The Eighth Race 8thRace
The Eighth Race 8thRace
6 marca 2013
United States 
Komentarzy: 173
Gravy 30 lipca 2024 o 5:41 
I can't believe it's been over 10 years! I hope everyone is doing well.
Mememan 25 lipca 2013 o 18:36 
Frake 1 czerwca 2013 o 17:45 
Kurt! Tell your wife to add Wooliersnake on Steam and I will gift her my copy of Stormlegion. Pixel was talking about it in Vent earlier.
EricV 22 maja 2013 o 17:52 
Guys haven't been online in a few months. Just finished basic training. Gonna be real busy these coming months but if I'm on be sure to hit me up!
QuickBunnie 19 maja 2013 o 21:28 
Hey folks, I stepped down from clan leadership, Razgorne and Pixelation have the group rights, so they can manage it from here on out (or hand it off). It's been fun!
Dark Michael 16 maja 2013 o 22:24 
So is this Group Dead, amd is there or going to be anything like instance raids?
8bitSeahorse 3 maja 2013 o 11:52 
i joined this group back when- i need a clan invite ingame.


i also have some legendaries for trade!
Dark Michael 13 kwietnia 2013 o 19:23 
TY for link Reflex
Space Monkey 8 13 kwietnia 2013 o 16:07 
The first episode of Defiance free on amazon
QuickBunnie 12 kwietnia 2013 o 7:44 
Done with exams for this week! Will celebrate by playing this weekend. Won't be back to full time till next weekend. Damned exams.
EricV 10 kwietnia 2013 o 20:27 
Everyone in group feel free to add me on steam! I don't bite and would love having more people to readily play with!
Dark Michael 10 kwietnia 2013 o 3:12 
first 15min of show, looks cool,
Dark Michael 9 kwietnia 2013 o 22:37
Glaucus atlanticus
Really cool looking creature, almost looks alien. Could be our 8th race mascot or something.
Looks like xerath from LOL or the Gulanee in defiance
QuickBunnie 8 kwietnia 2013 o 20:51 
Hey folks - I'll be away for a few days while I take finals this week and next. I'll get on when I have time, but its getting tight. I'll be back in game daily after April 18th.
HAMcutter 8 kwietnia 2013 o 11:50 
good job on the vid. I gave you a like.
SarcasticDj 7 kwietnia 2013 o 6:37 
Bonnie 4 kwietnia 2013 o 9:03 
I was hoping my infiltrator outfit was red so that it could match with my red dodge :\
Korben 3 kwietnia 2013 o 23:15 
I actually like the camo better than the red.

I've also noticed that with the Ark Hunter Rewards Hannibal ATV keeps changing from a red skin to a basic blue skin and back again.
PixelatedGlory 3 kwietnia 2013 o 21:38 
it was defintely supposed to be red. They showed the brownish version (which you all got) in one of the livestreams to show the model, but they said that the actual one was supposed to be red. Of course I guess they could have changed that after then and before launch for whatever reason
QuickBunnie 3 kwietnia 2013 o 20:48 
Yeah - I dunno if they officially ever said it was red, but it was certainly red on the Defiance website
Dark Michael 3 kwietnia 2013 o 16:03 
Just a tought, Wasnt the infiltrator outfit supposed to be red, mine is camo colors brown.
LowlyHermit 3 kwietnia 2013 o 9:33 
Any ideas why i still get patching errors and can't play?
QuickBunnie 3 kwietnia 2013 o 6:28 
Vent is back up - sorry for the delay!
QuickBunnie 3 kwietnia 2013 o 5:03 
Vent is getting some work done, should be back up in about an hour
QuickBunnie 1 kwietnia 2013 o 19:35 
Clan is up and running everyone, check the announcement to get your clan invites in game!
JamisonTheGreat 1 kwietnia 2013 o 18:04 
don't seem to have collector's edition items.
Dark Michael 1 kwietnia 2013 o 17:26 
Should I reddem or are they gona reset chars or something?
john88mic 1 kwietnia 2013 o 15:28 
how do i do that?
Callista 1 kwietnia 2013 o 14:56 
Callista 1 kwietnia 2013 o 14:49 
Make sure you redeem your Tier 3 Rewards CD Key on the website.
john88mic 1 kwietnia 2013 o 14:15 
hi everyone just joined the clan looking foward to teaming up with people and playing this game
QuickBunnie 1 kwietnia 2013 o 8:11 
Hey everyone, just wanted to update everyone with our vent server for launch!
port 14220
HAMcutter 1 kwietnia 2013 o 5:02 
Welcome Brother! lol sorry could not resist. At this point were are more like a mob than a clan. PVP wont be fair LOL
REDACTD 31 marca 2013 o 19:14 
hey just joined becaue of post in defiance group would be realy interested in playing with you guys
Callista 31 marca 2013 o 17:58 
Heh. I bought the season pass.
HAMcutter 31 marca 2013 o 14:46 
The wait...gah....playing Hitman Absolution to kill zee time. I dont even have the urge to boot up Firefall.
FullMetal 31 marca 2013 o 9:32 
dont forget to unlock ur arkfall codes :D
hope to see all of u ingame :D
Shedoa 30 marca 2013 o 20:34 
Thought this was worth sharing. Pretty funny Defiance review.
Kae 30 marca 2013 o 7:48 
All rewards unlocked!!
QuickBunnie 29 marca 2013 o 21:41 
Don't forget to vote for your preference for vent or teamspeak - thread locks Sunday night!
HAMcutter 29 marca 2013 o 19:33 
Ahh visiting the official Trion site fixed my issues. Thanks again pixelation.
PixelatedGlory 29 marca 2013 o 18:40 
Sign into your account at trion worlds, click the "apply codes" tab, if you need more help i'd be glad to but we should move this out of the comments section please
HAMcutter 29 marca 2013 o 18:29 
I have an account with Trion. Where do I plug in the codes? The only place I see now to insert codes is Arkfall codes, and I have all 120 of them.
PixelatedGlory 29 marca 2013 o 18:08 
you need to enter the cd keys on trion worlds either way (make an account if you dont have one). They are "working with steam" currently to start up the pre-load on steam. Trion's website is already allowing pre-loads.
HAMcutter 29 marca 2013 o 17:47 
Ok so I have not entered my steam codes anywhere yet on Trion's site. I have my pre order and deluxe code. Do i wait for a download option from Steam on Tuesday or should I enter my codes somwhere on Trion's site? Thanks guys.
JamisonTheGreat 29 marca 2013 o 15:05 
so went back into play Alpha and they opened the entire map, so going to explore :)
Burl 29 marca 2013 o 14:21 
Getting pumped folks?
JamisonTheGreat 29 marca 2013 o 13:38 
well higher end guns give bonuses to your class, but honestly it does not matter because i picked up 3 different sniper rifles which had a perk to different classes, so you can pick a class you like and the weapon you want, just need to find the weapon with the right perks on it.
Zaidith 28 marca 2013 o 15:29 
Thanks HAMcutter.