STEAM グループ
STEAM グループ
Vatican City State (Holy See) 
girl gamers are gamers too
Find the girl gamer: 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 - Can't do it? That's because, they're humans too and were all the same. Copy and paste this as your status if you support girl gamers.
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76-90 / 118 のコメントを表示
Eggnog の投稿を引用:
SuperCarrot555 の投稿を引用:

Totally agree with you! Everyone is equal!
except women
No. EVERYONE is equal, INCLUDING women!
SuperCarrot555 の投稿を引用:
Eggnog の投稿を引用:
except women
No. EVERYONE is equal, INCLUDING women!
except women
Mochi 2017年7月4日 13時20分 
>>ASK<< SuperCarrot555 の投稿を引用:
Eggnog の投稿を引用:
except women
No. EVERYONE is equal, INCLUDING women!
except women
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer の投稿を引用:
SuperCarrot555 の投稿を引用:
No. EVERYONE is equal, INCLUDING women!
except women

Mochi の投稿を引用:
>>ASK<< SuperCarrot555 の投稿を引用:
No. EVERYONE is equal, INCLUDING women!
except women
What actual reason do you have for saying that? I'd like to hear your opinions
Mochi 2017年7月24日 19時18分 
SuperCarrot555 の投稿を引用:
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer の投稿を引用:
except women

Mochi の投稿を引用:
except women
What actual reason do you have for saying that? I'd like to hear your opinions
pee your pants
Carrot 2017年7月25日 20時35分 
Mochi の投稿を引用:
SuperCarrot555 の投稿を引用:

What actual reason do you have for saying that? I'd like to hear your opinions
pee your pants
This is the most divided controversy I have ever seen
no they can't be gamers, sorry ;^)
Carrot 2017年8月13日 17時29分 
Sheckla の投稿を引用:
no they can't be gamers, sorry ;^)
And why is that?
Find the girl gamer: 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 Can't do it?
That's because they are all guys, girls can't be gamers
最近の変更はPowerbreadが行いました; 2017年10月25日 10時49分
Cherry 2017年10月30日 9時13分 
But thats wrong kiddo-
jimo 2017年10月31日 11時57分 
its cuz they are busy playing candy crush because mario was too scary:trump:
scientificly inacuarate mens omoplates are more straight when womens ones are more curved so you are showing only men :D
最近の変更はCelestiteが行いました; 2017年12月17日 16時38分
Cherry 2017年12月18日 6時15分 
Celestite の投稿を引用:
scientificly inacuarate mens omoplates are more straight when womens ones are more curved so you are showing only men :D
u foking wot
girls arent even real what the heck ???????
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76-90 / 118 のコメントを表示
ページ毎: 1530 50