 5:20pm
make a shot gn for the pyro that does fire damage i has no conept ;(
t🌸nde 19 Jun, 2014 @ 7:27pm 
Originally posted by eren yeager:
make a shot gn for the pyro that does fire damage i has no conept ;(

That would never be added, you see - It would take flamethrower's part and would be really op. Of course it would work with something like -30% less damage, but then it would suck.

And shotgun is called shotgun, because it's simply like shotgun, not firegun.

Hey, does Konstruktor even look for ideas - Well, there actually is only one with concept art, that is mine.

P.s. moi ^^
Last edited by t🌸nde; 19 Jun, 2014 @ 7:27pm
Originally posted by AntroniAww:
Originally posted by eren yeager:
make a shot gn for the pyro that does fire damage i has no conept ;(

That would never be added, you see - It would take flamethrower's part and would be really op. Of course it would work with something like -30% less damage, but then it would suck.

And shotgun is called shotgun, because it's simply like shotgun, not firegun.

Hey, does Konstruktor even look for ideas - Well, there actually is only one with concept art, that is mine.

P.s. moi ^^
you are a smart ass
um the firegun could have -10 dmg and the fire wouldent last long it would have the reserved shooter skin but with the backburner head on it and it would be really useful in times when there are spys and you cant shoot flame thrower
Viole 22 Jun, 2014 @ 4:02pm 
Make a mod that will replace the normal models with these models
ya waht he said
Viole 22 Jun, 2014 @ 4:49pm 
Originally posted by random pug=TWKB=:
ya waht he said

What I said?
yes waht you said
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