Full Invasion 2 Full Inv 2
Full Invasion 2 Full Inv 2
3 February, 2013
Some tips on working together effective.
I've been playing the mod, and I can say that I've seen how satsifying it is to see people working together, and just how almost hair pullingly annoying it can be to deal with a game where half the team are a bunch of morons who try to play Rambo. But that's not why I'm posting this.

But I will say that teamwork is absolutely key to succeeding at this type of mode, and I mean absolutely key.

I'm just wanting to help new players, and maybe some old to understand how to better work together.

Now I don't want make this a giant novel length thread makes it sound like I'm just rambling or ranting on. I'll just make a simple list of things that could majorly help a group work together more effectively.

1. Sticking together.

I know this is a no brainer, but still, sticking together can not only help you not simply get overwhelmed, but also increase the effectiveness of your ranged firepower and use of weapons like polearms.

2. Use the features of the maps effectively.

This one also seems pretty simple to understand, but it's sad to see that many people constantly making the same mistakes over and over again. Like staying out in the open or not using parts of the map to your advantages.

Be willing to at least look around the map if you're dead and see what you can find about it. Look for things like narrow areas that can be used as choke points or areas where there's only one or a long way for the hordes to come from.

3. Pikes should be your best friends.

Now, I know that not only do not all the factions have a ton of classes that use pikes, but that they don't seem as flashy or glorious as weapons like swords, axes, or other polearms, but you should be more willing to try them when you understand just how deadly they can be.

Pikes may not do as much damage as a two handed weapon or polearm, but what makes them so deadly is simply their reach. And the fact that that reach could allow you and your teammates to create a wall of steel that can stop the entire horde in it's tracks if you manage it right.

I think I'll put a list of the classes that can use real and proper pikes tomorrow, and maybe those that can use the Awlpikes, since they can work kinda in the same way, only shorter.