Illwinter Casual Gaming IllwinterCG
Illwinter Casual Gaming IllwinterCG
2022 年 10 月 12 日
關於 Illwinter Casual Gaming

Relaxed Illwinter Gaming

If you want to chill and play Illwinter games with other people, this group might be for you.

No voice communication needed. Text is fine. There is no rush in games, and everyone can play as they wish.

I'll be the acting dictator and the final word when it comes to the game settings just to keep it simple, but I am benevolent and also powerless outside the game. We can vote on things. The simpler things are, the better.

No mods is best, but we can go through some mods and see what they do. If you are good enough to start adding mods and complexity and so on, we might not be the best group for you.

To keep things organized, the game with the most players should take precedence. Feel free to have as many concurrent games with as many people in this group or outside it as you want. This group is all about playing for fun and not as a job or responsibility.

However this means, that if you are already taking part in a game with 5 people, and all 5 people are ready to play, then you should join the game with the most people. This is so that we can keep the game that is most difficult to organize going. You can drop off at any time and make your faction AI, so no worries about that.

Just to reiterate: You are playing a game with 1 other person. Then, all 5 people from a different game are ready to go. You should then put a pause on the game with less people, and join the one with the most people. You can make your faction AI, and drop off if you don't feel like playing the larger game. (Or however it works for multiplayer)



Create a pretender god, and/or a disciple god for your faction. Depending on whether you are the actual pretender, or a disciple, send the correct god to the following email

Send an email and attach your pretender file to:

Set the subject of that email as the current game name. You can find that in the pinned discussion.

Save game location:
- *USER*/AppData(hidden folder)/Roaming/Dominions5;

Once the game starts, you will receive an email with your turn. Download that file, place it into a folder with a name of your choosing in the "savedgames" folder. Run your game, and load the turn.

Once you are finished, end turn, and exit.

After that, send the .2h file to this email:
No subject or message needed. This is the same email that sent you the first turn.

You will get another email once another turn has started, and so on.
11 則留言
King Anoobis 2023 年 7 月 20 日 下午 12:08 
its running, but there is at least one person waiting, and a few who say they could do a 2nd game, I believe they/we are waiting for the weekend to do setup when we have more time @Stridshorn
Sydhavshavet 2023 年 7 月 20 日 上午 4:25 
Is newest game running or can you still get a slot?
King Anoobis 2023 年 7 月 16 日 下午 1:04 
Not sure if this will reach more, but we're starting a game up if anyone is interested
Sociableадь 2022 年 10 月 19 日 下午 2:58 
Yep I think I am, let's create a new topic for this one and discuss all the stuff there
King Anoobis 2022 年 10 月 19 日 下午 1:53 
I might be able to tonight, I'm off work, are you going to be around in a few hours from now?
Sociableадь 2022 年 10 月 19 日 下午 1:33 
So, is anybody here able and willing to have another game going (along with the big one), shorter and faster one, with easier research and cataclysm enabled, so we could just sit and play like a few hours in a row?
8 位交談中
2022 年 10 月 12 日