GRUPA STEAM csgobrutecom
GRUPA STEAM csgobrutecom
16 czerwca 2016
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
Wszystkie dyskusje > Dyskusje ogólne > Szczegóły wątku
 Ten wątek został przypięty, więc pewnie jest ważny
FooBar #1 19 lipca 2016 o 17:31
Free 5.000 Coins (5$) For Every video make !
Hello everyone !

We are csgobrute and we need some little help with advertising ...
What i want to mean with that ?
We want pay 5$ Per video (Created and posted on youtube )
We pay on skins or cois (5000 coins )

How many video you can make ?
How much you can :)

Example :
If you make and post 6 videos on youtube you will get 60$ (6x5=30$)

You will get payment after 3-4 days when the video was post :)

Post/share here your youtube video link or send at

Good luck !

NOTE : Don.t forget to share your refferal code to your friends to get more coins !!!
Ostatnio edytowany przez: FooBar #1; 14 sierpnia 2016 o 17:10
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 707 komentarzy
ZA WARUDO 19 lipca 2016 o 22:01 
Mr. Tepasse 20 lipca 2016 o 13:03 
hey i want to make a video but i dont have coins or skins so i cant make a video....
would be nice when you send me some coins for the video
and is it okey when the video is in german?
its no problem to make it in english but in german is better
Mr. Tepasse 20 lipca 2016 o 13:06 
i already used my free coins with the code brute 20 lipca 2016 o 13:07 
Hi i can make a video but i havent got any money, if you can send me some money on the site i will review the site
FooBar #1 21 lipca 2016 o 6:31 
We dont care what language you use :) you can make easy review and share your refferal code
Mr. Tepasse 21 lipca 2016 o 6:38 
Początkowo opublikowane przez FooBar #1:
We dont care what language you use :) you can make easy review and share your refferal code
but i want to bet in my video but i have no coins :D
FooBar #1 21 lipca 2016 o 13:50 
Hellodiogosousa60 ! Good job you will get on 3 days 5000 coins on your account
Try to make more and post to get more coins and share your refferal code for more coins :)

Payment : on 24.07.2016
n tem como faser video sendo q n tenho skins para depositar para poder retirar
DÜDÜK 21 lipca 2016 o 22:44 
5000 coin pls
FooBar #1 22 lipca 2016 o 17:26 
Hello ace/2 And EsErPvPTR ! Good job you will get on 3 days 5000 coins on your account

Try to make more and post to get more coins and share your refferal code for more coins :)

Payment : on 26.07.2016
Ostatnio edytowany przez: FooBar #1; 22 lipca 2016 o 17:27
FooBar #1 23 lipca 2016 o 16:12 
Vonz 23 lipca 2016 o 18:32 
Hi I will add new video but I haven't got coins Can you give me 1k or 2k please ?
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 707 komentarzy
Na stronę: 1530 50

Wszystkie dyskusje > Dyskusje ogólne > Szczegóły wątku