Full Invasion 2 Full Inv 2
Full Invasion 2 Full Inv 2
3 February, 2013
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
[FI3] Maroon 12 Apr, 2016 @ 5:09am
Steps to Prevent Runtime Errors & Crashes
With the introduction of Amber the amount of crashes in Full Invasion 2 have increased drastically, sadly. This is because the amount of content in Full Invasion 2 has now crossed the boundary of what Warband's engine can consistently handle.
We've had reports of players with all kinds of computers having crashes, and some people with higher end machines are experiencing more crashes than people with lower end machines, or vice versa.

In this thread we'll list several setting changes that might help prevent the crashes, or at least reduce their frequency. The list will be ordered by the impact the change will have on how Warband looks or runs (so the first option will be barely noticable, while the last will significantly reduce your graphical fidelity).

After each of these steps we encourage you to test and see if you're still getting a lot of crashes. I personally only have followed the first two steps, and I almost never have crashes anymore.

If you're experiencing runtime crashes while in game, use the following steps to reduce the frequency of crashes:
  1. Enable "Load Textures On Demand" and "Use Pixel Shaders". Both these options can be found in Warband's launcher. Enabling these options do more to help the game load in the first place than help prevent Runtime crashes, but they're still important.
    Visual guide.[]
  2. Disable "Enable Sound Variation". This option is also found in the launcher, this time under the audio tab. Sound Variation is an option that slightly changes the pitch of each sound played, to make sure the same sound effect doesn't sound identical. Testing has shown that this effect isn't very noticable, but can have a major impact on the frequency of Runtime crashes.
    Visual guide.[]
  3. Disable the new Amber UI features. Amber has introduced several new UI elements, including healthbars and a minimap. Disabling these features in the options menu can help prevent crashes.
    Visual guide.[]
  4. Lower your graphical settings. Lowering your graphical settings can have a large impact on performance and crash frequency in Amber. Especially the settings "Number of Corpses", "Number of Rag Dolls", "Character Shadows" and "HDR Mode" have a large influence. Settings these options as low as possible can help prevent Runtime crashes.
  5. Enable the "Disable Music" option. Disabling music altogether can only be done in the launcher. Disabling music allows the game to focus on rendering the game while not having to bother with music at the same time. The drawback in this case is obvious.
    Visual guide.[]
  6. DRASTIC: Enable the "Disable Sound" option. From our experience, completely disabling sound removes any chance of the Runtime error to occur. The impact of this option is severe, as you can imagine, so we do not advise this option unless all of the methods above prove to be fruitless.
    Visual guide.[]

We hope that this list will help people who experience frequent crashes. If you have found a different method to help prevent these crashes, please let us know in a comment.
Last edited by [FI3] Maroon; 13 Oct, 2018 @ 4:08pm
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
Admiral_Sexy 12 Apr, 2016 @ 11:32am 
Windowing can also help but mostly preventing the alt tab crashes than anything else
[FI3] Maroon 12 Apr, 2016 @ 4:46pm 
Admiral, please stop posting these long, incoherent, non-punctiated posts. They give me a headache.

Running the game in windowed mode is a good one, it prevents crashes upon tabbing out of the game.
Meo 3 May, 2016 @ 9:59am 
"Disable the new Amber UI features" and "Enable the "Disable Sound" option" just why new mod? useless XD
Luthien 5 May, 2016 @ 10:35am 
I'm running the game fine with just the music replaced.. Strangely
Lindrhos 25 May, 2016 @ 5:27pm 
I crash every 5-10 minutes due to runtime errors. I have an overclocked GeForce GTX 970 4 GB w/ an i7-4790k and 16 GB of RAM. I tried some of the solutions but I still crash constantly. Also, I almost never crashed on Full Invasion 2.
Last edited by Lindrhos; 25 May, 2016 @ 5:31pm
Mr. Tea 7 Jun, 2016 @ 8:56am 
Kind of a joke this atm. I could run the previous version for hours (at max settings) without a single issue, now im getting constant runtime errors. My graphics are as low as they will go (without adjusting resolution) and I keep getting crashes.

I've disabled music at the minute and will report back after tonight.

I can't see how disabling music will help though?
Mr. Tea 7 Jun, 2016 @ 9:19am 
Well. I played for around 30-40 minutes before it crashed. You've killed the mod somehow in the latest update.
[FI3] Maroon 7 Jun, 2016 @ 11:39am 
Sadly, the runtime errors seem to be the price we pay for the additional content we added this patch. FI2 has at this point exceeded what Warband is capable of doing, which shows itself in the crashes. We don't know the exact cause, nor do we know why some people are affected by this more than others, seemingly without logic (some people with higher end machines like the commenter before you get far more crashes than some with lower end stuff, and vice versa).

We're adding a new system next patch that'll reduce the impact that crashes will have by automatically giving you the option to reclaim your kills and gold after you rejoin a server, but that patch is still a way's off.
Mr. Tea 7 Jun, 2016 @ 11:47am 
Originally posted by FI2 Maroon:
We're adding a new system next patch that'll reduce the impact that crashes will have by automatically giving you the option to reclaim your kills and gold after you rejoin a server, but that patch is still a way's off.

Why not just roll back whatever you added to Amber and add each thing, 1 at a time, until you find what the problem item is?

If the mod is just too large, maybe cut some of the content that is hardly ever played?

The reclaiming gold/kills wont have any effect because you could be spectating for the 30 mins it takes for the crash to happen and by the time you've reloaded, you're spectating again.

Edit: I don't mean to sound like a twat, it's just frustrating.
Last edited by Mr. Tea; 7 Jun, 2016 @ 12:06pm
[FI3] Maroon 8 Jun, 2016 @ 5:00am 
Because first and foremost, we're only working on the mod with 2 people, so going back to v0121 and readding every feature we worked on (Amber took about 9 months to make) one at a time, and releasing it for the public after each change will cost at least a year, probably more.
Not to mention the amount of complaints we'd get if everyone is suddenly pushed back to an older version that was far inferior to the current build.

If the mod is just too large, maybe cut some of the content that is hardly ever played?

Because regardless of what we cut, there will be people who will claim we killed the mod because we removed [insert faction/map/feature here] which was the best ever.
Regardless, we certainly will be cutting on some features. For example, we're not pleased with the state the majority of the maps in this mod is in.

Why is a new feature that'll help mitigate a problem all our players have be useless because someone is spectating the game for 30 minutes? All the people who are actually playing the game, getting kills and gold, will be grateful for such a feature. While we would prefer to not need this system at all, it's at least some sort of a solution.

And trust me, we're just as frustrated as you are over these crashes. In our eyes there's no clear cut solution to them. We can either roll back Amber completely, only release a handful of features and fixes we made for Amber and never touch the mod again, or we can continue adding new features and improving the mod, while hoping for the best, with the risk that the crashes will only become more prevalent.
Mr. Tea 8 Jun, 2016 @ 5:19am 
It might just be that the mod has eventually gotten too big :D especially for the Warband engine. I disabled music and sounds and managed to play for around 30-40 minutes again before I crashed.

Hopefully when Bannerlord launches, the new game will attract new attention and modders which could help you and the mod (if you plan on moving to Bannerlord) but for now, this is what we have I guess.
Last edited by Mr. Tea; 8 Jun, 2016 @ 5:20am
Mr. Tea 8 Jun, 2016 @ 6:47am 

I think i've fixed it?

I deleted the whole Amber mod then downloaded the beta and its patch. After installing the beta then the patch I've been playing for 60 minutes without a crash.

I've got my game set to lowest graphics using DirectX9 with no music or sounds.

I also noticed that I found a lot more servers to play on and my graphics settings actually had the HDR option to turn off which I dont believe I had before.

Any ideas? I'll test it again tonight when servers are really busy.
Last edited by Mr. Tea; 8 Jun, 2016 @ 6:56am
[FI3] Maroon 8 Jun, 2016 @ 1:13pm 
Hmm, strange. So you downloaded the beta and then the patch from beta to full release, instead of just the full release? If you keep getting no crashes at all, try to revert the changes one by one, in the opposite order of the guide (so first reenable sounds, then reenable music, etc), and see after each change how stable the mod is.

Your settings like the HDR are not controlled per mod, they are regulated for the entire game, so redownloading Amber should not have affected that.

I hope it works out for you!
Mr. Tea 8 Jun, 2016 @ 2:13pm 
Well, it just crashed there after around an hour of play. 60 minutes seems to be the most I can get.
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