Europe: A New World EANW
Europe: A New World EANW
2 lutego 2017
O Europe: A New World


Starting Year: 1500
Current Year: 1508

2 Irl Days = 1 Year

A new large land mass has been discovered by a man of the name Christopher Columbus. he has reported back to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella about his recent discoveries of a new place full of wonders and treasures. Natives were brought back from this new place to show off to the world. These people were even brought in front of the pope where he has deemed the conquest of these people to be acceptable

Colonist flock to the new conintent in order to create a new life. Prosperity and wealth appears to be the main goal of these new colonist, but there is a problem. The natives will not be so willing to give up there home land so easily. It appears fued between colonist and natives will surely erupt.

All over the world nations and empires are being formed and expanding. Many powers attempt to strive for greatness in this world and nobody has quite yet shown they are the top world power. Now they develop their lands, fight, and conquered their neighbors in order to become the #1 Great Power in the world!

Great Powers (Not in Order)

1. France
2. Austria
3. Ottoman Empire
4. Spain
5. Denmark
6. Poland
7. Muscovy
8. Ming
9. Mamlukes
10. Portugal

Current Map - Updated Daily Every Night[]
Starting Map[]
Taken Nations[]
Military Marching
I've asked the greatest thinkers, makers, crafters, past men and women who were on the last military programs to come together and improve our weapons, tactics, anything that they can.

Time - 4 Days
Investing - 310,000 (all of it)

May the great spirit watch over our progress and allow us to properly protect ourselves.

The Becoming - Iroquois Actions
We continue with our progress towards better militaristic opportunities. We don't know what may be on our path to stop us so we much be ready for anything friend or foe.
Investing - 50,000
Time - 2 Days

I have begun considering coastal farming and maybe finding a way to get a more plentiful harvest. I have asked our greatest thinkers about water ways and maybe things that plants tend to "feed" on.
Investing - 50,000
Time - 2 Days

Animal Husbandry
I have also asked that our greatest tamers/animal handelers begin seeing if we can keep animals close by without having to harm them in any manner. Showing them that a home can be made by our hands. Though we will not harm them in any way and if a way can't be found using our ways we will deny it and stop this immediatly.
Investing - 50,000
Time - 2 Days

I have also decided that to make our tribes happier to begin a contest of our favorite sport Lacrosse among all of our tribes within the Iroquois Confederacy. A nice sport to show that we can all come together and have fun. We could also use this as a way of bonding with any sister nations.
Investing - 50,000
Time - 2 Days

Finding a place where our people can come together and trade what is needed from our sculptors and makers would make live much eaiser all over. As such this will also help our makers and sculptors and might even help with gifts to our sister nations.
Investing - 50,000
Time - 2 Days

Total Costing - 250,000

Komentarzy: 99
Double 26 lutego 2017 o 19:39 
Im making it every 2 weeks
J Rock 26 lutego 2017 o 18:41 
Will the investment updates be every decade or?
Welshy 23 lutego 2017 o 15:50 
I am withdrawing from the RP, had fun but I dont have the time right now.
Branchie 22 lutego 2017 o 12:13 
I will be withdrawing, I had fun, sorry folks. The Turks will probably be rolled by Admins which will make things easier as well and faster.
Remagen 22 lutego 2017 o 11:53 
Good to see some folks making use of the Medieval 2 loop to handle battles, that's a sound way to end these conflicts faster. But, if you're going to use it, make sure you run it by an admin first so they can check you're doing it correctly with no loops by either participating and viewing from that, or spectating through steams viewer mode, likely the latter. The one for the saxon conflict is fine, it looks accurate to your unit set ups. Hope more make use of Med 2 in the days to come.
Kapitan Antarctican 20 lutego 2017 o 12:03 
Just fixed the "Current Map" on the group page, it is now updated to the previous update, I'll begin working on another Map Update 1505
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2 lutego 2017