Jurassic Island Farahael
Jurassic Island Farahael
14 December, 2015
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
Ray 4 Jan, 2016 @ 2:42am
Who are u?
Hello ladies and Gentleman,

I'm Raikan Aideron, Leader of the tribe Ravensnest.

I open this discussion to collect Informations about the guys which plays on this server. It should be for better communication or finding new mates.


I'm from Germany, my english isnt perfect but i can understand the most of it. I'm 22 years old.
I love to trade with others, build good looking stuff, with a bit theme bases buildings like one warehouse, a harbor, smithy, hunting cabin and so on. And not the put-everything-into-a-static cube.
Also i like exploration and challanges. In ark it would be going on the hunt just with a bow.

I would be happy if someone wants to tell something about herself or hisself.

Last edited by Ray; 4 Jan, 2016 @ 4:03am
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Timmy Woods 4 Jan, 2016 @ 7:17pm 
hey , i'm Voss Woods on the server :)
i'm 25 , live in belgium (the flemish part) and generaly tend to be the odd one lol.
i tend to make stuff as i would want to live in them irl, kinda like a RP person would but i'm not heavy into RP, i guess i just like things to be pretty :o
i have pdd-nos irl (a form of autism mixed with a few other traits, best way i can discribe it to people that dont know it is i dont tend to like groups at all, or voices in general since the main way i tell emtions from people is looking at there facial expression, like i tend to be confiused when people talk really loud since i take that as being angry ect, at the same time i tend to fly a bit around with my emotions like bi polar , being super happy one moment and then super depressed for no reazen, and while that all hapens i also have to deal with nonstop chaos that can drive me to stay awake for a few nights because i tend to overthink that one moment that dint make sence to me , like one guy that was a bit louder, to then reach to the conclusion that it was nothing.)
the main reazen i play games like this is just because it takes my mind of my own head, and (incase i have any) problems irl.
my life has 2 quotes that mean alot to me, one of them is from the movie fear and loathing in las vegas wich goes :
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

and one of them is from one of my heroes in history, charley chaplin :
We think too much and feel too little.

i'm a pretty odd guy overall :) but all i wanne leave in this world is the warmth of someone who cared :) so thats what i'm gonne be doing aslong as i can :) this server has alot of people who are kind and helpful so i feel like i fit in pretty well :) and i hope to return the favour to all those people

anyway that dragged on soz for that :)
hope u all have a good day!
Hello, I am Knotty on the server. I am 26 and live in England, right by Europes largest Army Barracks West of Russia, a place called Catterick Garrison.

I work night-shifts as a Baker for a Supermarket, which is most likely why I have only just realised we have 50 members as I usually play in the early hours (GMT). We do have more International players on the server, so I can kiss goodbye to <20ms ping when I was alone on the server during the early hours. But who wants to play alone?

Currently in-game I have over 1k hours on Ark, all of this time I have been a solo player. I am looking to tribe up with players with similar experience so that we could create larger building projects in a smaller amount of time, which at the moment I have several started and uncompleted. As an example I have started to build an "Ark" at 13 53 (my previous location), which I plan to store 2 of each dino/creature, 1 female, 1 male and both level 120, so if players are having difficulty finding a 120 of choice we can just make 1 for them. (Not to include Giga's, Mosa's and Quetzal's as why would we play if these were handed out). The gift of giving! You are more likely to remember that somebody gave you something than if you had to trade for it!

I have not thought about writing so much for so long a period of time now. It has been quite a release for me. Maybe I rambled on for too long, maybe I just need to socialise more, I was told working nights would change me.
lumi 5 Jan, 2016 @ 3:32am 
Hi, I am hazard on the server, Atm i am in the tribe of midgaard with 3 friends ik in irl thats including Chief, Spectre, Gabe, has in also a big tribe with other tribe mate's that are very kind, We live around between west 2 and west 3 (Not sure about coords) Kinda close to Xenobladers and Revensnest I am 15 close to 16 years old, i also live in the USA.

Also a big baby when i die, I freak out most of the time because of my anxiety disorder and anger issues just incase if i spam in anger and just a big bitch anyway xD.

Mean while atm i have just over 1k hours ingame and went threw many servers that went down, So far i am enjoing the server but a fear of a wipe or large setback is really there for me, seeming the owner Bingeee and the admin cass are most of the time active makes me feel a bit more secrue about it, anyway enough about me and this bullshit lets talk about what i got, A few dinos, most of them are for most of my tribe but i got mostly decent dinos nothing major i dont want to list them, BUT i finally got to the point in the game where i only go for 108+ I love taming and building and soon to progress thew to have a giant castle with 10 100+ giganotosaurus (<-- That i dont think will happen but i hope so!)

I have a good friend on here including, captian and a guy i ment who most of you know is bb or well Big boss, and looking for more! I am a very experianced tamer and can help anyone tame if they need some :)

And thats that :steammocking:
Last edited by lumi; 5 Jan, 2016 @ 3:32am
Bingeee 5 Jan, 2016 @ 4:45am 
Hey, I'm Bingeee on the server and I'm 23 years old. My name is Aaron and I'm from the UK based in Cambridge and I LOVE gaming! I use to do a bit of twitch streaming but I had to give it up due to work but I'm starting back up next week as I have built my gaming PC and sorted out 2 monitors and a nice set up! I don't really know what else to say:/ Oh I own the ARK Server lol


Flydive 5 Jan, 2016 @ 6:43am 
Hai, I'm Fly on the server and recently joined. I'm from the Netherlands, 25-ish He/Him/His. Also a Nerdfighter.

What I looked for in a server (and so far have found this to be), is an open and generally nice community. I've been spoiled by my regular Minecraft server in that regard, as most chats now seem overly mean/toxic to me. I mostly like to tease and be a bit silly in chat, but help out where I can.

I like to build (hehe minecrafter right?) and generally challenge myself. I will rarely accept help from people, but give it out in spades.

I would also like to have my GF on ARK, once she can afford a better computer or ARK optimizes their game for once. :p
Sup, I'm Big Boss on the server. I'm from New Jersey, and am 17 years old. I am in Highschool , and am an honors students. The time I do get to play is usually on the weekends and a tiny bit after school.

Even though I live in New Jersey, I am not a stereotypical New Jersian. I grew up mostly in Georgia which explains my tendency of saying y'all quite a bit, and my love for sweet tea and Barbeque.

I am a Black Belt, rock climber, and self proclaimed chef. I love dabbling around in the outdoors.

I am currently studying Mandarin and spent a summer living in Shanghai studying at a university.

I have been a solo player in pretty much every game I've played with the exception of CSGO where I play with my friends. Even though I'm solo, I don't mind helping out anyone if I have the capacity to do so. So if you need anything, let me know!

I absolutely love the server and our community, and can't wait to resume playing with everyone once the server comes back online!

-Big Boss, BB, Joseph, 何小龙
Wumbro 5 Jan, 2016 @ 5:16pm 
Hi, I'm Wumbro. I live in the USA and have forgotten how old I am. My computer is crap and have an average of 8 fps on a good day in ark. So that being said, I might crash, die, or miss a shot from my bow from time to time. Do not expect much from me. And I hate mondays.
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