The Golden Crate Raffle Group ♜TGC♜
The Golden Crate Raffle Group ♜TGC♜
11 April, 2015
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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
General Moai 11 Apr, 2015 @ 1:17pm
Group/Raffle/Giveaway Rules

:csgoa: DO NOT advertise without permission of owner.
:csgoa: Once you enter the raffle, you can not withdraw.
:csgoa: Raffles are done with a random number generator. For example, the first member who enters the raffle is going to be #1 on the list. So if the random generator chooses #1, the member who is chosen with that number wins the raffle.
:csgoa: Private profiles ARE NOT allowed to take part in raffles. This is because there are all these named bots that try to scam or do anything dangerous. So no private profiles ARE NOT allowed in raffles.
:csgoa: If you want to participate on a raffle, be sure to BE A MEMBER of the group or else you won't have any slots for you.
:csgoa: If there is a hashtag on a raffle PLEASE put it in the trade offer section so you won't risk your items be accepted without giving you slots for the raffle you've participated.
:csgoa: Whenever you are sending items for slots, do not put the raffle item or anything else on my trade section. Whoever does this will recieve a group ban and will not be able to participate in any raffles or giveaways. There is no unban in this situation.
:csgoa: There are no refunds. Once you sent your items, its done.
:csgoa: If you are not escrow-free, which means no mobile authenticator, you CANNOT withdraw your items from the trade which is on hold. This will result to ban and possibly accuse you of scamming.
:csgoa: Raffle's winners will be announced once I recieve every participant's items. This also includes trades and items that are on hold.


:csgoa: If it's a comment giveaway, DO NOT comment twice
:csgoa: If there is a giveaway where you invite friends, you don't invite any but you say you did, you won't recieve any slotsand probably recieve a penalty.
:csgoa: If it's a chat giveaway, DO NOT spam the chat or else you will be kicked and probably banned from the chat.
:csgoa: If you want to participate on a giveaway, be sure to BE A MEMBER of the group or else you won't have any slots for you.
:csgoa: If it's a giveaway, you must follow all steps needed.
:csgoa: Winners are announced late until the list has been confirmed. Sometimes it can take up to 2-3 weeks. So stay pacient! Make sure you stay tuned to the group.
Last edited by General Moai; 13 Jan, 2016 @ 1:54pm
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