fishe luvrs fisheluv
fishe luvrs fisheluv
2022 年 7 月 26 日
目前顯示第 1 至第 5 則公告,共 31 則
fishlover81 will decide the next player of the week prove you want it and be nice kind and awesome

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new player of the week

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i do my best to bring joy to fish.. and I am happy to share my fish life with all of you.. I think fish are more noble than us.. they have one life.. i see how happy they are... and they enjoy life... they look up at us with so much love.. like us.. they do not mind the cares in their life... just like us.. if we love one more.. we will make that life wonderful.. just like fish..

I would really like for them to talk to me in the first person. you should have brought fish that do talk or fish that can talk.. how about a fish who knows alot about physics... or.. how about a fish who no. they do not have fish voices... they can only talk with numbers and sentences and so on. they dont have a place to hide..

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thank you for looking at all the wonderful fish if they do not look back please do not be upset sometimes they are shy.. in fact even if they do not speak to you this is also ok because they do not know you. remember that too. please pass this on to everyone and do not forget to look out for fish even if they look cute.. look out for the cute little fish that we do not have.. fish are everywhere in every city. goodbye bye for now

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目前顯示第 1 至第 5 則公告,共 31 則