Jazzy Gaming [JG]
Jazzy Gaming [JG]
2009 年 6 月 6 日
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
关于 Jazzy Gaming

Jazzy Gaming

Welcome to the official Jazzy Gaming Steam group.

We used to be an extremely active and well-run community built upon the steam network and Garry's Mod. Sadly some of the key members of this group became inactive due to outside life taking over. The group slowly died and has been inactive for months.

Jazzy Gaming was so great that it still receives support from old members. This has encouraged one of the oldest members to kick start this old community back into action and give the entire concept of Jazzy Gaming a make-over.

I, Jazzy, have a very busy life outside of Steam. I am home on average 3 out of 7 days a week which makes it incredibly hard for me to manage an online community.

I am here to ask for a determined young individual to take co-operative leadership over Jazzy Gaming along side me, Jazzy. I would like all our best efforts to go into making Jazzy Gaming everything it was and more.

We can't do this alone however. We need continual support from the most important part of the community. I'm talking about the members of course. Without them, Jazzy Gaming wouldn't exist.

We are open to donations to help Jazzy Gaming get back on its feet. This would give us the chance to really give it all we've got. If you're feeling generous you can send any amount to "" via paypal. This would guarantee a new lease of life in Jazzy Gaming.

Thank you for reading, I hope to see you very soon in the new and improved Jazzy Gaming.

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The Jazzy Gaming Revival
173 条留言
diealein (Kitty) 2016 年 3 月 9 日 下午 1:31 
gg no re
GERTY 2013 年 1 月 18 日 下午 5:10 
I miss this group ;~;
MRDRMUFN 2012 年 4 月 9 日 下午 12:40 
btw you can reach our community page at:
MRDRMUFN 2012 年 4 月 9 日 下午 12:34 
As we're one of the last standing if not the last fork communities from JG. You guys should come check out our servers. We at [iG] Ingenious Gaming are still hosting GMOD and Minecraft Servers. You can connect to our servers or our website with . We have the hardware available, we just need you guys to fill them. Come on guys lets bring back this great community.
M4TM0 2012 年 3 月 20 日 下午 8:27 
I remember their servers geting hacked xD
diealein (Kitty) 2011 年 12 月 29 日 下午 6:20 
*hums still alive while looking at this page*
0 聊天中
2009 年 6 月 6 日
United Kingdom (Great Britain)