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Favorite KreenCast so far?
So.. Kreen has been around for a while now.. has had some amazing streams and some really great highlights. Not to mention all the youtube content.

I'm curious to see what your favorite KreenCast is so far to date..

Post up a link to your favorite twitch and/or youtube video of Kreen (whether its game/stream related, or not. It could be one of his video shorts as well) so we can all revel in the hilarity that is the KreenStream.

Cheers, everyone!
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My favorite's a little personal, so that a link wouldn't really benefit anyone.. Suffice to say it was one of the earlier Hearthstone streams that convinced me to play as well.

Then I got my arse kicked by the AI! Damn you Kreen! <3
The AI is always out to get you TheIronDruid.


I've got a handful of favorite moments, as the streamer, haha-

I have to say, both 24hr streams we've broadcasted have been a blast and memorable, for their own reasons.

The first 24hr stream had me enthralled from the start because of the support that turned out and the CHALLENGE of staying up and maintaining a 'program'. That was exciting for me. Oh, and the pizza treat at the end was a huge delicious plus.

The second 24hr stream was an exciting adventure because I wanted to include some RL friends as guests. I learned a lot from it. Most of it was technical stream aspects. I do have to note, I am incredibly appreciative for everyone's patience with it. I'd still love to get feedback on guests dropping by those 24hr streams. What would you like to see? Or I suppose, most importantly, what would you NOT like to see?

First 24hr Stream[]
Second 24hr Stream part 1[]
Second 24hr Stream part 2[]

Thanks for generating this topic Majeye!
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