STEAM グループ
Competitive Sniping Mw2 [PC] CompSniping
STEAM グループ
Competitive Sniping Mw2 [PC] CompSniping
Competitive Sniping Mw2 [PC] について

The Official Competitive Sniping Ranks

Ranking, List and Youtube-Channel of
all Competitive Sniping Clans in the
"Official Competitive Sniper Ranking [PC]"
Link below.

Competitive Sniping Rules:

Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2

- Intervention
- Only FMJ or Extended Mags are allowed

Sleight of Hand
Stopping Power

Blast Shield should or Throwing Knife be the only equipment use to avoid accidents

Special Grenade:
Not allowed

Death Streaks:
Copycat ONLY

Most played Maps and Gametype:

Terminal - HQ
Highrise - CTF
Skidrow - HQ
Favela - CTF
Scrapyard - HQ


- For the following rules if there is a * beside a rule then it has been changed from the default settings. If it is not after a rule then there is no change to the default rules -

In-Game Rules (These don't change for any game mode):
- Player Options
Number of Lives: Unlimited
Respawn Delay: 5 Seconds*
Max Health: Miniscule*
Health Regeneration: Fast*
Killcam: Enabled

- Team Options
Spectating: Team Only
Wave Spawn Delay: None
Force Respawn: Enabled
Radar Always On: No
Friendly Fire: Disabled

- Gameplay Options
Headshots Only: Disabled
Perks: Enabled
Killstreak Rewards: Disabled*
HardCore Mode: Disabled
3rd Person: Disabled

Gametype Rules:

- Game Rules
Time Limit: Unlimited*
Score Limit: 250 Points
HQ Lifetime: 45 Seconds*
HQ Activate Delay: 15 Seconds*

- Game Rules
Time Limit: Unlimited*
Score Limit: 5 Points*

Side Rules:

- No hardscoping (A hardscope is defined as killing someone while holding your breath and/or killing someone while you scope is up for more than 0.5 seconds).
- No Jumpshots (Hardscoping while jumping)
- If a team agrees to a clan match and then leaves in game then it is a win to the team that stays
- The first game is hosted by team A then the second by team B, if it goes to a third game then a neutral host must be picked (indiviual who is host can't play)
- If a player commits a kill by any other method rather than a quickscope, it is a warning UNLESS the kill made a MAJOR impact on the gameplay (Then the map will be replayed). The second offense is a automatic forfeit.
- Before any game a lag test must occur (Set up a FFA and let everyone play to determine if the connection is sufficent - if everyone has a 3 bar or higher this is ok)
- In sabotage when the time limit is reached and no winner is found the game is ended and restarted but each team plays on a different side (i.e. play on top team first game, you play on bottom team second game and vice-versa)
- The hosting team picks map and game type first, then it is the oppositions choice, and if it reachs the third game then team A picks map and team B picks game type.
- only 5vs5 count as clanwar.
- A clan match is counted only if the leader of both teams is present. If a team has more than one leader, it is still ok as long as at least one is present.

Official Competitive Sniper Ranking [PC][]
Competitive Sniping Home YT
PC Competitive Sniping™ | 2011 YT
Invite your friends!
43 件のコメント
SammyySosaa 2015年12月8日 13時41分 
are you guys still active?
LawsonLion 2014年7月13日 17時10分 
Pretty new to the game on pc, anyone want to 1v1? (for fun?)
Bouriquèet 2013年10月20日 7時56分 
SEEK 2 vs 2 sniping mw2
all we have is time 2013年5月10日 9時00分 
Just came from xbox. was ranked#7 marathon(gamertag "Chillin") Free agent need team/scrim partners. add me up
Fl0w_. 2013年4月23日 15時28分 
Boujour tout le monde, Vous connaissaient la Restard The Game. C'est une communauté ESL, alors nous allons crée une section e-Sniping, est nous allons organisé des CUP,... Donc si vous voulez plus en s'avoir posez moi la question ! Faites tounez ! --->Personne a contacter: "limk54" et "JohnMcCullivan"
feral 2013年4月21日 14時18分 
Hosting Scrim Message or Join session ^.^
3 チャット中