Idle Master idlemaster
Idle Master idlemaster
2014. augusztus 19.
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How can I get faster card drop?
ok so I have 20 card drop remaining, how can i get faster card drop?
my setting are:
1) idle each game invidually
2) prioritize the games with highest number of avalabile drop
Legutóbb szerkesztette: MrL0G1C; 2018. ápr. 26., 13:21
Eredetileg közzétette: MrL0G1C:
Update: Idle Master Extended now has a fast mode which completely automates fast card idling.


B) Download it, EXTRACT IT to a new folder, Run it

C) Choose File Menu > File > Settings > Idling behavious > Fast Mode.

Step 1)
Idle all games simultaneously for 5 minutes or 3 hours!!*
Stop Idler, wait 1 minute.
Idle games individually each for about 10 seconds to get the 1st card of each set.
Change setting back to Idle all.

*Unfortunately for newer accounts and accounts that have refunded a game there is a 3 hour wait before the 1st card drop.

Step 2)
Idle all games simultaneously for 30 minutes.
Stop Idler, wait 1 minute.
Idle games individually each for about 10 seconds to get the next card of each set* **.
Change setting back to Idle all.

Keep repeating step 2 until all cards have dropped.

*Some games drop a card every half hour, but some only drop after 60, 90 or 120 minutes.
**A lot easier to do this with CardIdleRemastered

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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
E fórum egyik moderátora jelezte, hogy ez a hozzászólás megválaszolja a témát.
Update: Idle Master Extended now has a fast mode which completely automates fast card idling.


B) Download it, EXTRACT IT to a new folder, Run it

C) Choose File Menu > File > Settings > Idling behavious > Fast Mode.

Step 1)
Idle all games simultaneously for 5 minutes or 3 hours!!*
Stop Idler, wait 1 minute.
Idle games individually each for about 10 seconds to get the 1st card of each set.
Change setting back to Idle all.

*Unfortunately for newer accounts and accounts that have refunded a game there is a 3 hour wait before the 1st card drop.

Step 2)
Idle all games simultaneously for 30 minutes.
Stop Idler, wait 1 minute.
Idle games individually each for about 10 seconds to get the next card of each set* **.
Change setting back to Idle all.

Keep repeating step 2 until all cards have dropped.

*Some games drop a card every half hour, but some only drop after 60, 90 or 120 minutes.
**A lot easier to do this with CardIdleRemastered

Legutóbb szerkesztette: MrL0G1C; 2018. nov. 30., 0:02
omg thank you so much
That helps a lot, thx!! :SG_SON:
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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Összes téma > Általános témák > Téma részletei