Church of Citatsia Duder guys
Church of Citatsia Duder guys
14 januari 2016
11-20 van 36 items weergegeven
I can’t help but be dissatisfied in the direction the server has been taking since the promotion of certain staff members and uncaring administration. 800 hours on this server and I still cannot justify my time spent. I have put countless hours into this place, spending sleepless nights even because of waves of micspammers being the only mod online. I have been more than fair with my methods of moderating on this server, and the time I chose to let the community have fun in a non-disruptive way outside of nomod but still not in main chat, I was demoted. Now I’m not going to go into details, because even though I still stand by the fact that my actions during the time were 100% legitimate, I still respect that one kid that spammed ear rape after I told him multiple times not to. He opened my eyes and freed me, and I’d like to thank him for that. There’s no feeling that compare to getting on the server once again and surfing while someone ass blasts a Five Nights at Freddy’s and not having a reason to stop them. Even though, when I was mod I totally could have let that happen, being that mods don't have any responsibility to enforce the rules, but facilitating controlled memes in the alt channel was demotable.

At this point we have to think: what next? Do we reevaluate the rules to make sure that moderators are no longer able to enforce them at their discretion, or do we establish that the owner should trust their staff’s decisions and have their back unless it is obviously the wrong decision? At this point I’m pretty fucking burnt out arguing with higher ups in an attempt to improve the server. It’s been a fight since February and I still barely have a foothold, so I will leave it up to the 3 or 4 mods that still care to try and decide the best course of action. Have fun on that slippery slope. And I hope that no more moderators that genuinely cared about the server get screwed because of vague rules that protect neither you, or the people.

It’s been fun, mostly. I hope my propositions are considered, because it only gets worse from here.

Edit: The real reason I don't want to be a part of this place anymore is because I lost the "Who' is more gay?" contest. Jk. But I swear it was fucking rigged.

NUgget wanted to show this to all. -JOe
Resignation from staff.
Whos More Gay?
Quick question.
It's been awhile.
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