Friendly Neighborhood Atheist FrNAth
Friendly Neighborhood Atheist FrNAth
4 октября 2012 г.
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Atheism and the Meaning of Life
So how many of you get this question from believers on a regular basis ?
Often I am asked "so what do you live for?" or they just assume my life has no meaning.

I was reading this article today. I think it is important for everyone to read it over.


One of religious believers' favorite questions for atheists has to do with our thoughts on the meaning of life. They typically assume that we must have a meaningless existence because we do not believe in their preferred gods. Not only is this the height of arrogance, but it reflects a lack of understanding about the nature of meaning, atheism, and all sorts of other things.

When we point out that there are no external sources of meaning, this does not mean that life is meaningless. It means that meaning is not something "out there" that we must find; it is something we have to create for ourselves. We accept responsibility for making our own meaning. This can be scary at times, but it is also liberating in many ways

Atheism itself is meaningless. Atheism refers only to a lack of belief in gods. As such, it does not aim to provide any meaning. An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in gods, and that tells us nothing about what he or she believes, values, or where he or she might derive meaning. In that limited sense, atheism is meaningless. But since atheism is not a worldview, ideology, philosophy, or anything else along those lines, I am not sure why we would expect any different.

Meaning Comes From Within

I am convinced that every person, religious believer and atheist alike, must create his or her own meaning. There are no external sources of meaning because we all filter the world through our minds. Religious people may claim to find meaning through gods, but they are merely imbuing religious concepts of their choosing with meaning. That is, they are making these particular concepts meaningful to themselves.

The difference between the religious and the non-religious is not that one group has meaning and the other lacks it. The difference is also not that one group derives meaning from gods and the other does not. In this context, the difference is that atheists do not find the use of god concepts necessary or even relevant when it comes to meaning. From what I have observed, we have much the same sense of meaning and purpose as do the religious, but we get there without the religious baggage.

For both the theist and the atheist, meaning comes from within. The difference is that the atheist recognizes and accepts this reality while the theist does not. In a sense, the theist prefers to externalize and personify the process of meaning-making by creating gods.

Отредактировано Logan; 27 июн. 2020 г. в 9:42
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Answering the Hard Question
“You’re an Atheist?! How Do You Find Meaning and Morality in Life if There Is No God?”

Atheists understand that societal ethics and compassion are achieved solely through human action. No gods will guide us.We can rely only on ourselves and our fellow human beings. We have to put special emphasis on strengthening human relationships and building more effective, caring societies based on cooperative inter-dependence. All we have is each other, huddled together on this lifeboat of a little planet in this vast indifferent universe.
Amazon book by Dan Barker

The Good Atheist: Living a Purpose-Filled Life Without God

But as a non-believer, your purpose resides in yourself; it is yours alone to discover and develop. It’s about choosing to live your own life for your own reasons. No one can dictate your purpose. You decide.

Purpose: an Atheist’s Perspective

For me, the major difference between the religious and the atheistic concepts of purpose is that the atheistic position leaves the specifics of individual purpose up to us. We get to decide what’s important to us. Atheism contains no demands nor consensi on purpose, nor does it enforce any universal meaning. There is no atheistic, existential reason for all human existence. Yes of course there are likely to be similarities that we atheists share: most if not all of us find evolution rather than creation correct for instance. But such similarities are simply a common by-product of atheism’s core and sole tenet, which is nonbelief in God. It is not technically necessary to believe in evolution in order to be an atheist.

Ultimately, all of us humans are faced with the reality of our insignificance in the vastness of space, in knowing that we live a mortal life and in seeing that we’re impotent to do anything to change that. Whereas the religious person in the wake of this realization turns toward the sky seeking God to save him from his mortality and from his impotence, we atheists need only look around us and recognize that none of this makes us impotent in the lives of our lovers, in the lives of our families and in the lives of our fellow human beings.

Intrinsic value is not afforded to human life by gods or by religions whose teachings belittle our mortality, but by the realization that we are mortal, that we are godless, that this makes each and every one of our lives invaluable: for on this little planet in the middle of empty space, amidst a vast and godless universe, our lives are all that one another have to share within it.

:teddy_talk: Depends on who is asking and how fanatically indoctrinated they are.

Typically, I'll say, "Golly Gee, I'm standing right in front of you. Here. Touch me. I'm real. Alive.
I sleep, eat, shit, work and speak English. Once I'm gone I'm gone."

So yeah, I sooo don't even bother doing any futile discussionz.
I'll end with, "this is in my who-cares book" and leave
:teddy_talk: I live for reproductive purposes 🥰
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