Cut-Content Police NoCensorship
Cut-Content Police NoCensorship
23 października 2015
United States 
O Cut-Content Police

Informing you about censored games.

This group was made to help people find out whether a game has been censored, had content removed prior to being sold on steam or feature now unobtainable content such as dlc which was in a prior version.

Things I won't put on here are games still in developement, or games where EVERY version has the same cut content such as Metal Gear Solid V, and the Third Act which was removed due to time. I did however put MGSV on the list for censoring the NA pc version and not the NA console versions.
(update 12/17/2018 changed warning to informing)

Guilded Server[]
Still Alive!
I fell for a discord hack, and how it works.[UPDATE: Got it back!]
How it started.

It starts when I get a message from a discord friend wanting to show me a game he made. This was mostly how I got bit because most of my discord friends are smart and have either made games, are good at coding or otherwise so while normally a red flag this wasnt for me. ( cue embarrassing thread ).

I did was any friend would do and downloaded it (and while I noted it was a discord attachment, this is common if your handing it to a lot of people). I scanned it with microsoft defender (turns out its virus free! go figure) and I double clicked it [NOTE: this exe does NOT require UAC or elevated permissions to do its effect]. And since it didnt ask for admin privilege's I figured even if it was bad I would be fine, well that as a lie.

How it works.

My friend TRAMS MI who also got bit earlier on that day (and subsequently bit me) is pretty smart with coding and looked at the exe. Its a poorly written mess with 1000's of lines of code complete with copyrights and names of the authors, the exe at least for me was called Valley_Jump. It uses node javascript commands and will or should show this on the exe hover.

How it works is pretty simple, discords program is based on chromium, and this attack makes use of exploits in unicode to do a few simple things.
  1. It changes your email to a randomly generated email
  2. It changes your password
  3. Immediatly closes discord
  4. gets a friend request from a bot which does a verification of some sort

This happens in about 3 seconds. I WAS able to sign back in but I felt something wasnt right so I went to my profile and my heart sunk as I saw a .xyz email . At this point I knew I was boned. I tried to no avail to change password and do everything in my power to reverse it but its far too fast to do anything as it locks you out.

Yeah well it wont happen to me, I use hardware 2FA, yubikey/fido, long randomly generated passwords AND phone verification:glitch:
As did I :carol:.

APPARENTLY none of that literally matters if you are currently signed in to a desktop discord as changing the email and password can be done IN SOFTWARE with no verification or 2FA needed. All that happens if you get an email saying it happened and if it wasnt you, change your password which was changed already in the 3 seconds before the app closes and logs you out after clicking the exe.

Trust, But Verify.

I fell into this because I trusted a friend, BUT I did the fatal mistake of not VERIFYING it. What I should have done is before clicking it was to get in VRChat or any other means that is not likely to also be hacked and verify that this was meant to be sent to me. I trusted a friend and I'm sorry.:crykit:

Okay but WHY were you targeted or was this random?
Was it because your a furry?
No, this hack is furry agnostic apparently.

Was it because someone didn't like you?

Okay was it because anything you said or posted?

Well what was it?
Sit down for this one..... The reason why I was being targeted, and my friend TRAMS MI, and indeed ive been targeted before multiple times is because......

I had an early supporter badge.

You read that right, apparently for some ungodly reason accounts with this dumb badge fetch prices 300$-1000$ on a black market for reasons that baffle me. It means nothing, it gives you nothing its just a badge I got years ago for when I paid for nitro when it was early thats it and ive been harassed about it for years with people attempting to buy my account off me and me telling them no over and over.

Final Tidbits

Yes, this was my fault for trusting someone on my friends list and clicking a very spurious exe. I'll admit that till the end of my days. All I can say is that discord's security is swiss cheese if you are already logged in and simple non-escalated double click of an exe is enough to make it go poof with no asking of 2FA, yubikey, fido, phone varication or otherwise.

I feel that when you hear of discord hacks you never hear the why or how, probably because its embarrassingly easy for how it happened. But I'm putting it all out for you people to help you be prepared and to spot this and keep yourself safe. If I couldnt protect myself I can at least help others not fall for it, especially be concerned if its a close friend. Remember, you can trust something from a friend but be sure to verify it through another means like voice chat, facebook or call them up.

Thats it for me, I hope you all can spare a moment to report the account and maybe with some luck I can get it back. Dont worry about me, this isnt the first time I lost everything I'll be fine mentally, it sucks but ive gotten used to it you just got to keep on trucking and keep on keeping on.:steamthumbsup:

After WEEKS of fighting with support and finally hearing back from them, I got the email transferred back to me but the 2FA on the account kept me locked out even though it was supposed to be using my old 2FA. Something messed up somewhere and it didnt work so i fought with support some more they were able to disable 2FA since I think it was new 2FA added after the fact which overwrote it.

Long story short i got it back!

Cut-Content Police - recenzje
"This Curator is made with the sole intention of informing users of games that have been in some way censored due to cut, edited, changed, or overall modified content that is not simply a change in vision."
Oto kilka ostatnich recenzji napisanych przez Cut-Content Police
Komentarzy: 194
Z1NCENT*TradeSkins* 27 lipca o 11:12 
Need sugar daddy who can spoil me with Games and Cs items so you can have treat 💗💕
Pikemonogatari! 10 czerwca o 5:38 
All good man, I kinda reminded of this group when the recent Skullgirls censorship hits.
I'm still following the group curations :sgsmile:
Marusame 9 czerwca o 18:11 
There, did a news update for ya! heh. Not really much to go on but hey, its been awhile.I did miss doing the bit writeups but things have changed so much lately, people have been dealing with the world more so these past few years rather than video game censorship.
Marusame 9 czerwca o 17:29 
I just havn't anything to really talk about lately @Pikemonogatari. We used to get a flood of censored games but I think publishers got wise and are sneaking them in later after a game launches or not as in your face censorship.
Pikemonogatari! 4 czerwca o 4:45 
Man I miss Marusame's news updates.
Kawayol 24 marca o 0:51 
We are at war here. But we will win in the end. Godspeed, everyone!
Wejdź do pokoju
23 października 2015
United States