HuniePop Allstars HP Stars
HuniePop Allstars HP Stars
14 de Março de 2015
110 comentários
battlezoby 11 out. 2022 às 0:24 
Does anyone know about CyberCrush 2069? It isn't by HunnieDev is it? Because I couldn't believe how blantently and needlessly he damn-near exactly copied HunniePop!!!
battlezoby 23 dez. 2021 às 22:06 
Hey, how about an "Off Topic" topic for this group? I can think of a lot of stuff people here might want to discuss, especially since there are certainly some positive things I can say about this in-group "community" that don't so-much hold true of the overall Steam community.

As an example and a point of trivia, I was wondering how many members do, and how many members don't know what's wrong/omitted on the following webpage with respect to what it says about the scene with Phoebe Cates
battlezoby 29 out. 2021 às 11:33 
Can someone send me a Hunnie Pop discord invite (or Hunniepop 2). I'll try to remember to delete this message if and when I find it (with or without help.) Thanks.
Rat 8 mar. 2021 às 20:12 
If you're a fan of HP1:hp_audrey: I'd say HP2:hcs_sarah: is worth a shot since I had fun playing through it myself despite not finding as much replayability as HP1.
Rat 8 mar. 2021 às 20:12 
Pt 2
Two reasons for my favoritism of HP1 is my nostalgia for the initial experience and its characters, but above all else I mainly miss the replayability from HP1 of going for a "infinite" game while farming sentiment (assumed 999 max cap based on other records and moves recording beyond 30 but not visibly counting past 30).

Because of HP2's inclusion of double dates, baggage, and stamina it "feels" like Huniepop but it plays differently, and the best way I can describe it is like a challenge-version, a modifier, a remix of HP1, so I think HP1 is the way to go and depending how much you like it then HP2 might be worth.

Both games have fun talking, characters, items, upgrades, cgs, bgs, music, and gameplay.
But even though they feel within the same universe the two games differ drastically in terms of gameplay, and the "right" game depends what mood you're in.
Rat 8 mar. 2021 às 20:09 
I like Huniepop 2 so far, but I loved Huniepop so its still my fave. Two of HP2's best aspects were the new characters and the story/writing, and both of these aspects were actually pretty funny at times and a lot more absurd by far than anything in HP1. I got to alpha date 3 before I started doing Non Stop mode where my record is 10 so far.
battlezoby 24 fev. 2021 às 23:19 
[Part 1 of 3]
So, any comments on HunniePop 2?
I'll start by saying that you should consider the version before the Steam.
I've bought both, the Gog version runs smoothers, and you're much less likely to get
figuratively screwed-over by something like Steam deciding they want to kill the game
like they did for everyone running Xp and Vista.

With Gog, you can run the game offline too with zero problems, or even copy the game to
a laptop that has no connection whatsoever using a thumb-flashdrive.
battlezoby 24 fev. 2021 às 23:19 
[Part 2 or 3]
As far as the game itself, after getting so good at 5-way matches and simultanious matches, it can be fustrating that those can so easily cause you to lose the date in HP2. But it's not so bad once you get used to it (which took me a while), and you can use Date gifts to solve the problem, which is how I made it to Alpha Date 22 shortly after unlocking Alpha Dates. (22 and counting, I'm sort of win-some/lose-some right now, but it certainly seems like I'll keep going up considerable if and when I keep playing.)
battlezoby 24 fev. 2021 às 23:18 
[Part 3 of 3]
Oh... a warning... once you defeat the Nymphogyns (or whatever they're calling - they're in the opening backstory), which I did on my first attempt - that was easier than expect once I got there - you're immediately thrust into Alpha Dates. Oh... you there doesn't seem to be reward for beating them either other than a 3 new photos. So if you don't want to do Alpha Dates yet, don't beat them. They actually have 4 "dates" you have to win in a row, so if you're about to win 4/4 against them, you can always just resign if you want to stay in non-Alpha dates a bit longer. :-)
Binding 21 fev. 2021 às 16:14 
Well, HP2's incel mode is kicking my ass, hope you guys are enjoying the game
Rat 8 fev. 2021 às 12:42 
Happy Huniepop 2 Day !! :hp_audrey:
Pony 20 jan. 2021 às 12:20 
BROLY 32 14 jan. 2020 às 13:28 
Huniepop 2 trailer is out :
Ovelha 24 abr. 2019 às 3:31 
Hi, ladies and gentlemen.
Anyone know if there is any way to "sponsor" Huniepop's successor :hp_nikki:
battlezoby 27 dez. 2018 às 12:05 
A while back I posted:
> I just made a move where I pulled a piece away to push one into a 4-way match
> (someone here would call it the "alternate movement method",) and the other piece
> I pulled into a 2nd 4-way. So it was two 4-ways BEFORE Anything dropped.

> And I got all 6 sentiment. I know the game a bit inconsistant, so I don't know if that
. will always happen, but if other people notice it working or not working, please let
> me and the other know. Thanks!

I just did that two more times, and both times, unlike before I got not only the
6 sentiments but BOTH free moves (increasing moves remaining by one.)
battlezoby 27 dez. 2018 às 12:05 
[Continued from earlier post, immediately above]
In the two recent times, both new matches were verticle. (And both times
the pulled piece was part of the one of the 4-ways.)

I know there were a lot of times I get the 6 sentiment, but not the extra
move. So know I'm wondering if making a vertical and a horizontal
4-way at the same times does 6 sentiment and 1 free move, while
both veritical give 6 and 2. (Not sure about both Horizontial.)
blessed 25 set. 2018 às 18:40 
Hi everyone :hp_kyanna: Thanks for accepting me in :D
Winter Raven 11 mai. 2018 às 16:34 
There is a brand new challenge listed in the discussions. :hp_kyu:
battlezoby 5 mai. 2018 às 22:05 
You know how when a 2nd 4-way match drops into place, it ussually don't give you the extra 3 sentiment for that 2nd set? (So you get 3 sentiment for the 1st match, but not the extra 3 for the second.)

I just made a move where I pulled a piece away to push one into a 4-way match (someone here would call it the "alternate movement method",) and the other piece I pulled into a 2nd 4-way.
So it was two 4-ways BEFORE Anything dropped.

And I got all 6 sentiment. I know the game a bit inconsistant, so I don't know if that
will always happen, but if other people notice it working or not working, please let
me and the other know. Thanks! :YelaxotFrog: :hp_kyu: :presidente:

Sorry I didn't screenshot it, before and after. If thought it would work, I would have.
But I'll try if and when there is a next time, and hopefully someone else will too.
Winter Raven 31 jan. 2018 às 6:05 
Congratulations ChaddychadChaD, our group player of the week for posting a screen shot of sentimate of 628! :hp_kyu:
Rat 30 jan. 2018 às 20:05 
new record sentiment 628
Rat 11 dez. 2017 às 22:21 
new sentiment record of 569 (:
Winter Raven 8 dez. 2017 às 6:48 
Congratulations Look at Mi, our latest player of the week for posting a screen shot of 120 0r more sentiment collected in a game :hp_kyu:
Tomo 8 dez. 2017 às 5:07 
The 1,000 hour legend.
Bill_Clinton69 7 dez. 2017 às 21:10 
Thanks for the add :hp_beli:

Greetings from the worst state in America, Mississippi
Winter Raven 10 set. 2017 às 6:02 
Congratulation Zonijo, our latest player of the month for setting a new sentiment record for AllStars at 556 !!
battlezoby 6 set. 2017 às 0:17 
Got bored and started playing around with other date gifts.
Decided to play around with the extra-turns related gifts...

My first try was pretty clueless. Second try, I got really lucky with the RNG
and the next thing I knew, I was maxed at 30 turns, with 9 more turns "Theorically
ready to be cashed in!" [11 Joy tokens on the board and enough sentiment to activate
the Sunflower for 9 more "theoretical" turns.]

This was just fooling around... I didn't have necklace (or Monkey!) so I couldn't have
won since it was Alpha Date 100. (Well.. probably closer to 350, but you know...)

At any rate, maybe some other people would like to try to see how many "theoretical
turns" they can rack up and post it! Extra points for having the necklace and more
for being able to cash in 100+ sentiment for the win! :steamhappy:
eristic troubadour 23 mar. 2017 às 4:40 
Hey allstars. If someone who happens to be a few dates into Alpha mode could message me about recording some footage, I'd hella appreciate it, homies.
Winter Raven 15 mar. 2017 às 20:00 
Congatulations Joe for setting the new sentiment recoed of 540 ! :hp_kyu:
Winter Raven 3 out. 2016 às 6:51 
Congratulations Battlezoby our latest player of the week for setting a new sentiment record of 535 (538) ! :hp_kyu:
Winter Raven 27 ago. 2016 às 15:11 
Congratulations 10-inch Matt, player of the week for setting a new sentiment record of 469 !
Winter Raven 16 jul. 2016 às 16:44 
Congratulations Battlezoby, for setting a new sentiment record of 419 !!! :hp_kyu:
colton naab smokes cigs 6 jul. 2016 às 21:31 
Thank you for the invite to the group
Winter Raven 16 jun. 2016 às 6:08 
Congratulations Battlezoby, player of the week for posting 2 very high sentiment screen shots.
Tomo 3 jun. 2016 às 16:20 
Woot! :hp_aiko:
Alberto116 3 jun. 2016 às 16:20 
Happy 100 members guys!
Winter Raven 31 mai. 2016 às 6:01 
Congratulations Zonijo, player of the week for posting a screen shot of an unbelievible 365 sentiment from one date!
Zonijo 31 mai. 2016 às 1:23 
100 Members Hype! :cinnamon:
Mastema 30 mai. 2016 às 21:37 
100 members??
Are we going to have a party :cinnamon2:
Winter Raven 19 mai. 2016 às 15:29 
Congratulations Taydecaixx, player of the week for posting a screen shot of a 170 sentiment date.
Zonijo 14 mai. 2016 às 16:21 
Challenge Accepted :papyrus:
Winter Raven 14 mai. 2016 às 7:47 
There are 6 challenges all together, they are described in the discussions. Try some others if you like. The one I can't beat is Rage's sentiment record. Not counting yours, but I haven't tried yet. That one I have tried dozens of times without sucess.
Zonijo 14 mai. 2016 às 7:15 
Thank you so much man! If you come up with any more Unique challenges, Let me know. Any excuse to play more Hunipop haha :hp_tiffany:
Winter Raven 14 mai. 2016 às 5:43 
Congratulations Zonijo, our player of the week for completing and posting a new record for the 5th HuniePop challenge.
Zonijo 30 abr. 2016 às 7:12 
Cheers for the invite homie :hp_audrey:
[TBR] ZeTROU 22 abr. 2016 às 15:26 
Thanks for the add :hp_kyu:
Bumble 22 abr. 2016 às 14:54 
Thanks for the invite :hp_beli:
Winter Raven 20 abr. 2016 às 12:34 
Congratulations AxtionBastrd42, player of the week for concieving of and completeing the "Pickup Legend Extreme Challenge". It is described in the discussions.
ShadowKillerT13 8 abr. 2016 às 6:31 
Thanks for the invite :)