Indiegala Indiegala
Indiegala Indiegala
21 February, 2012
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Steven Cojo 24 Apr, 2019 @ 12:48am
GalaQuiz Announcement Thread (Subscribe here for HINTS and more)
By subscribing here you'll get a steam notification whenever the hints are uploaded for the newest quiz or when the GalaQuiz[] is about to start. We want to avoid spamming you with any other unnecessary/unwanted stuff, so unless it is a vital update, this thread will focus only on GalaQuiz stuff.
Last edited by Steven Cojo; 24 Apr, 2019 @ 6:28pm

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Showing 1-15 of 303 comments
Steven Cojo 24 Apr, 2019 @ 10:53am 
~10 min left until the GalaQuiz StressTest begins! Make sure you read the hints (not that you'll need them with these easy questions) and just focus on the option #1, in order to get them all right and earn FREE GalaCredit. Thank you for helping us improve the GalaQuiz experience!
Steven Cojo 24 Apr, 2019 @ 6:47pm 
~20 min left until the GalaQuiz StressTest begins! Make sure you read the hints (not that you'll need them with these easy and identical questions) and just focus on the option #1, in order to get them all right and earn FREE GalaCredit. Thank you for helping us improve the GalaQuiz experience!

EDIT: Last moment change, seems like those aren't the same questions, but the principle should be the same
Last edited by Steven Cojo; 26 Apr, 2019 @ 1:47pm
Steven Cojo 25 Apr, 2019 @ 4:38pm 
~10 minutes left, the hints are up, today we'll have another $100 $200 StressTest with some easy questions once more, remember to put priority on option #1. Yesterday was eventful, some Internal Server Error and 404 for some people, but this time everything should be stable. Once we've fixed any potential breaking kinks (in theory we resolved them, but we want to be certain) we'll return to the regular and challenging GalaQuizzes and keep on working towards improving.
Last edited by Steven Cojo; 26 Apr, 2019 @ 1:48pm
Steven Cojo 26 Apr, 2019 @ 1:45pm 
~15 minutes left for the 4th StressTest, another $100 in GalaCredit for the helpers, with some easy questions once more, remember to put priority on option X. Yesterday was eventful once again, but we hope we have fixed the issue in which some people's answers didn't count in the end, even if visually it looked like they answered everything correctly. The problem with pushing the servers to the limit seems to be fixed (hopefully), so that's good, we'll see with time when more and more people will join if anything breaks again, which it shouldn't ofc. Keep up the good work!
edit: here's the link for convenience
Last edited by Steven Cojo; 26 Apr, 2019 @ 1:46pm
Steven Cojo 26 Apr, 2019 @ 7:01pm 
~10 minutes left for the 5th StressTest, another $100 in GalaCredit for the helpers, with some easy questions once more, remember to put priority on option X, no hints needed. Today went well, I theory the feedback and list display should be fixed, but we'll keep on testing until it's working and most of you will be getting lots of shiny GalaCredit to spend on whatever you want. Thank you for helping us once more.
Steven Cojo 7 May, 2019 @ 10:04pm 
We took our time but this time we believe we've done it! The GalaQuizzes should be able to go LIVE once more without a hitch in their fullest glory! We'll hold one more StressTest just for safe measure in around half a day, the hints are already up, so make sure you're subscribed to the push notifications or to the thread, in order to be notified in time and win all of those shiny GalaCredits.
Steven Cojo 8 May, 2019 @ 9:45pm 
Originally posted by Steven Cojo:
We took our time but this time we believe we've done it! The GalaQuizzes should be able to go LIVE once more without a hitch in their fullest glory! We'll hold one more StressTest just for safe measure in around half a day, the hints are already up, so make sure you're subscribed to the push notifications or to the thread, in order to be notified in time and win all of those shiny GalaCredits.
Today we held multiple smaller "covert" ones, without much fanfare, just to be certain things went well without disappointing anyone in case they didn't. We had a few participants and things seem to be going smoothly, so now we're even more confident. Tomorrow we'll hold a more open one, so stay tuned. Once we're certain everything is rigid, we'll probably make a schedule of fixed dates/hours for quizzes, so you'll always know when to expect them.
Steven Cojo 9 May, 2019 @ 6:57pm 
Around half an hour left until the (hopefully last and functional) StressTest! After other smaller successful ones we had today, this is the big one, so make sure you've checked the hints (even if the questions are really easy), and aim to get all the questions right for the shiny GalaCredits!

Even if you don't get them all right, aim for the Top 100 Leaderboard, we're planning a reset at the end of the month and the top 100 participants will have a (hopefully pleasant) surprise.
Steven Cojo 11 May, 2019 @ 1:53am 
Yesterday's StressTest was a success, so tomorrow (in less than a day actually), to celebrate, we will be holding a new $200 GalaQuiz, with real questions, some quite challenging, so make sure you consult the hints for a proper head start. Don't forget, to be winner you'll need to get all the questions right, but even if you don't, keep playing for the score, at the end of the month there will be a wipe and the top 100 participants will be getting an exclusive surprise.
Steven Cojo 12 May, 2019 @ 1:21pm 
$100 GalaQuiz, hints are up, in around 4 hours from now it will go LIVE. Hope you all had a pleasant weekend.
Steven Cojo 12 May, 2019 @ 4:51pm 
less than 10 minutes left:
Steven Cojo 14 May, 2019 @ 5:03pm 
Less than an hour left, next one will be Thursday. Good luck!
Steven Cojo 16 May, 2019 @ 5:08pm 
Less than an hour left, next one will be on Saturday. Good luck!
Steven Cojo 18 May, 2019 @ 5:44pm 
Less than 15 minutes left until the GalaQuiz goes LIVE! Next one will be on Tuesday. Good luck!
Steven Cojo 21 May, 2019 @ 5:07pm 
Less than an hour left, next one will be on tomorrow. Good luck!
NOTE: We'll be adding a new feature to the quiz, in the form of a minigame, it should be available soon.
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