Full On Epic Dota2.FOE
Full On Epic Dota2.FOE
11 de octubre de 2014
Coarsehair 15 OCT 2014 a las 13:08
Team Hero Combinations
Anyone have any good ideas for a team hero combination? Please list them here.

Please follow this template:

Name of Combination
Hero Combination


Global Domination
Nature's Prophet, Bloodseeker, Spectre, Spirit Breaker, Guardian Wisp
A hero build that will allow the team to globally gank the enemy from anywhere around the map. Spirit Breaker will midlane (don't worry, the laning phase is not important for this combo), Nature's Prophet and Spectre is one lane, Wisp and Bloodseeker in another lane. It starts with Spirit Breaker charging to the low health victim which is seen by Thirst, then Nature's Prophet will teleport in and sprout, while this is happenning Guardian Wisp and Bloodseeker will be teleporting in to attack and finally Spectre will ult in for the kill.
Última edición por Coarsehair; 15 OCT 2014 a las 13:09
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Mostrando 1-5 de 5 comentarios
Coarsehair 15 OCT 2014 a las 13:14 
Team Wipe
Tidehunter, Enigma, Lich, Earthshaker, Crystal Maiden
This hero build will allow the team to kill every enemy hero in one fight if done correctly. Enigma will midlane, Tidehunter and Lich will lane together, Earthshaker and Crystal Maiden will lane together. The team fight starts with Tidehunter blinking in and Ravaging the enemy team. Enigma will then Black Hole the team. Lich, Earthshaker and Crystal Maiden will use their respective ults on the enemy team and it will result in a team wipe.
CaptAristo 18 OCT 2014 a las 22:36 
Team Chrono
Void, Jugg, Witch Doctor, Lich, Medusa(could be other)
It moslty depends on a well executed Chronosphere and then destruction inside it. Mostly a Late game build where Faceless Void needs to farm well so he can do some damage inside the chrono then if more than one enemy is inside, lich does is lichy thing. So on.
Coarsehair 19 OCT 2014 a las 11:06 
Midget Team
Riki, Bounty Hunter, Bloodseeker, Slark, Pugna
Basically you just overpower the other team with massive damage. Pugna mid as support.
CaptAristo 19 OCT 2014 a las 11:16 
Team Riders
Mirana, Chaos Knight, Abbadon, Disturptor, Luna
The team would be Luna and Mirana one lane, Disruptor, Abbadon another and CK mid. Pretty much destroy with Disables stuns and movement speed. Lots of roaming
Última edición por CaptAristo; 19 OCT 2014 a las 11:16
CaptAristo 3 NOV 2014 a las 16:51 
Team Anti- Melee
Team aniti melee will be the team lineup we should use against op heroes (void, PA, Ursa, etc)
It consist mainly of the well needed support of Omni Knight, the well and powerful tank heroe Axe, the soft and cuddly Enchantress. The silent and and cold Drow, and a strong carry late game like (troll, brew,huskar and this slot is open to change depends on the persons preference)
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Publicado el: 15 OCT 2014 a las 13:08
Mensajes: 5