DayZ Chivalry DZ-Chiv
DayZ Chivalry DZ-Chiv
게임 중
2014년 8월 8일
United States 
DayZ Chivalry 정보

The Code

1. The killing of fresh spawns is always disapproved, but permission may be granted only when two other members agree that it is in best interest for security or is an IMMEDIATE threat (such as blows to the head or axing).

2. Killing of an ally is unacceptable and will result in a death credit for your victim. No matter what the circumstance (even if he attacked you first), revenge is allowed and encouraged with the use of death credits.

3. Hiding bodies is very much frowned upon, but in enough of a dire situation you may hide your OWN body. You may not hide others.

4. Always try and make contact with other player, geared or not, before attacking. This prevents killing on sight. If you see the player aiming at you or murdering another player, chances are they're hostile and you are ADVISED to attack.

5. When trades or encounters take place, it is recommended to have one man hidden behind the target with a closer range automatic weapon in case of resistance, and a sniper with a LRS above, in addition those communicating with the target.

6. You can claim items you want for yourself before it is found. This would be a singular weapon or item, in the end the team must be equal.

7. Always share ammunition and food EQUALLY. Selfishness is unacceptable. Keep in mind this does not mean one with a CR527 gets as much ammo as the AKM when divvied up because the CR527 is bolt. It's all proportional.

8. No lying, stealing, or intentionally going back on your word to fellow group members.

9. If you do indeed find a grill, you must rape her. If she beats you with a broom into unconsciousness you will be ridiculed and the victim of all the group's further raping.

10. If any of these rules are broken, the group will decide the severity of your punishment. Depending on the circumstance, the group can judge you based on additional information surrounding the event.
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Troubled Thrall 2014년 8월 10일 오후 12시 23분 
best game evarrrrrr lol dayz
그룹 멤버
게임 중
1 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2014년 8월 8일
United States 
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