Gamer Source Gaming Mates @ gsofficial
Gamer Source Gaming Mates @ gsofficial
2017. április 21.
A(Z) Gamer Source Gaming Mates CSOPORTRÓL

Official Gamer Source Steam Group

Welcome to Gamer Source Group

Your Source for AWESOME Gaming Partners and Giveaways !

fell lonely playing alone ?, you've come to the right place cause we sure do a lot of friendly member that you can play with ! And we held a awesome giveaways too !. Sometimes we do it with no reasons whatsoever, for the sake of you guys! Invite your friends for higher chances of winning and good luck!

General Rules

1. All members including officers must follow the rules.
2. Be friendly to other members. Don't fight, insult, etc. Respect each other.
3. Don't send troll offers.
4. Do not spam.
5. Never advertise unless you have my permission!
6. Most importantly, Have Fun!


We will soon hold various events on our new and upcoming server. Stay tuned

Gamer Source Fanspage Growing Event
( )

Every time we reach out our Facebook Fanspage Gamer Source LIKE and steam group member goal, we will do giveaways for all of the members in this group. Rarity of each prize depending on the how much Fanspage like and member in this group ofc. I'd drop the Fanspage link up there, so you guys can find the Fanspage easily and hit the like button :)

Gamer Source LIKE Goal

30 like and member ✓
500 like and member
1 500 like and member
3 000 like and member
5 000 like and member
8 000 like and member
10 000 like and member
20 000 likeand member


How do find the winner?
>We use a website called

How do I win giveaways?
>Win giveaways by simply commenting on the "announcement" and you'll earn a slot. Invite your friends to this group to earn additional slots for higher chances of winning. giveaway will start and held when Gamer Source Facebook Fanspage reach out the Like goal.

How do I help this group out?
>Help this group out by donating, inviting your friends. All donations will be greatly appreciated. To donate, please contact Gamer Source owner,

We Always Try to be a part and take an Act in Internasional Gaming Industry :)

Facebook Fanspage[]
Line@ circle[]
Gamer Source Fanspage and Website is Abnormally Growing and Its Show Massive Devlopement
Report to all of us here
Me, Neko as the owner of Gamer Source Media proudly will inform to all you guys about Gamer Source Media Devlopment.

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Nekoturnal eredeti hozzászólása:
Guys, I just want to say thanks

Realy, Thanks a lot for always supporting us with your deep support, I realy appreciate it, And FYI our Fanspage is hitting ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 40k number Follower and its still growing, last development report i said 2k follower and in several month now it hit 40k. could you guys believe it ? xD no joke, no pranks. it lit pure 40k

And yeah the post engagement reach in our Facebook is show some abnormal devlopment too , we always reach at least 2k like and at least 50 comment every time we post information, this way abnormally better than our first kickstarter back in Juny..

Our website too.. man i just cant believe it, each day we get like 200 traffic/day and maybe more, oh yeah i forgot to mention here that we have a web site now. here the domain : , it still early access site, so there could be a not responsible feature there. maybe in last quarter of 2018 it will be leave the early access status, and became live 100%

Tricks ? no tricks needed to achieve this. The only things why this all happen because of your deep support from you guys, thanks :D even just a thanks feeling doesnt enought to give to u guys kindess :') beside that i must admit too, im really focusing doin development on our 3 network ( website, facebook, and LINE@) till im mentally hurting myself , lol. but now im okay, dont worry.

Is this proudable ? ofc dude. This is our hardwork, no matter what the result is if we'd our best, it is always worth for a pleased feeling

Without you we'll never achieve this super stuff. Thanks :'D

Anyway im so sorry that we never post anything here for like past 3 month, we happy you guys still here to support us, we just want to post announcement here to confirmed we'd still active in Gaming Media Industries, and yes we will open a discord server as soon as possible too, just wait until im done with my school exam and we will make the server on air with all you guys there :) !

Keep play joyfully with every game mates here, and sometimes if I online and you want to invite me playing, maybe i can join you guys and play for a quick game ! just invite me k :D

Last but not least,
Thanks you so much for reading our development report. we are an open company media, we dont have any secret to hide with you guys cause our hobby as a media is "expose a secret" tee hee~

Report end,
for previous report you can see it in announcemnet tab.
Thanks for your time
Neko, signed out.
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Free ♥♥♥♥
21 megjegyzés
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2017. április 21.