Steam Community Market CmMkt
Steam Community Market CmMkt
12 grudnia 2012
Wszystkie dyskusje > Dyskusje ogólne > Szczegóły wątku
 Ten wątek został przypięty, więc pewnie jest ważny
the gish 12 grudnia 2012 o 10:11
Frequently Asked Questions
Here's a link to the FAQ:

If you have questions related to the Beta that are not on this list please post them below.
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 319 komentarzy
saints 12 grudnia 2012 o 11:24 
Will there ever be any plans in the future for transferring Steam Wallet funds to other sources, such as Paypal or a bank account?
weird trick 12 grudnia 2012 o 12:23 
Will there ever be an option to sell/buy things for metal?
HelenAngel 12 grudnia 2012 o 12:44 
Some questions to add that I've been asked:
1. What happens if I buy an item that has been fraudulently obtained by the owner?
2. Does Steam Marketplace history show in my inventory history?
3. Can users on trade probation use the Marketplace?
Resi ♥ 12 grudnia 2012 o 13:11 
Questions I've got
- Can you take wallet funds out of steam and into another money service such as paypal?
- What will you do with scammers selling ill-gotten goods on the marketplace?
- I assume that trade banned users will not be able to use the marketplace, correct?
- Will there be a limit of how many items you can have for sale at any given time?
- Will there be a way to add more than one item at a time into the marketplace (Say for selling items in bulk)?
- Can we have some cake?
gukingofheart 12 grudnia 2012 o 17:33 
How often should we relist an item..some items have thousands of listings. How do we get past all that competition?
Antrikshy 12 grudnia 2012 o 17:39 
Początkowo opublikowane przez alsoodani:
Will there ever be any plans in the future for transferring Steam Wallet funds to other sources, such as Paypal or a bank account?

I don't believe so. That will not be good for Valve.
@CmdrSchwegs 13 grudnia 2012 o 3:03 
Thank you for this great feature! :) I echo the concerns of fraud Helen and Risedntevl mentioned. In addition, will we be able to trade steam wallet funds with other players in the future?
I have 2 questions.

1.I am premium and I dont know why I can't make a sell my items for money when I bought the game by buying a DVD (A copy of the game). And I have been a premium longer then 30 days and not so long as 1 year. I bought it from a site.

2.Am I allowed to sell a crate 45 for 10$? Its not direcly my problem if someone buy it when it shows others that sell for much less?
Ostatnio edytowany przez: King Bowser Koopa; 13 grudnia 2012 o 8:48
KorDen 13 grudnia 2012 o 22:40 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Koopa Klaus:
I have 2 questions.

1.I am premium and I dont know why I can't make a sell my items for money when I bought the game by buying a DVD (A copy of the game). And I have been a premium longer then 30 days and not so long as 1 year. I bought it from a site.

2.Am I allowed to sell a crate 45 for 10$? Its not direcly my problem if someone buy it when it shows others that sell for much less?
1) You need to have any transaction (Buy ANY game/items/...) from you to Steam in 30days-1year AND premium in TF2.

2) I think that yes, if someone will buy for this price - (s)he must know what (s)he buy
Old Man Writr 15 grudnia 2012 o 7:11 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Headhunter99:
will weapons and hats be able to be sold

They've stated MULTIPLE times that they will be adding new items to the list of what you can sell as Market gets more widely-used. The plan, I think, is that just about anything and everything in TF2 (and from the looks of it, DOTA2 as well) on the Market.
When they will add these items to the sellable list, I don't know, and they haven't really been saying. But they will do so probably within the next month or so, if not sooner.
MikeyTWolf 15 grudnia 2012 o 12:30 
I thought at first "Oh awesome! A built in Steam version of the TF2 Outpost!" Then I saw EVERYTHING is A) take it or leave it and B) cash only.
Can we please have second side of the market for bartering only?

There are a few major benefits for this:
1) Cash is not neccessary, meaning I don't have to worry about finances: I just don't want this damn duplicate item I have 6 of in Dota, while I'm still searching for this one Greyblade to complete my set.

2) The most annoying thing about TF2OP is how people find your profile then add you. Since this could be HUNDREDS of traders trying to talk to you (or market to you) and the friends list is already neat, tidy and approaching 100 people already, I would much rather there was a Steam system that let us start a trade and complete a non-cash transaction without faffing about with adding and removing afterward. Offline transactions would be useful too.

3) It still feels significantly more secure and safer if there is an official channel that allows multiple item trades, instant feedback and integrated reputation systems in place. Steam wallet is already superior in the case a trader wishes to substitute an item for cash (usually because a better bid came in for an item in the original deal).
Ostatnio edytowany przez: MikeyTWolf; 15 grudnia 2012 o 12:32
guar 17 grudnia 2012 o 11:32 
Will this ever be expanded to include games?
Orbb 17 grudnia 2012 o 15:53 
Just found a pretty obvious spelling mistake:

"How are cross-currency transactions handled in the Community Market?

Sellers will always list items for sale in the native currency of their Steam Wallet, and buyers will always see Community Market prices expressed in the native currency of their Steam Wallet. For items listed for sale in a different currency than the buyer&rsquo;s Steam Wallet currency, we apply an exchange rate which we update daily."

Did you notice the "buyer&rsquo;s" ? I think a cat may have landed on the keyboard while the writer was typing...
A 17 grudnia 2012 o 16:42 
Początkowo opublikowane przez KorDen 32RU:
Początkowo opublikowane przez Koopa Klaus:
I have 2 questions.

1.I am premium and I dont know why I can't make a sell my items for money when I bought the game by buying a DVD (A copy of the game). And I have been a premium longer then 30 days and not so long as 1 year. I bought it from a site.

2.Am I allowed to sell a crate 45 for 10$? Its not direcly my problem if someone buy it when it shows others that sell for much less?
1) You need to have any transaction (Buy ANY game/items/...) from you to Steam in 30days-1year AND premium in TF2.

2) I think that yes, if someone will buy for this price - (s)he must know what (s)he buy

So you (KorDen) are saying that you need to have purchased an item from the Steam store and be a premium member in TF2?
Ostatnio edytowany przez: A; 17 grudnia 2012 o 16:43
Replicant 20 grudnia 2012 o 13:43 
How long is an item on the market? Does it stay until the user removes it or is it automatically removed after a certain number of days?
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