eXoTic ViPerZ [~ViperZ~]
eXoTic ViPerZ [~ViperZ~]
Fundado em
27 de agosto de 2016

CS:GO Competitive Team

eXoTic ViPerZ is an uprising team . this team is solely based around the globe. Our aim is to build a huge family with members that support each other.

Group Owner: Twisty

The In-game Leader and Strat Caller: LRH

The Entry Fragger: Twisty.

The Main AWPer and Secondary AWPer: LupineHowl , LRH

The Lurker: still not found.

Riflers: Twisty , Yung , LRH

Support player: Muahn
Escrito originalmente por Twisty:
We need to learn different tricks and grenades , smokes , flashes for each map so i recommend downloading these workshop maps:

These are some stuff we need to perfect

  • Game-Sense

    I cannot really make this guide without mentioning the most important thing in CS:GO other then aim which is Game-Sense. I can't really explain how to learn game-sense other then you will get better game-sense with practice and also by advancing the ranks and playing different opponents. All of the game-modes within CS:GO will help with game-sense one way or another but other then that I can't really offer help with game-sense other then it will come with experience. The one thing I can offer is that playing against better opponents will help. For example Silvers playing Gold Novas or Novas playing Master Guardians and so on until you get to the top of the ranks.

    • Map Awareness

      Map Awareness if you don't know is really similar to game-sense however compared to game-sense Map Awareness is knowing where common spots are and how to prefire those common spots. But you will also have to learn how to prefire uncommon spots as well. The only way that I believe you could learn this is by practice and experience. If anyone makes custom maps of the original that could help please post in the comments and I will check them out and if you allow it I will post it here. So for the lower ranks and sometimes even the higher ranks you should go in a offline server and just practice prefiring and learning common spots on all maps that are in the active duty maps.

      • Movement And Positioning

        Movement and positioning is EXTREMELY important. The way I learnt movement and positioning was by watching major tournaments and watching professionals streams. So obviously I am suggesting to watch the 3 majors of the year. I also suggest watching streams of pros. But another way and I am sorry to say this so much but of course its practice. Go into an offline server and play on whatever map in the active map pool and just practice your movement in certain spots. For example on Dust 2 I would suggest going on T cat and just before the stairs learning how to peek the top of the stairs and the bottom of the stairs. So that when you get in a game you can clear those 2 spots. This also fits into prefiring mentioned in the Map Awareness section of this guide. This will take a long time to master but with mastering this you will be able to out play your opponents. Positioning I don't think could be practiced in offline because it depends on what level you are and I believe could only be learned by playing and you will learn it with time and experience.

        • Crosshair Placement

          This section could save your life or get you killed depending if you do the good things or the bad things. Crosshair placement could potentially kill you in game if you are not aiming in the right position. ALWAYS aim at head height. If you don't believe that you could kill someone while aiming at head height at LEAST aim at chest height. If you aim at their feet then they have a MAJOR advantage over you because you have to re-aim whereas they could have shot 3 bullets already and you have a fraction of a second before you are dead. This always happens at the lower ranks and you can see with lower ranked YouTubers and just by watching lower ranked games in the watch tab. If you think your crosshair is holding you back and not your aim then check out the crosshair map which is in the Aim section of the guide.

          These are some useful aliases that are safe:

          • Jump Throw Script

            Most people know about this script. It is a jump throw script for when you jump and throw smoke grenades. This is a bit harder to use but to use it you put it in your autoexec and launch CS. Go in a server, grab a smoke and press your +attack1 key (Mouse1 by default) and then put your "jumpthrow" bind button (Mouse5 by default) and it will throw the smoke at the start of your jump sending the smoke as far as you can throw it. NOTE: FaceIt tournaments, ESEA tournaments and any other tournaments may NOT allow the use of this bind. Make sure to read the rules of the specific tournament to make sure you don't get disqualified or banned by the organizers. I will NOT be held responsible if you do get banned while using this script.

            • The Drop Bomb Script

              This is the example we used before. This script is actually really handy if you are in a 2v1 and you need to pass the bomb to your teammate so he can plant. If you hold your knife out then press the button you will reach maximum velocity and throw the bomb further then you would holding the bomb. (For those who didn't know you run slightly slower while holding the bomb compared to the knife [unless they changed it but I don't think they did]) EDIT: They did change it or it has always been this way and im stupid. Please tell me. :) Either way it still has its uses.

              alias "bombdrop" "slot5;drop"
              bind k "bombdrop"

              Thats pretty much about it these are some useful stuff to know in csgo learning some of these is very essential, watching some of these videos or using some of these tips will make you generally a better player even if your aim wasn't the best

              (took forever to make so u better try some out)

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Fundado em
27 de agosto de 2016