Daft Punk DP
Daft Punk DP
11 September, 2007
Casey 30 Jul, 2014 @ 5:43pm
When and How did you discover Daft Punk?
I liked them years ago but I never listened to music often, But I got a laptop last year and at the same time Random Access Memories came out and I remembered their other albums and Listened to them all on Youtube, Now I kinda listen to them all the time X3, How did you discover them?
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments 24 Oct, 2014 @ 9:58am 
In first time I ear they music (i think it was Dafank) lone time ago and I was do not attach any importance, like eny others of them songs. Then in 2012 I was listn all Discovery and O_O it very like it. Then Listen erlier albooms. Even whatch Daft Punk’s Electroma. Then was Human After All and Random Access Memories.
Very Good Music :tlove:
UbeToro 29 Oct, 2014 @ 10:13pm 
One More Time, what a classic :]
Green Arrow 18 Feb, 2015 @ 5:44pm 
I saw a LEGO Star Wars stop motion video called "Battle Droid Band' that featured Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger and I've been a big fan ever since seeing that video.
Leen Quatifah 3 Mar, 2015 @ 12:30pm 
Saw the video for "da funk" on mtv and bought Homework on compact disc at Best Buy in January of 1998, I had just turned 12. For anyone who really liked Homework, I strongly suggest listening to Guy's previous work with Le Knight Club.
It was 2013, watchmojo released top 10 animated music videos. I saw One more time on it, and i enjoyed it. I then saw top 10 music videos of all time and saw around the world and loved it. I decided to listen to some more daft punk music before being taken in by the bliss i listened to.
Chemay 29 Sep, 2015 @ 11:28am 
... .. monkey washing a cat gif with veridis quo in the background. xD
Last edited by Chemay; 29 Sep, 2015 @ 11:30am
xDOMOWAFFLEZx 26 May, 2016 @ 7:29am 
I had a DSi with Flipnote Studio, there was a flipnote show five frogs singing Harder Better Faster Stronger. I Shazam'd it, it came up with the song. I searched it up and I was introduced to the whole entire Discovery album. I felt like I joined a new world when that happened.
Carl 1 Aug, 2016 @ 5:34am 
I had iheart radio for the Gorillaz, then I heard Harder Better Faster Stronger and soon many other Daft Punk tunes.
NightOnFire 28 Sep, 2016 @ 5:52pm 
I heard Stronger, by Kanye West, and really liked it. I did some research into the robots I was hearing, and found out it was Daft Punk. I decided to check out some more of their work. I had already had a positive opinion about them, from their amazing work in Tron: Legacy. I'm not really sure why, but recently something just clicked, and I realized how much of a fan I was of them.
I don't remember how, but I became a fan in 2007. Maybe because I was googling that 'Stronger' by Kanye West and found something about them. I have no idea.
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