King Savage Gaming KSavageG
King Savage Gaming KSavageG
12 de Julho de 2017
United States 
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StonedApe 17 jul. 2017 às 13:55
MethRP Rules
---------Server Restarts Every 6 Hours---------
Section 1 - General Rules:
1.1- No META-Gaming
1.2- Don't Minge
1.3- Actually Role Play
1.4- You're only out of character in spawn
1.5- Hacking is not permitted
1.6- Do not ask for admin
1.7- RDM is not tolerated
1.8- Prop killing is not tolerated
1.9- Attempts to crash/lag the server will result in an immediate ban
1.10- /adverts must be individual adverts Ex. no "/advert mug/raid/kidnap"
1.11- Do not break the rules to retaliate against someone else who broke the rules. Two wrongs do not make a right.
1.12- NLR is 3 Minutes

Section 2 - Vehicles
2.0- Do not horn spam
2.1- Don't car minge
2.2- Do not randomly shoot cars
2.3- /advert carjack to steal a vehicle
2.4- Respawning your car after its been stolen is FailRP

Section 3 - Raiding/Mugging/Kidnapping
3.0- NLR Applies
3.1- Max raid time is 10 Minutes
3.2- Once you die the raid is over
3.3- You must advert before raiding, kidnapping, mugging, carjacking, and PD raiding
3.4- When raiding you can kill anyone not in your party that enters the base
3.5- Anyone can help stop a raid
3.6- Once the raid is over the victim can return if he/she has died
3.7- The same base cannot be raided by the same people for 20 Minutes
3.8- Cannot raid bases that are BUILDING
3.9- When kidnapped you must release or kill them after 10 minutes
3.10- Chain adverts not allowed
3.11- You cannot base takeover

Section 4 - Basing Rules

4.0- No 1 way props
4.1- No unfair foot traps
4.2- No more than 5 Keypads per base
4.3- Keypad must remain open for a minimum of 8 Seconds
4.4- Prop blocking/climbing in bases are not allowed
4.5- No fading door abuse
4.6- No double fading doors
4.7- Printers cannot be encased with prop protection
4.8- Shipments cannot be encased with prop protection
4.9- No building on sidewalks or streets
4.10- Building signs can only be up when ACTUALLY BUILDING.
4.11- Crouch walks are not allowed
4.12- Basing on roofs is not allowed
4.13- KOS lines must be in base not on the street/pavement
4.14- You cannot KOS for loitering around your base
4.15- Mayors can build in the PD
4.16- Do not build sky bases
4.17- You cannot have printers in your base while a building sign is up
4.18- double fading doors are not allowed

Section 5 - Job Specific Rules

5.1- MUGGER:
- Must advert you are mugging someone
- You can only mug someone every 5 Minutes
- You cannot mug out in the open streets
- When mugging the most you can demand is $5000
- The victim can retaliate if they choose to

5.2- THIEF:
- When breaking into someones base you must /advert Raid
- When mugging someone you must /advert Mug max ammount $5000
- When Pickpocketing you cannot pickpocket the same person for 5 minutes

- Can only kidnap people when not in public
- Can only hold someone prisoner for a maximum of 30 Minutes
- Can charge a maximum of $30000 for the release of victim
- If the victim tries resisting once bound they are failRP
- When kidnapping someone you must /advert kidnap
- Only police officers can stop you from kidnapping someone, or someone in their party
- You can only kidnap 1 person at a time
- You can only kidnap someone every 15 minutes

5.4- POLICE:
- You can only arrest someone if they have an active warrant
- You can only warrant someone for breaking a law
- You can stop any form of crime with deadly force or arrest
- You can stop and question someone only if they are seen doing illegal activity
- Police Officers must obey the Police Cheif at all times
- You can only base check someone if you have a warrant to do so
- You can only warrant someone for an actual reason (Not because You Know Something Your Character Doesnt)
- Anyone caught in the jail cell room CAN be arrested
- Police Officers CAN BE Dirty but MAY NOT KILL other Police Officers
- The Police Cheif CAN NOT BE Dirty
- If a police officer is found to be dirty they can be arrested and demoted
- Cannot use money printers
- Cannot base

- Gun dealers cannot self deal except for shop defence
- Gun dealers cannot base with other people
- LARGE ARMS DEALING IS ILLEGAL, you must obtain a license to not be ARRESTABLE, Pistols are LEGAL TO SELL

5.6- Citizens:
- Cannot raid or preform any criminal actions

5.7- Mayor:
- Can not make KOS laws
- Laws do not bypass server rules
- Mayor cannot be dirty
- Mayor is not allowed to have money printers
- You can decide if someone gets unarrested

5.8- Construction Worker
- Can build on sidewalks and roads
- Cannot block off roads completely
- cannot charge people to let them by
- You cannot commit crimes

5.9- DJ
- You cannot commit crimes
- you cannot play music on the streets without the mayors permission
- If there is no mayor you can play wherever

5.10- Hobo
- You cannot base anywhere
- you can have 2 props on the sidewalks
- If a police officer asks you to remove your props and leave, you have to obey or risk arrest

5.11- Security
- You are NOT a Police Officer
- You cannot base

5.12- Suicide Bomber
- You must /advert terrorism before killing anyone
- Terrorism lasts 15 seconds
- You can only /advert terrorism every 15 minutes

5.13- Black Market DEALER
- Still Being Developed

5.14- Hit Man
- You cannot be KOS for accepting a hit
- You cannot raid
- You cannot have people help you kill someone

5.15- Detective
- Follows the same rules as Police Officers
- Allowed to break into peoples homes (With probable cause)
- you can be KOS'd (Inside the owners base)
- You cannot KOS people in the base
- Anything found must be reported to the police first

5.16- Swat Member
- Follows the same rules as police officers

5.17- Hacker
- Does not have to advert
- Can only hack an ATM once every 30 Minutes
- Can only be stopped by Government Officials

5.18- Drug Cook
- Not allowed to raid
Última alteração por StonedApe; 22 jul. 2017 às 10:50