Honey Badger Radio: Gamers with Bite hbradio
Honey Badger Radio: Gamers with Bite hbradio
25 Δεκεμβρίου 2014
ΠΕΡΙ Honey Badger Radio: Gamers with Bite

The Official Honey Badger Radio Steam Group!

The Honey Badger Brigade is a collective of artists, techies and frothing lunatics that spawns radio shows, podcasts, animations, illustrations, comedy, comics, fiction and other brainchildren.

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Honey Badger Radio 16: Angry White Men
Air Conditioning is Sexist

In a recent interview, Journalist Radhika Sanghani of the telegraph suggested that Air Conditioning was sexist. So while people in 3rd world countries are dying of heat stroke, Miss Sanghani is saying that her workplace being too cold is a sign of patriarchial oppression. It doesn’t stop there because in her infinite entitlement, she believes that it’s practically her right to be able to comfortably wear fashionable attire in a professional environment. So while there are men working in 90 degree weather, she is being given air time to complain about having to put on a sweater.

Women hilariously try to street harass men

A salon.com article suggests that men don’t understand how street harrassment makes women feel, and that they never will. This comes after a failed social experiment, where two female comedians decided to street harrass men by saying offensive things to them. The results were hilarious. Because most of the men laughed it off, or were down right into it. With the women saying things like, “I love your ♥♥♥♥, ” and “nice balls,” in their ears. I mean who knew that men might take those things as a compliment or find it utterly hilarious.


A campaign to recruit more engineers, spawned a twitter hashtag after a woman featured in the advertisement became offended by two comments on facebook. The comments in question suggested that the woman in question, Isis Wenger was too attractive to be believable, and that it seemed unlikely that the quote reflected her actual views about her team.

So feeling particularly offended, she started the hashtag, #ilooklikeanengineer, to show people that she does in fact look like an engineer, encouraging engineers to post pictures of themselves. Which had the unintended effect of poking holes in the idea that engineering is male dominated and not diverse enough.

Amherst college denies wrong doing in expulsion of male rape victim

In a previous story, we mentioned the story of a male student who was sexually assaulted while passed out. This student was then accused of assaulting his rapist on the night he was passed out, two years later. He’s decided to sue the school after being wrongfully expelled.

But the newest turn in this case, is that Amherst college is now trying to downplay the damning text messages which suggest that he had been the one assaulted that night. Furthermore they are going so far as to blame him for not defending himself better within the alotted time frame.

*clarification: Previously it was stated that the woman in question was his girlfriend. When in fact the woman in question was his girlfriend’s roommate. The girl in question proceeded to have sex with another man, mere hours after assaulting John Doe while he was passed out.

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NerdRevolt 24: Red Pill Science
The red Red Pill phenomena in science and society
by Steampunk Physics

“Science progresses one funeral at a time” – Max Planck

In Thomas Kuhn’s well-known landmark work, “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” he pointed out a cycle of development and the primary component he called “regular science” in which knowledge accumulates in linear progression of axioms built one upon another through observation and experimentation but this process is then regularly punctuated by periods of upheaval in which all the previous knowledge is cast in a new light and the whole map of connections is destroyed and re-written to begin the cycle again.

Steampunk Physics
by Steampunk Physics

Steampunk physics is a project to use entertainment for education about the neoclassical revolution underway currently in physics. While it is almost a universally accepted fact that there is a need for revolution in modern physics, those who step outside the bounds defined by current orthodoxy are severely punished.

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45 σχόλια
MyewCow 13 Μαϊ 2017, 10:19 
Hi everyone. Just joined...and now I'm off to work :)
Ren 15 Αυγ 2016, 21:41 
Hello people o uo
Stack 10 Δεκ 2015, 15:31 
Farnadir 1 Νοε 2015, 4:05 
beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeny 31 Οκτ 2015, 15:39 
It was! :^)
Tyranocif 31 Οκτ 2015, 8:35 
Last night playing L4D2 with SourGrape and Ben was a helluva fun time! What a successful time all around.
25 Δεκεμβρίου 2014