8. September 2015
139 Kommentare
**Devtros** 18. Aug. um 16:40 
Alright thank you, sir! :cozytreshcone:
DorentuZ` 17. Aug. um 13:24 
> Where can I actually find the manual update?
Which version? There's just a slighly older one here and a small text file is used to check for newer versions: .

> Your shit in discussion is crashing me my game, so I downgraded.
So the 1.15.x version? That one should be pretty stable and any crashes are caused by third party mods. But downgrading shouldn't make it better?

You could try the beta version: . This one contains quite a few fixes, but also a rewrite of some stuff that I haven't thoroughly tested.
**Devtros** 17. Aug. um 9:13 
Where can I actually find the manual update? Your shit in discussion is crashing me my game, so I downgraded.
Skiller 25. Juli 2023 um 13:27 
Hello people! look at the noob cheater there as he played there immortal
Antynomity 25. Juli 2023 um 11:11 
Just wanted to say: Amazing work.
DorentuZ` 30. Juni 2023 um 8:58 
So reading that one description in a mod is "all the talk" huh? That setting is there as it was meant to be the default behaviour, but there's no point making that the default if people will disable it anyway. The idea is to make the kill counter unreliable so you cannot use it to check if you've killed some annoying cop you can hardly see (unless you wait a really long time). So basically just a setting to further reduce the impact the mod can have on your game play. But the summary of that is exactly what's in the description: "Use a randomized interval for updating the kill stats so it's even harder to use them to your advantage."

I don't know why I even bothered adding that as nobody will ever use it. The whole stats line was a mistake. It was just a test to learn more about the game when hardly any info was available. That's also why it looks like crap. People think they need it but it doesn't really show anything useful (by design).
E-102 30. Juni 2023 um 5:50 
Quick question, what's all the talk about "Exploiting Kill Counts" about? Like in DorHUD's "Update in Random Intervals" setting. Sounds odd considering that barely anyone plays PD:TH anymore.
DorentuZ` 30. Mai 2023 um 11:29 
It's in the hud mod. The option is called "XP panel style", because that's what it was initially. When enabled, you can show options related to this such as presenting a level up when this vrep changes.
PVT. PARTS 29. Mai 2023 um 12:29 
i cant find it in my mods list
PVT. PARTS 29. Mai 2023 um 12:29 
guys where do i find virtual experience for dorhud
DorentuZ` 18. Mai 2023 um 13:19 
It lets the character you play as cry for help when getting downed. Like the team ai does: "help me up."
E-102 16. Mai 2023 um 14:51 
What does Crybaby even do? It's description doesn't tell anything.
FrightFulPath© 13. Mai 2023 um 9:09 
no it isn't? it literally displays the option to enable disable the visual upgrades when you go through them
DorentuZ` 12. Mai 2023 um 15:30 
That's a vanilla game thing. Just press enter on the corresponding upgrade.
nj15neverdie 4. Mai 2023 um 21:11 
sorry for the late reply, I didn't look because I didn't think you'd answer, I reinstalled DAHM and everything worked fine
DorentuZ` 22. Dez. 2022 um 10:07 
I'm not aware of any crashes with the latest version. Can you open a new topic in and include your crash log there? See
nj15neverdie 22. Dez. 2022 um 9:06 
New version DAHM - crash game on start...
Crimson 20. Feb. 2022 um 1:55 
i lav paday :P::lunar2019crylaughingpig:
FrightFulPath© 3. Feb. 2022 um 20:28 
55zanaris99 3. Feb. 2022 um 20:28 
DorentuZ` 18. Okt. 2021 um 13:33 
I need to look up what I've changed in the past 6 months. Had to release the update to get the party hats in and didn't finish that part yet. The 3 updates from 1.15 are all small bugfixes, mostly to prevent crashes in some edge cases.
zneiksia 18. Okt. 2021 um 13:28 
Did you forget to put patch notes for 1.15.x to changelog.txt or were there no patchnotes added on purpose? Just curious, since I've gotten 3 updates now (currently using and there's nothing since
Midna! 16. Mai 2021 um 15:00 
So I'm having some trouble installing it. I download it and extract it. Am I supposed to also cut and paste what's in the folder in the base game folder?
DorentuZ` 3. Mai 2021 um 4:38 
Oh I completely missed that. Not really a question for the comments, but the vanilla isn't transparent. You can restore that by setting set hud_transparent_loadout_bg to false (or by disabling the hud mod). See
Xamer 2. Mai 2021 um 15:41 
probably the transparent background that lets you see the camera angles
FrightFulPath© 2. Mai 2021 um 14:27 
what do you mean by original in-game lobby?
DorentuZ` 2. Mai 2021 um 3:13 
Yes, but with a few small bugs. I will release an update when I find the time for it.
Bane 1. Mai 2021 um 11:54 
Is stable?
Bane 1. Mai 2021 um 11:53 
Thanks how to restore the original ingame lobby?
DorentuZ` 6. Nov. 2020 um 6:05 
Never had such a thing. Check out the other mods for this game on .
russkiy payder 6. Nov. 2020 um 6:01 
hey man i remember i used your old version of dorhud and it included hitmarker in it?
have you disabled this option in the newest release?
DorentuZ` 27. Juli 2020 um 22:47 
Group membership used to be a requirement so that I could communicate updates related to the mod. Since then I've added features to the mod itself that should take care of this. Assuming I don't mess up the in-game updater. Also can't be bothered to update all the old texts. ^^
CallMeLeønidas 27. Juli 2020 um 14:41 
Is it okay if I downloaded this mod without joining this group first? Sorry for asking this.
Kanuta 29. Jan. 2020 um 13:29 
Yeah i readed
DorentuZ` 29. Jan. 2020 um 6:32 
Why not? Did you read the post where you can find the download: ?
Kanuta 29. Jan. 2020 um 0:20 
i can't install dorhud and mods can you guys help me?
DorentuZ` 1. Sep. 2019 um 9:14 
Then disable the Overkill 193+ mod in the mod manager (options -> mods -> enabled mods) and your game won't be aware of the difficulty at all.
DorentuZ` 1. Sep. 2019 um 9:08 
Moreover, if you keep the 193+ mod then you'll easily see when a lobby is using the modded difficulty. Otherwise you'll have to rely on a welcome/warning message when you join the lobby.
DorentuZ` 1. Sep. 2019 um 9:07 
You don't have to play it. It's simply a new difficulty.
<Podolck.FoReVa>KpoT 4. Juni 2019 um 6:04 
add me
Daniel 3. Juni 2019 um 14:05 
Looking for active players to play. add me
DorentuZ` 20. Mai 2019 um 11:27 
Options -> mods -> advanced. If you have the reset stats and achievements mod.
Swodniwerellatsninegrvonvswerdna 20. Mai 2019 um 10:20 
Hello, can I close all the masks? Got dishonest achievements and now want to start all over again.
DorentuZ` 12. Mai 2019 um 6:16 
While that would be possible, it doesn't as it would only slow down the game.
Swodniwerellatsninegrvonvswerdna 12. Mai 2019 um 2:45 
Well, I think that anti-cheat will notice the change in the game files, and deem that it is cheat.
Luxy Lunaris 11. Mai 2019 um 20:46 
Well. I dont understand why replacing font/language files would be a cheat. It would not be one, I dont know. It would be stupid if it is.
DorentuZ` 11. Mai 2019 um 14:05 
I don't understand. What do you want to translate and what does such a translation have to do with cheating?
Swodniwerellatsninegrvonvswerdna 11. Mai 2019 um 11:42 
Hello, will the replacement of files be considered a cheat? I want to put the translation into the Russian language
Luxy Lunaris 31. März 2019 um 8:48 
DorentuZ` 31. März 2019 um 8:25 